Page 112 - Phoenix1998-99
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Thursday, February 18, 1999 - Page 4 NEWS Glendening State of the State Daewoo What to do in address targets education February: markets new OUf economical car Black Maryland I1Y VINCE CHF..sNEY may college." [funding] would indirectly assist in state "a direct of Mathematics, increase Graduate Assistant school colleges and universities History see an II % increase in aid from the state. Gov. private Although the proposal would only affect toward students In his fifth State of the State address, schools indirectly, stu- "individual Glendening announced for new scholarship an education Month Parris million proposal increase that was highlighted by a dents The may be eligible scholarship, which motorists One new automaker encouraging news for (NAPS) - There's money," said Vandrey. package a bumpy who may find car buying $15 scholarship in new believes HOPE road. this pro- Events money. The catch: will be written not private, col- Glendening wants to expand, aids students cess should be worry-free and is targeting public, funding. leges would receive the proposed after gradu- students college strategy. who pledge to teach in Maryland in their marketing into a bill and ation. The package has arrived a Korean automaker, Daewoo, sent to Maryland's House and Senate. After Currently HOPE covers science and tech- on these shores with three new automobiles Western Maryland College will host crossing back and forth between the two leg- nology students .. "I dream of a day when and a unique marketing program called con- activities throughout February in rec- islative bodies, both the House and Senate every child in Maryland enters high school sumer direct selling - a one-price "no- ognition of Black History Month, in- would vote on the potentially revised draft. knowing that "the doors of college will be haggle" car buying experience. cluding a gospel jubilee and a soul food "In late March or April, if the bill isn't de- open if they work hard, get good grades, and The three 1999 models making their U.S. dinner. feated, a law may go into effect," said Don are willing to work in Maryland," debuts are: The events are open to the public Vandrey, the Governor's assistant press sec- Glendening said. and are sponsored by the Black Student retary. Renovations Proposed of-the -The Leganza. a powerful, sedan elegant top- that sells midsize line luxury, Union, the College Activities Program- "It's hard to say how much money we'll A $1 billion four-year plan to renovate from $14,540 to $18.660. ming Board, and the Office of Multi- end up with," said WMC Treasurer Art schools at all levels was also announced. -Nubira, a roomy compact that retails cultural Student Services. All of the ac- Wisner. He explained that determining an "About two private schools per year get from $12,250 to $14,960. tivities are free, unless otherwise indi- actual amount is difficult because in the past grants," said Wisner. -Lanos, a sporty subcompact that is value- cated. schools have seen decreases. WMC is part of the Maryland Indepen- priced at $8,74910 $12,519. "When bills come out of the House, they dent College and University Association The cars have been created by an inter- The remaining dates for Black History can be completely different animals," said (MICUA). MICUA acts as a self-regulating national design team from Daewoo, Porsche, Month celebrations at WMC: Wisner. organization. Together the member schools ItalDesign, Lotus, and Daewoo's Worthing Estimates are unclear because of a 15 year- file for grants. Without MICUA regulating Technical Center in the United Kingdom. Thursday, February 18 old formula the state uses to fund private grant proposals and offering support, private The automaker's entrance in what is re- Dramafest featuring skits by WMC stu- schools. The Joseph A. Selenger formula pays schools would have to apply for grants indi- market in automobile dents private schools 16% of the amount per stu- vidually. garded as the roughest with an unconventional comes the world B p.m., The Forum, Decker Center. dent that public schools receive. "Our voice is stronger with MICUA," strategy aimed at challenging the rules and Free. If Glendening's proposed increase be- said Wisner. "We were able to get $3.5 mil- putting the customer first by providing high comes law, the amount of aid per student that lion for the construction of the new science value at a an affordable price. Sunday, February 21 public schools receive will increase. That building." Daewoo, in fact, created a unique mar- Soul food dinner (please call for reser- means that private school's aid will increase Glendening's education