Page 118 - Phoenix1998-99
P. 118
Thursday,February 18, 1999-Page 10 WMC's Channel 26 suffers from lack of student interest, viewers Ball at George Washington College and a web page review show, but BY JOAN FAULKNER last February. StaffWriler they can't find the technology There are even amusing cre- and equipment for the web page Do you know what your ations like "Wrestler's Delight," yet. school TV station can do for "The Eric Barry Show," and ''The The TV station gets a lot of you? Chances are you don't. Coach's Corner" to spark interest. outside programming. Suchoski Most students probably Rich Suchoskj, president of the says he "wants to go on to big- haven't even watched the cam- TV station, agrees that student in- ger and better things," but that pus station, either because they terest is a problem. "[We're] try- may take some time. don't care about the school or ing to get more student interest, but After just being revived in because they have just never lo- it just doesn't work," he says. They the fall of '96, the TV station still cated the channel on their remote have a steady following of about needs some work. One major control. ten. change is that the station is now Those who have never Suchoski and his crew have operating on channel 26, not the watched Channel 26 cannot ap- tried to build interest in the TV sta- previous 17. preciate the long, hard hours that tion in many ways. For example, Getting involved in helping the staff put into their work just "We tried to make commercials for to create new and intriguing for the viewing pleasure of the local businesses in the area, but that shows for WMC is a great expe- campus community and the quickly lost interest. I'm trying to rience for those at all interested trouble they have finding man- build that up again." in TV broadcasting or taping. power and student interest to Channel 26 does pay people for Suchoski urges anyone "who help them out. taping things, but they have to be want]s] to learn about video pro- Channel 26 shows feature working on their own personal duction, and the technicaJ side of school events for CAPBoard, projects at the same time. video production" to join, add- McDaniel speakers, football Sucboski is even trying to come ing that, although it might seem games, and area events such as up with new shows to film. Two he like a lot of work, "it's very ful- the George Washington Birthday has in mind are a Jive radio show filling." Reach Out WMC 2nd Annual Service Auction Sponsored by SERVE and Circle K Thursday, Doors open at 5 pm February 25, 1999 Auction starts at 5:30pm Auctions include: live, silent and fishbowl auction $1 per student $3 per non-student For more information call Jeremiah at x 8106 quarius (1121 - 2119) Gemini (S/21 - 6120) Libra (9/24 - 10/23) Aqua means water. That's no Don't fret, Gemini. Sir Mix-A- Hard drugs, commercials, Se xcuse for wetting the bed! Is there Lot isn't the only one who likes big attle rappers .... What's this at ope for you, Aquarius? Hmm .. butts. about, Libra? Think of it as a Me epends .. dia and Culture tarot deck. What Cancer (6/21 - 7123) ever that means. And, by the way tsces (2120 - 3120) Monkeys with car keys. What you have tuberculosis. This week, if you're happy (and else can I say, Cancer? au know it), stomp your feet. Hal Scorpio (10/24 - 11122) fooled you, Pisces! Fish don't I won't even bother, Scorpio. ave feet! Then again, they prob- I know, I know, Leo. What you bly can't read, either .. really want to do is direct pom. But Sagittarius-(llJ23 - 12121) you're doomed to a life of public "Sometimes you feel like a nut ries (3121 - 4119) service or corporate sometimes you don't," Remembe It'll take just a few more lines figureheaddom. There's still time to take your medication regularly f crank to make you really feel like for hobbies! Sagittarius. Leo. It is a great feeling. Out of ash, though? Go ahead and tap Virgo (8124 - 9123) Capricorn (12122 - 1120) nto that rrust fund, Aries. What now? What else? Gas-X! So you think these horoscope are mean-spirited, Capricorn? Yo aurus (4120 - 5120) sure do get awful touchy whe It's only a matter of time before o ~osc opes you're liquored up .... mu fanning rivals the beef indus-
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