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Thursday, February 4, 1999 - Page 5 ~ 60 Seconds ~ Ani DiFranco looks "Up Up Up What do you think the Green Terror Up Up Up" on latest album is or should be? identity and sound than have ex- RICH SlMMONS Assistant Features Editor isted in past DiFranco recordings. "Virtue" and "Hat Shaped Hat" are Ani DiFranco, along her career two songs typical of the new "l think the Green Terror path of fifteen years, has recorded sounds DiFranco and her band isn't a person ·or thing but 12 studio albums, cut a live double have molded. an attitude. " album, issued countless remixes The first is a typical DiFranco and edits, become a successful pro- composition that showcases how Kim Bloch '99 ducer, been considered one of the well the latest incarnation of her Communication most important figures in recent band can gel around her rhythmic feminist activism, run her own guitar leads. highly successful recording com- The latter is an interesting seg- pany, and found time to get mar- ment of a three hour jam session ried. near the end of the recording ses- DiFranco is a completely self- sions and is purely improvised with made artist, with a unique sound some later overdubbing. "Anything we want it to be and an even more unique success. Generally because right now we really She inspires the most intense loy- positive review sunny outlook and aside, no matter don 't know what the hell it alty an artist can hope for among how successful Ani DiFranco is at is. It should be some fierce her fans, who call themselves conveying her general musical creature ... like a hippo!" "Ani's Army" (and sell out virtu- message on "Up Up Up Up Up ally every show she plays). Up," there are still a few songs that Karen Lovecchio '01 Ani DiFranco looks upward She regularly tours Europe and feel like they shouldn't have quite rather than inward on her latest Biology Australia to rave reviews as she made the final cut. DiFranco tends CD, "Up Up Up Up Up Up." applies her Midas touch of wit and to be a bit heavy-handed at times. as "Everest" and the title track, (note on annoying DiFranco is a completely self-made artist, which borders use of the word "up"). the excessive with a unique sound and an even more But, as you can guess by most "A combination of all the of this article, "Up ... " is a definite strengths of each member unique success, step in the right direction. Many of of the sports team. " catchy grooves to audiences. Never Quite frankly, songs like her fans may breathe a sigh of re- Cynthia Cullen '00 heard of her, have you? Well, thai "Come Away From It," a gospel- lief that Ani has not "sold out," but rather taken the time to explore new Business Administration part of the equation may be soon like progression about a friend's territory, to use the old cliche. "Up to change. drug use, fail miserably, especially x6" is definitely a worthwhile ad- The Buffalo, New York based after overusing a chord structure dition to your collection, even if singerlsongwriter has just released for eight minutes. A few songs also you're hearing about her for the first "Up Up Up Up Up Up" on her: own drag along in their execution, such time. Righteous Babe record label, only six months after her most success- ful studio album to date, "Little Features is Plastic Castle," to reviews that are "A big dinosaur like already hailing it (much to the cha- looking for artists Barney or Dina ... only grin of her loyal regime of fans) as green her commercial breakthrough. to illustrate in the eighth position Debuting Chuck Vassar '99 in the CM} college radio charts on articles. lfyou History the 19th of last month, the album are interested, displays Ani DiFranco at her scath- ingly insightful best with her char- call x8600 and acteristic vocals thrown over bru- tal, rhythmic attacks upon her leave a message. acoustic guitar. DiFranco has unerringlycontin- CAlllHERESllHENCAlllHEBESl! "A green dragon, bt;cause ued to produce relatively complex herent in the song's title (the singerl -- that's the name a/my car, songs mingled with elements of ." USA SPRlI'IG BRIlAK and I want to lead the next 'funk and blazing guitar chops that school parade. " are a style all her own. She has de- CAICUI Jon Reynolds '99 veloped a band with an idea. And Communication it's a good one. released to ra- The first single The irony in- _em dio stations from "Up Up Up Up tune Up Up" is the banjo-droning cated to her parents. "Something that symbolizes "Angry Anymore," a song dedi- CII...... _ et FREE PARTIES AND DRINKS wi songwriter has often been pigeon- Break! USA courage, leadership, holed behind the stereotype of the !()I"II ....,'II,'IIII\lIIII ....1 Call 1-888-777-4642 Spring to book your trip teamwork, and everything angry feminist) should amuse 1\1(111'1(, 111111 \Ii today! else. " many of her fans and critics alike, SPRING BREAK '99 as well as place them on notice for ElJ&III" FIBfIDI" Ted Witiak '02 change. STS is America's Operator #1 Student Tour Undecided The new album is driven by RO..tIlIRFMi* AI.llRlPSlNClIllE: 700HJS00IEI. Don't book with anyone else until you similar compositions that are a re- I!CXHJlRPlIWGERS" rattIXES talk to usll! sult of an obviously conscious ef- SMASSISw.a: IJSrf.FWIT1 Cancun and Jamaica from $399 'Cat:tln:lPQC:i::9l!lq ''0:10'" Panama City and Daytona Beach from fort to develop a stronger band $119 1·888·i77·46~1 Student TravelServices Text and photos by Trang Dam IIII II U~I~jlllllqhl ( II t run 1-800-648-4849 wwwststrayelCQID
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