Page 109 - Phoenix1998-99
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,' •• I "'/ ,.'," Volume XIX, Number 2 Thursday, February 18, 1999 Gamma Sigma Sigma new to the hill First Thursday brings campus together 8Y JENIFER SIRKIS New Edilor The first in a series of monthly gatherings Gamma Sigma Sigma, a na- tional service sorority focusing on BY AMANDA CLINE vided the organized speeches community service, has recently SwjJWriter which focused on the theme of become acolony at WMC. The so- Thursdays are no longer mere Black History Month and inspiring rority, which was started by a group workdays at WMC. At least that's unity on campus. The speakers also of students last semester, is the first what President Chambers wants. addressed the honor code, student of its kind to be established on cam- As he announced over the campus surveys, and the need for organi- pus. voice mail .' 'This is the start of what zational support on campus. "A group of us started the so- we hope will become a new WMC The which rority because we wanted to be part tradition." He was speaking of First followed open-rnic session issues to allowed different of a Greek organization that Thursday, which was described by be expressed. Members of the cam- stressed community service Chambers in the same message as pus community such as students projects but also focused on the "an experiment in communication Kim Bloc, Eric Brin D'amor, Jer- ideals of sisterhood and strong aca- and community." Held in Ensor emiah Kelley, Brian Hornbecker, demics," said Carrie Newman, the Lounge on February 4, the event and Sarah Radice, as well as Mary president of Gamma Sigma Sigma. allowed the college community to Grace Almandrez, director of Mul- Unlike the other social sorori- voice their concerns and share ideas ticultural Services, and Tom ties on campus, Gamma Sigma From front to back, Megan Drost, Meghan Humbert, Megan Martin, aboutWMC. Deveny, professor of Spanish, all Sigma is nonselective and stresses Amanda Cline, Carole Ricklis. Michelle Spry, Jenny Bell, Mary Anne Tyler, First Thursday is an attempt to spoke to promote various campus community service as the main Michelle Voight, Carrie Newman, Erin Owen, Kristen Fraser. "bring students, staff, administra- events. Only three students spoke goal. Any student meeting WMC's that Gamma Sigma Sigma is ap- Sigma Sigma function. tion, and faculty together ... to find to address other issues such as academic requirements to become pealing because students coming "Gamma Sigma Sigma is about out how we're feeling," said Aaron noise policies and drunk driving an a member of a Greek sorority and into college are more community girls that have the same goal, which Corbett, SGA president and campus. having the desire to participate in service minded, since many were is doing community service," said speaker at the event. Most of those in attendance en- community service projects may required to complete service sophomore Gamma Sigma Sigma To bring the different groups joyed the results of that gathering. join Currently, there are 13 mem- projects as a high school gradua- member Erin Owen. "The idea of together, limited space was occu- "I thought it was a wonderful bers. Additionally, students in- tion requirement. By becoming a joining a sorority was never appeal- pied in Ensor Lounge to accommo- turnout," said Dean Sayre. "I think volved in the social sororities may member of Gamma Sigma Sigma, ing to me until now because of the date over 100 people. Ensor did that there is a yearning for a time join Gamma Sigma Sigma and students can continue doing com- focus on service." provide enough room, however, for for everyone to come together." members of Gamma Sigma Sigma munity service projects while form- "We [the members of Gamma food to be served and a stage for Senior Kim Bloch enjoyed the are also eligible to join social so- ing strong relationships with other Sigma Sigma] just want to get out the listed speakers to deliver their diverse setting. "It's especially nice rorities. members, which is not necessarily in the community and help messages. to see the maintenance people "We hope to be able to work a goal of other campus organiza- people .... It is a good feeling to The speakers, all of whom were here ... I've never seen them come together with the other social Greek tions like S.E.R.V.E and Circle K, brighten someone's day and tum male, ranged from the administra- to any events." organizations on campus in doing she said. Additionally, the current OUT energy into something very tion to the student body. Chambers, Although the majority of people service projects," said Newman. members have decided that the so- positive," Owen added. Corbett, BSU President Kash felt that the event was positive. not Megban Humbert, vice presi- rority will be dry. Therefore, alco- Sophomore Gamma Sigma Wright, Dean Henry Reiff, and gos- everyone agreed that it was produc- dent of community service, said hol will not be a part of any Gamma Continued on page 2 pel choir director Eric Byrd pro- Continued on page 3 Addition to Lewis Hall of Science near completion Renovations to Levine Hall of Music are underway, plans are made for Old Lewis ogy and Chemistry departments enough hood space for ventilation, moving their offices and labs over and student experiments involving Soon it will all be over. Con- in the summer. If everything goes dangerous chemicals will now be struction on the new addition to according to plan the new addition safer. But the biggest need for the Lewis Hall is scheduled to be com- should be in use for the Fall 1999 new space is the general old age of pleted on May 31, with the Biol- semester. Lewis. The old lab rooms do not The new wing cost $13.5 mil- have enough outlets; they do not lion to build. $3.5 million of this have enough storage space; and the came from a grant given to the col- internet access to them is poor. One lege by the state of Maryland. An- addition is the Student 'e·j!lj"I§"t.I.¢ fI other $6 million has come from interesting Areas, personal work Research Campus Equality: Are we there donations by alumni, foundations space for those students who are yet? Lisa Dele- VanAuken and such as the Kresge Foundation who conducting or working with profes- Danielle Loiacono take a look. recently contributed $600,000, and sors on research. '",Plli .J corporate Martin. Baltimore such Gas as Renovations of Levine, the contributors Lockheed Where does all our money go? and Electric, and First National music building, are also recently underway. facilities It will include Rich Suchoski explores the topic Bank of Maryland. "If they can that will be available to all the cam- of institutional spending. help improve the students' scien- Construction Of! the addition 10 Lewis Hall of Science continues to pus music groups. No date for tific abilities, then the whole state progress. II is expected to be finished by May 1999. Sports 15 will ultimately benefit," Richard left to be raised. "It's going to be a Both the Chemistry and Biol- completion has been set yet, but it will definitely be open by Spring Kief, vice-president of Institutional Scoreboard: Get the slats on all challenge," said Kief. The college ogy departments are happy with the '99. A renovation of the old rooms your favorite Green Terror play- Advancement, said of the corporate plans to get more alumni contribu- move. The old lab space doesn't in Lewis for the Physics and Math donors. tions and foundation grants to make provide adequate ventilation. The departments is being planned. There is still about $4 million up the difference. new labs will be equipped with
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