Page 111 - Phoenix1998-99
P. 111
////::,','/:/;" ' i,., ff.LI, f .',', NEWS Thursday, February 18, 1999 - Page 3 First Thursday Campus Safety Blotter Continued/rom page 1 tive. As Mohammed Esa, professor o On 1125 at 8:04 p.m. DoCS docu- o On 2/3 at 2:56 p.m. DoCS docu- of German noted, "I think that this mented an alcohol violation for mented sexual harassment in the is nice (0 have, but I doubt anything underage possession/consumption computer lab of Hoover Library. willcomeoutofit. .. there's no com- on the 3rd floor of Rouzer Hall. o On 2/3 at 3:57 p.m. DoCS docu- munication between the students o On 1126 at II:42 a.m. DoCS docu- mented a property crime in Albert and faculty here. Students are with mented a medical report but did not Norman Ward HaiL students [and] administration are render treatment in Smith House. -On 2/3 at 10:47 p.m. DoCS docu- standing with the administration." o On 1/26 at 12:04 p.m. DoCS mented a medical report and trans- Junior Raphael Taylor ad- documented unauthorized use of ported to Carroll County General dressed the lack of student interest college facilities on the 2nd floor Hospital. as counterproductive. "I think that of Whiteford Hall. o On 2/5 at 10:05 p.m. DoCS towed more of the students need to be out. o On 1/28at8:28 a.m. DoCS docu- a vehicle for excessive parking vio- There was a lot of faculty and ad- mented a hit and run vehicle acci- lations on the Blanche Parking Lot. ministration [here] but not stu- dent at the Elderdice Parking Lot. o On 2/6 at 2:03 a.m. DoCS docu- dents." o On 1/28 at 9:37 a.m. DoCS docu- mented a rule/policy violation at "The people who were here mented a medical report but did not the Garden Apartments Building 2. were either concerned about the is- render treatment in Whiteford Hall. o On 216 at 2:30 a.m. DoCS docu- sues or free food," said Ryan o On 1/29 at 9:48 a.m. DoCS docu- mented an alcohol violation for Ewing, a sophomore who ad- mented the possession of a con- underage possession/consumption dressed the campus noise policy. trolled dangerous substance on the in Rouzer HaiL Some feel that First Thursday patio of the Pub Bar and Grille. o On 2/6 at 2:30 a.m. DoCS docu- will be more effective over time. -On 1/29 at7: 15p.m. DoCS docu- mented a residence hall policy vio- "This will never happen on the first mented a medical report and ren- lation in Rouzer Hall. brush. When you meet someone for dered treatment in Whiteford Hall. o On 216 at 2:41 a.m. DoCS docu- the first time, you don't tell them
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