package could keting strategy, targeting students and using vations) on a smaller scale. allow for more money to be available for direct selling, college recruitment. and ex- 6 p.m., The Forum, Decker Center "Since WMC receives compensation per renovation and construction at WMC and ceptional customer benefits. Tickets: $10 for adults, $5 for students. student," said Dr. Robert Boner, WMC Chair other schools. Customer Benefits: Among the cus- Candy Hearts introduce new tomer benefits are that every Daewoo auto- Wednesday, February 24 mobile is covered by a 3-year/36,OOO mile, "School Daze" 24-hour emergency roadside assistance, and 9 p.m., The Pub, Decker Center. Free. sayings for Valentine's 1999 a 3-year/36.000 mile full schedule mainte- nance, including such items as wiper blades, Thursday, February 25 (NAPS) - Giving candy to a loved one for sayings, such as "You Rock," "As If," and oil filters, and break pads. Brown bag luncheon discussion of Valentine's Day is a centuries-old tradition. "Let's Do Lunch" have been added for 1999. Consumer-Direct Selling: In contrast "School Daze" In fact, delectable treats can be a delicious way These candy catch phrases are the respon- with most automobile manufacturers, 11:45 a.m., B$U Clubroom to find a "sweet spot" in the heart of one's sibility of Walter Marshall, the "King of Daewoo is now selling directly to the con- true love. Hearts" for the New England Confectionery sumer. Saturday, February 27 One tasty tradition even helps the tongue- Company (NECCO). which produces the The company's 15 company-owned Gospel Jubilee with choirs from West- tied pass along sweet sentiments, with heart. Conversation Hearts. stores in nine states are staffed by Daewoo minster and Baltimore Sweethearts® Conversation Hearts, the small "People have a genuine interest in the customer consultants, with additional stores 7 p.m., Baker Memorial Chapel. Free. candy hearts with sayings printed on then, heart sayings and look forward to each year's expected nationwide. have been a Valentine favorite since 1902. new introductions," said Marshall. "Some For the customer, this translates into a no Courtesy of Public Information Now some of those heart-shaped "sweet old school romantics have been slow to em- pressure, positive purchasing experience. A nothings" have a modem spin, as you may brace the new high-tech sayings like 'Fax one-price "no hassle" sales philosophy is part have noticed this past Valentine's Day. New Me,' but on the whole, OUf fans welcome the of the company's unique retail shopping pro- updates." cess where customers can concentrate on COMEDY LIVE!· produces more then eight billion Conversa- without worrying best about negotiating the best selecting their choice transportation Day each year, NECCO For Valentine's tion Hearts. In order to meet the annual de- deal. February 26, 1999 mand, the company begins producing the To complement the showroom staff, candies in late February and continues Daewoo has recruited thousands of college through January. students nationwide to generate community Featuring Comics: Conversation Hearts now have more than awareness and store traffic. College students Quevaughn Bryant 100 "sweet" sayings. New additions "Love include, Me earn an average of $400 for each vehicle they "I-BOO-CUPID," "I Wonder," help market. Niche Marketing: Daewoo has targeted EmmyGay Tender," "My Way," "I Got U Babe," "Let It the college market for its entry into the U.S. Be," and "Walk On By." ''The sayings were not changed for many and years," said Marshall, "but we started updat- automotive industry. Their reasoning for this is that college Sonya White ing them early in the 1990s. and we've had a innovative approach are just beginning students and young adults to de- tremendous response from customers to velop brand loyalties and that they exert a some of the new ones we've added." tremendous amount of influence on the pur- Western Maryland College The company's rich traditions, including chasing decisions of their family and friends. Happy Hour 7:00 pm The Forum a recipe that has not changed since the candy Daewoo Motor America, Inc., is the U.S. has which of Daewoo Comedy Acts 8:00pm Decker College Center heart's inception, have lead to continued suc- subsidiary to become a global Group, company with In addition, Sweethearts cess. are fat-free grown General Admission $5.00 and sodium free, and the small hearts con- 1997 sales of $71.5 billion. Daewoo, in tain just three calories. The large hearts are $3.00 with Student ID sponsored by: CAPBoard only six calories. Korean, means "Great Universe." For more information, visit the Daewoo web site at
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