Page 104 - Phoenix1998-99
P. 104
COMMENTARY Something Smells in Rouzer Students Editors-In-Chief Megan Manin 'OJ Ron Mojica presents a resident's effects. Now students troublesome must take Emily Stamathis '00 their bags of refuse and walk it to the nearest and Soaps view about the new Rouzer trash Managing Editor removal policies. trash room, which for those living at the ends Laura Kelley '01 Lisa Dale- VanAuken notices a of the hall, pose a minor hassle to the once television trend among friends News Editors For most Western Maryland College stu- simple task of finding the nearest garbage Erin Howard '00 dents, the coming of the new semester ush- can. This attitude could be mistaken as sheer Jenifer Sirkis '01 It is evening. The solid thuds of donn ers in the familiarity which we grow accus- laziness on the residents' part in that walk- doors are diminishing from their usual. Features Editor tamed to and call home for about nine ing a few feet to throwaway trash isn't the constant clatter. A strange silence creeps Sarah Radice 'OJ months of the year. We settle back into our most laborious of duties nor the most time down the hallways to your ears. Assistant Features Editor individual rooms, catch up with some friends consuming. "What is it?" you wonder. "Anna- Rich Simmons '99 on the month lost over January, venture into However, what disturbs the residents geddon?" No. It's eight o'clock on a Commentary Editor new classes, and wake the Pub from its dor- more is that the trash rooms came as a solu- Wednesday; it's Dawson's Creek, . Krtsren O. Fraser '00 mancy over the break with the activity of tiontoaproblemaboutwhichseeminglyfew The phenomenon of evening soap collegiate life. All is well and college con- were complaining. Some residents were sur- operas has been bringing college stu- Assistant Commentary Editor tinues unchanged for all... all except Rouzer prised upon learning that the school issued Lisa Dale-Van Auken '02 dents together across the country. With residents that is. extra charges for trash placed near overfilled popcorn, herbal tea, and flannel pajamas, Sports Editor Upon the first week of the residents' re- garbage cans. Mike Yestramski '01 the men and women of WMC dorms tum into the spring half of the academic year, Students argue that setting trash near congregate in circles of six or seven be- each floor in Rouzer Hall conducted a meet- proper receptacles was not an act of apathy, fore their television sets in anticipation Photographers ing concerning the new residence policies carelessness, or blatant idiocy, but rather, that Trang Dan '00 of the answer to that immortal question: Robyn Hill '02 for the upcoming semester. Little did they placing trash beside the cans was the only "Will they get together this week?" Paul Himes '02 know that the residence assistants would re- option if the garbage cans were filled. Also, Shushing each other during the most DavidSzepesi '98 veal to them an aspect which would present almost all disposable items set aside where tender moments (the quietly whispered Staff Writers some inconvenience - trash rooms in place boxes which were just too large to fit. lines "I think we should talk," the long- Claire Adams '02 of the ever-faithful thrash cans. What also perplexes Rouzer residents is Anne Butler '01 ing looks across the crowded room) and Sophie Boulet The floor meeting was an attempt to ex- the fact that in their college institution, they filling the commercial space with ani- Ben Decker "00 plain the necessity for this new circumstance. cannot have the convenience of a simple gar- mated chatter about the monumental Julie Develin '01 The Residence Life staff justifies the change bage can. For the cost of room and board fees ShaunaDominguez events of the last fifteen minutes, Kate Esposito '01 as a means of correcting problems. Trash, which the school charges, the perk of at least evening soaps have created a new form Joan Faulkner '02 apparently, was being set aside near trash having access to this peripheral would be of bonding. Shannon Hess '02 cans when it was too large to fit in the can or expected. Mike Jenkinson While watching the struggles of the Brooke Joseph '02 when the can was overfilled. Residents were If the problem is that of overflowing trash techni-colored pixel people, soapers can Mollie Land '02 assessed for common area damages due to cans, a simple solution would be to empty live vicariously through the images they Nicole Lehmann '98 this.situation. them for a second or third time or maybe just Karen Mi1\ar'98 see. And more, they can share their opin- Ron MOjica '02 These fines, coupled with those added for place extra ones on each floor. You could al- ions about their television alter-egos Cathy Pendorf '00 other problems, increased the overall charges ways propose that students limit the amount with their friends. FrancescaSaylor '00 Shawn Sprague '01 and prompted the Residence Life staffto find of trash they throwaway, but that would Evening television makes for inter- Michael Stokes '00 a solution. They decided to get to the root of never happen. esting topics among circles. Listen, and Chris Taugher '02 the problem. They not only have rid the halls The new policy is not a change which you'll hear them bashing Ben, dream- Matthew Thomas '01 Emily Wilson '02 of Rouzer of overflowing trash cans but re- totally alters Rouzer residents' lives, and the ing over Dawson, fawning over Felic- Ted Witiak '02 moved garbage cans altogether, replacing _ inconvenience will hopefully fade away into ity, agonizing over Angel and Buffy. Kevin Worley '00 them with trash rooms conveniently located ritual. What needs to be asked, however, is Some even call up a few names from RainiWright'OO near the center of each floor for the residents if it is all necessary and if that course of ac- less accepted shows, like Seventh Distribution to walk to and dispense their trash. tion was the best possible solution. Heaven. or the latest vulgar mis-Spell- Rich Suchoski '00 Many complain about the new policy's ing of quality TV, The Craft. Even the Graduate Assistant prehistoric 90210 is being newly uncov- Vince Chesney Quirks: Direction ered in conversation. Adviser Still, while there are only a few new Terry Dalton Anne Butler questions undertones would be better suited to having a holiday. plots, and only a few instances of good implied by Groundhog Day. Perhaps the most deserving, however, is the acting to talk about, evening dramas con- noblest of all rodentia, the proud squirreL tinue to retain a long list of viewers. Well, it's February, and I've decided to Think of it! Squirrels are much better than The secret is in ... the secrets: the ten- The Phoenix is published biweekly, The sions and mysteries that will not be put opinions expressed do not necessarily rep- focus on an important holiday coming up. groundhogs. They're smarter, cleaner, cuter, to rest until next time. It is the variations the ultimate feel- resent those of The Phoenix staff, the fac- This holiday symbolizes of humanity. It is a time and control half our nation's resources (due from show to show that lead us on. ing and achievement ulty, or the administrators ofWMC. to the Giant Squirrel Conspiracy). Also squir- lt is the ever-changing situations when we can all come together as one; it's rels live in trees and eat nuts, where ground- . symbolized by countess songs, jokes, and a hogs live in holes and eat roots and bugs or which leave soapers feeling unsatisfied, The paperwelcomes free-lance submis- forcing themselves to prop their heads sions on Macintoshdisks in most word pro- film starring Bill Murray. 'mean, of course, something. What would you rather eat? A bug up on some pillows every week like Groundhog's Day. or a nut? cessorfonnats. Theeditorreservestheright clock-work to find the answers. In case you're an exchange student or One must not overlook the name issue as to edit for clarity, length, and libel and to So maybe, if we are perceptive, there were sleeping last year on February 2nd, well. The very term "groundhog" leads one publish as space permits. All submissions is one thing that we can learn from the Groundhog'S Day is when groundhogs to think of pigs and therefore Ms. Piggy, one (excluding self-addressed diskettes) become soaps: nothing is permanent except emerge from hibernation. Legend says that of the most detestable Muppets. The term the property of The Phoenix and cannot be if the groundhog sees his shadow and runs "squirrel" leads one to think of the adjective change. renimed But don't expect to hear that from Please include a name and phone num- Brenda or Kelly. They need to keep their ber for verification. Names will be with- The very term groundhog leads one to think of pigs ... ratings up. held only by the discretion oflhe Editor-in- Besides the enticing possibility of Olief. back in his hole, we'll have six more weeks "squirrely," which can mean crazy, like participating in an exciting, melodra- of winter. If the groundhog doesn't see his Gonzo, the best Muppet ever to grace the matic world, there is a more lusty allure The Phoenixck'Jesnotdiscriminatebased shadow, we have an early spring. stage. Who would you rather listen to, a which draws WMC college kids to their on age, race, religion, gender, sexual orien- So every year at this time, thousands of groundhog or a squirrel? television sets with friends: Sometimes tation, national origin, condition of handi- people converge on a small town in Penn- I guess this is kind of silly. I guess there there's just nothing better to do. cap, or marital stams. sylvania with a name that sounds like it are better things in life to let guide you than And while the new addition of cable would better suit a hick stripper. And so, a squirrel or a rodent, eh? I mean, there's television to WMC dorms is a step up Mail to: Puxetawny Phil (as the groundhog is named) astrology, self-help gurus, and Richard Sim- from the thirteen channels of days past, The Phoenix is dragged out of his home and held up be- mons, all eager to tell you what to do. You it is a sure bet that the soap circles which WMC, 2 College Hill fore the throng. Then he "whispers" his pre- could also center you life around TV, sports, revolve around the WB, Fox, and UPN Westminster,MD21157 diction to an official and is invariably thrown or alcohoL will not lose any members. (410)751-8600 back in his cage. Then again, that sounds kinda strange As long as the writers keep making FAX, (410) 857-2729 My question is, why do we have to use too ... I mean, why let some distant ball of subtle changes in those trite love tri- E-Mail: the groundhog at all? There are much no- gas, appliance, groundhog, or squirrel con- angles, soap seekers will keep coming bler mammals and rodentia to use, One trol you? The only one who should run your back for more. would think that a cat, armadillo, or rat life, is you. How do I know? Simple. I am one.
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