Page 110 - Phoenix1998-99
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Thursday, February 18, 1999 - Page 2 NEWS Gamma Sigma Sigma News in brief Continued from page J Sigma member Jenny Bell agrees. "1 hope volunteering for a pledge-a-then at Maryland to help the community and WMC and set and Public Television, volunteering at the Balti- Music Program gets a TOTH auditions for example for other WMC students who want more Zoo and at the Johns Hopkins Hospi- to be Greek," she said. tal, and setting up a library resource center Handel on Bach summer season Newman said that the main goals for the at Carroll County Hospital, according to sorority this semester are for the founding Humbert. Of course, the classical music indus- Theatre on the Hill, WMC's profes- sisters to term strong relationships with each Here at WMC, the members of Gamma try would never come to a unanimous con- sional company in residence, is holding other while completing service projects. In Sigma Sigma are planning to volunteer for a sensus on the greatest composer of the auditions by appointment only for its up- the long term, she would like to see any girl wrestling tournament held at PELC and are 18th century. But two at the top of the coming 18th summer season. on campus who wants to be Greek have the looking into a program to paint the curbs and nominations list would certainly be Johann Roles are available for adults and opportunity to do so. Newman added that it fire hydrants, Humbert said. ' Sebastian Bach and George Frederic some children. All adult company mem- is still unsure if the sorority will try to ob- WMC students wishing to join the soror- Handel. bers are paid and housing is available. tain housing together. ity will be eligible to become members next Chamber Music on the Hill will pro- Auditions for adults will be held from Most of all, I hope that we make some fall. According to the sorority bylaws, mote the "best of the century" showcase 10 a.m.-5 p.m.c-Sarurday, March 13, at sort of impact on the college and on the com- pledges must complete a minimum of ten for both composers in its opening concert National Conservatory of Dramatic Arts munity at large," said Humbert. community service hours during the pledg- of 1999, "Getting a Handel on Bach," at 3 in Washington, DC, and from 10 a.m.-4 "1 think that the sorority's commitment ing process to become a member. pm on Sunday, February 21, in Little p.m., on Sunday, March 14, in the Alumni [to service] is great," said sociology profes- WMC's chapter of Gamma Sigma Sigma Baker Chapel. Hall Mainstage. Callbacks will be held sor Lauren Dundes, who is one of the will be eligible to receive their charter in Feb- "In true 18th century style, we will use from 4-6 p.m., on March 14, at the col- sorority's advisors along with Dr. Coleen ruary 2000. harpsichord for the keyboard portions of lege. Galambos. "It is wonderful to see the cama- The other founding members of WMC's the program," said WMC senior lecturer Auditions for children (girls ages 12- raderie among the girls, and it is heartening chapter of Gamma Sigma Sigma include David Kreider and one of the featured 17 only and boys ages 7-17 only) will be to see young women make community ser- sophomores Amanda Cline, Megan Drost, WMC faculty performers. "We are also held from noon-5 pm on Saturday, March vice a priority." Dana Fraser, Megan Martin, Carole Ricldis, excited to have this program in Baker 20, at WMC's Alumni Hall. Off-campus community service projects Michelle Spry, Mary Anne Tyler, Michelle Chapel because its intimate decor provides Adults are asked to prepare a one- being considered for the near future include Voight, and junior Kristen Fraser an ideal acoustic and visual setting for this minute contemporary monologue (dra- style of music." matic or comedic), one song (bring sheet The concert, part of a professional se- music in correct key), and be dressed for ASAP's Safe Sex Party! ries in residence at the college, also fea- movement and dance. tures area musicians, including three An accompanist will be provided for members of the Baltimore Symphony. all participants. February 27, 1999 This / , Bassoonist Julie Gregorian, cellist Esther "Sleuth," year's shows are "Peter Pan," / and violinist "No Way to Treat a Lady," and Melissa. Mellon-Thompson Zayara will join Evan Walker, music de- "Rumpelstiltskin."The company also will 9 pm - Midnight ( partment chairman at Carroll Community present a late night post-show after sev- At the Forum College. performers Other WMC faculty performances. The eral of its Saturday are Garth Baxter and Linda Kirkpatrick. season opens June 18 and runs weekends Tickets will be available at the door and some Thursdays through August 14. OJ and Food one hour before the concert and are $10 To schedule an audition call the WMC for adults and $5 for seniors. Students are Arts Management Office. No charge and Free Condoms. admitted free with a valid 10. Courtesy of Public Information Courtesy of Public lnformation For more information contact Jen at x8232
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