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Wanted: mrmr • GreenTerror Scoreboard· photographers, Dmen Ili1tJI:I Sports writers, Page7 and editors • football Drugs Incidem· Call x8600 Volume XIX, Number 1 Western Maryland College Pagel .Thursday, February 4, 1999 Green Terror women's basketball slams opponents Johns Hopkins to a mere 26.8 "Our objective is to have fun and BY JULIE DEVEUN shooting percentage from the 'field Sta!fW,iter win. Losing is frustrating; winning as a team. Guards Patty Russo and is enjoyable. Having fun is one of The Green Terror women's bas- Kristin Miller held Hopkins star the keys to winning." , ketball team fell short of breaking Leslie Ritter (the league's second In other women's basketball a 73-year-old record for most wins news, Snyder, a 5-10 player, was in a rowan Thursday against named Centennial Conference Gallaudet(J3-3). Losing is Player of the Week for the second The Terror (14-3, 9-1) tied the straight week. Snyder ranks fourth mark of ten straight wins (set back frustrating; winning in the league in scoring (I6:1 points in 1925-26) with a convincing 63- is enjoyable. per game) and fifth in rebounding 50 win over No.3 ranked, and four- (9.1). rime defending division champ, Having fun is one of "Getting Player of the Week is Johns Hopkins on January 26. the keys to winning. great, but I try not to pay attention They also broke a Gill Center to the individual aspect. It's so record with their ninth straight vic- Kathi Snyder great because we are doing so tory at home. well," said Snyder. "It's nice to get Leading the way for the Terror recognized, but if I could, I'd put offense was sophomore forward Jill leading scorer) to just three points, all my team members with me. All Ibex. who netted 16 points and had well below her average. 13 girls are enthusiastic. Whether II rebounds and four assists. The win will most likely im- they get a lot of playing time or not, Senior forward Kathi Snyder prove Western Maryland's ranking they all contribute." contributed 16 points and ten re- of No. 6 in the NCAA Mideast Re- The Terror suffered only it's bounds for the team, the ladies gion coach'spoll. third setback this season by drop- never trailing in the contest. "It's a good way to go out, with ping a close game, 62-57, to Senior Kathi Snyder leads team through outstanding season. Defensively, the team held lots of memories," said Snyder. Muhlenberg on January 30. -'~-~-------~~------------------,- Basketball endures season Runners set records lifting his league leading average in the game, the Red Devils came Records were falling all over records in indoor track. Karalow se BY ERIN JERNIGAN Swf!Wriler to 4.3. back within two about five minutes the place during break, as fresh- the new 1000-meter time a Prior to the streak ending win, later. Senior guard Shawn Ellis men Jayne Karalow and Jill 3:22.83. Henderson also seta 1000 The Green Terror men's basket- the Green Terror lost a home-turf scored at the buzzer to carry Dick- Krebs, along with junior Brendan meter time, his being 2:47.76 ball team lost 62-47 on January 27 nail-biter against Dickinson. After inson into an 82-74 victorious over- Henderson, all set new school Krebs ran an indoor mile in 5:28.7 to Johns Hopkins, ranked fifth in being down 48-32 with 15:31 left time win. the NCAA Midwest Region. Terror senior guard Brian Tombs and sophomore forward Wrestlers pin second straight league title Sean Pond helped to slightly close the Hopkins 19-point half-time lead by scoring ten points each. Pond BY MIKE YESTRAMSKI sprinkled his lineup with reserves was flawless in his three attempts SporU&/ifOr on the waytoa31-18 rout of Swar- from three-point land. The wrestling team continued thmore and a complete dismantling The Centennial Conference its reign of Terror on the Centen- of Washington and Lee, 41-7. game brought Hopkins record to nial Conference this past Saturday Earlier in the week, the Terror 14-3, while the Terrors were left at by defeating Ursinus, Swarthmore, crushed non-conference adversary . 4 -14 overall and only I - 6 in the and Washington and Lee in a quad York College by a score of 37-6. conference. meet. Sophomore Rodney Stine, a de- Winter break did have some .. The wins extended the Terror's fending 125 lb. Centennial Confer- highlights for the men's basketball conference winning streak to ence Champion, flattened his op- team, however, including a win twelve but, more importantly, ponent in just 2:03 in the 133 lb. over Swarthmore on January 23. clinched their second straight Cen- weight class. Not to be outdone, The conference game ended the tennial Conference Dual Meet Conoway stuck his opposition in Terror's ten game losing streak Title. just 1:56. while pushing Swarthmore's to six. The meet opened with the Ter- Senior captain Josh Ellin Junior forward Brian Billman ror defeating Ursinus by a narrow mounted an amazing comeback to helped lead the Terrors to the 71- margin, 18-16. The charge against defeat the Monarch Invitational . 52 final score with 22 points and the Bears was led by sophomore Champ, Doug Maritato, by a score 16 rebounds. Billman scored 15 Andrey Brener, the top-ranked Di- of 7-5. points in the second half, sporting vision lJI 165 lb. wrestler in the Jones scored a one-point escape new stitches after being cut above nation, who disposed of his oppo- at the end of regulation to send his the eye earlier in the game. nent in just 62 seconds. match into overtime, where he Tombs was also a force, hold- Juniors Charlie Conoway, 184 scored a take-down and a 3-1 vic- ing Tim Schofield, the league's lb., and Scott Taylor, 197 lb., fresh- tory. fourth leading scorer, to 14 points man Vinny Pedalino, 125 lb., and Freshman Mike Macey racked and scoring 13 himself, going three sophomore Brian Jones, heavy- up a major decision at 141, and for five from the point range. Point Andrey Brener scores another victory for the Terror. weight, scored for the Terror also. sophomore Cody Brenneman guard Jeff Meyers had five assists, Head coach John Lowe then earned a decision victory as well.
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