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Thursday, February 18, 1999 - Page 12 The Rat's Web Double Feature (never can have too many e-mail Sarah Radice and Kristen Fraser review two new movies ANNE BUTLER addressest): FealUft!SWriler Hotmail http:// Shakespeare in Love is a de- Juliet." of doomed romance, with events lightful jewel of a film that is Shakespeare at this point is a in the play echoing those hap- So you heard about this In- Free mostly reliable e-mail, guaranteed to enchant even randy, rakish, young playwright, pening in Shakespeare's life. ternet thing and want to give it a used by millions of people. those who tend to groan and fall brought to vibrant life by the The climax occurs in an extraor- try,eh? What do you need? Well, However, it's sponsored by asleep at the mere mention of the comely Joseph Hennes. He is as- dinarily beautiful and powerful a computer and modem are good, Microsoft, so you'd be support- word "Shakespeare." It is a tonished by the depth of passion reenactment of Romeo and and if you're on campus you ing the man who's likely witty, intelligent, fast-paced love and understanding he find in the Juliet's death scene. need an analog or digital phone. Nostradamus' third predicted story that provokes the viewer mysterious young man and Or you could skip aJl this stuff Anti-Christ. to outrageous laughter as well as promptly awards "him" the male The supporting cast is uni- and go to a lab . .If you live on to tears. lead in the play. formly excellent as well. campus. you can connect to the Rocketmail - http:// Shakespeare follows the The two are drawn closer to- Geoffrey Rush plays the Globe Internet throughout the school by imagined romance of William gether, Viola falling deeper in love Theater's shifty owner, and Ben using a digital or analog phone More free e-mail not IUn by Shakespeare and upper class with the unknowing Shakespeare. Affleck gives a marvelous available from the Telecommu- the devil Gates. Viola. Played with grace and When he discovers her secret, both comic performance as a swag- nications Department. Check passion by Gwyneth Paltrow, of their passions ignite and a rap- gering, self-important young with them for information on Dejanews - http:// Viola is it woman ahead of her turous romance begins. Tragedy actor. Dame Judi Dench is the bow to do this. When you're at time: smart, sexy and strong. looms large, though, when Viola's imposing, razor-tongued Queen home you can call into the A free Usenet provider. She is enraptured with the the- father betroths her to an arrogant Elizabeth. school, but it will be long dis- Usenet (or newsgroups) are fo- ater, particularly with planter who plans to take her to his Comedy, tragedy, beauty, tance if you're more than a half- rums where people can discuss Shakespeare's plays. plantation in Virginia. and pain all combine -with a hour or so away. If you're off- anything from anime to garden- Ignoring the conventional The story of "Romeo and Juliet" healthy dose of action into one campus, or are interested in get- ing to the radio stations of Phila- gender restrictions banning is brilliantly interwoven with the lustrous pearl of a movie. It is ting web access at home, the fol- delphia. There's a newsgroup women from the stage, Viola story of Viola and Shakespeare's accessible to those who know lowing section is for you: for everyone here. I'd stay off disguises herself as a young man romance. As their relationship nothing about Shakespeare, and Erol's Internet: hnp:// though. in order to audition for a part in evolves and hurdles to its inevitable will make those who do remem- her idol's latest play, a very conclusion, so the original pirate ber just why Shakespeare is im- Fast and reliable Internet pro- Nonags - http:// rough version of "Romeo arid comedy evolves into the classic tale mortal. -c-Sarah Radice viders for the Mid Atlantic area. Direct connection, not as many PC Software is good. Free features as AOL, but a lot more PC software is very good. Free It was a typical boring Sat- tries to seduce the "good boy" char- football allows students with no reliable. This is what I've used PC software that doesn't bug you urday afternoon, so f let my acter by using a whipped cream bi- brain cells into higher institu- for three years now. to register it is VERY, VERY friend drag me off to the movie kini. tions for the sole purpose of good ... theater. Since the rising price of Yeah, draw your own mental wearing spandex and playing America Online - http:// movies has cost me a significant picture as to what that looked like. with a leather ball. . Amazon http:// amount of cash, I carefully At least the prepubescent boys Or, you could comment on Not so fast, not real reliable, choose movies. in the theater would enjoy that. Any the state of American public but one of the easiest ways to get The online book seller could Ihad the unfortunate oppor- self-respecting female would say schools, where they discuss online if you can connect in the save you money and will deliver tunity to see the movie VarsiO' otherwise. I - 'hard-ens' in class with terms first place. Has some features right to your WMC address. Blues. This movie perfectly il- Back to the "plot," James Van like "purple-headed yogurt Erol's doesn't. However, to order online, you lustrated to me everything that Der Beek. who is gorgeous on flingers." need a credit card. is wrong with the American Dawson's Creek, really should not Their teacher sidelines as an Tritium's Free I$P ~ http:// football obsession. try this Southern accent of his. He exotic dancer in the movie, and www.tritium.coml The Weather Channel This movie had enough cli- spends the movie fighting against continues to dance even after What can Isay? It's free, so Homepage http:// ches and bad stereotypes to the big bad institution of high seeing many students in her strip don't expect much. It's supported drive any competent, creative school football. joint. by advertising that constantly Get the weather, find out the screenwriter insane. The small town of West Canaan Or, you could discuss the runs on your computer. air pressure in Manitoba, even From the racist football has no life outside of its football pressure that coaches put on stu- watch the people there work coach to the overbearing father team. They all leave town to see dents, forcing or encouraging luna * through a web cam. There's also trying to "force his life" upon his away games and give football play- students to play injured or take The free part of Juno is only a sweepstakes to enter. son, the characters in this movie ers free alcohol. undue measures to win. e-mail (00 attachments), but it's were dry, predictable, and spoke They allow one of the football But, mostly, the movie just reliable, and fast even if you have Weird-Ass Site of the Issue: with terribly fake Southern ac- players to steal a police car, load it sucked. Don't waste your toput up with some ads. (fyou're Furby Autopsy - hltp:/I cents. with drunken girls, and drive money. Don't sit through 100- willing to pay, you can brw the www.phobe.comlfurby/ Because it is a movie aimed around the town with all of the pas- odd minutes of small town trag- ability to send attachments or to See what makes these little at our younger generation, Var- sengef!i completely naked. edy. Your time would be better sutfthe web. buggers tick. Just try Dot to get sity Blues appealed to our highly If you'd like to get really deep spent at the dentist, pulling an any Furby blood on you. It's a developed sexuality by includ- and philosophical, I suppose you all-nighter, or scrubbing your What to do When You Get There real hard stain to get out. ing a scene in which the most could say that this film is a sad hallway with a toothbrush. popular cheerleader in school commentary of our times, where ---Kristen Fraser Scenes from the Campus I' .;. , ~ , ... The Hispano-Latino Alliance s benefit dance for the victims of Hurricane Mitch on February 5. Above: A group of students danc- ing the night away. Right: Two spirited students and one very large hat..
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