Page 86 - ThePhoenix1997-98
P. 86
Thursday, December II, 1997 -Page 10 FEATURES WM C honors December graduates for the first time Recognition reception to be held at the President's house during finals week BY TONI RANDLE with the four-credit system, some students institutions contacted provide only a May takes, it is so worth it" ComribulingWriler are finding that they can graduate in three- commencement. The eighth institution, Get- and-a-half years. However, these results will tysburg College, which has 2,211 students, First-ever Inquiry into a December What will you be doing on the Friday of not be seen for a couple of years because the does hold a "December Recognition Cer- Graduation exam week? If you are a December gradu- entering class of 1995 is the rust class to fol- emony". The next step at WMC is to take the idea ate, you will be attending the first Western low this new system in its entirety. Sherry Heflin, of Gettysburg College's to the provost, Joan Coley. She said she is Maryland College December graduate rec- Barbara Horneff, dean of first year stu- president's office, said that an invitation is more than open to the December graduation ognition reception, to be held at the dents, said holding a December graduation issued to December graduates and their fami- idea, and that it is certainly worth discuss- president's house. ceremony raises a number of questions. lies. At Gettysburg, December graduate ing. Presently, there is no graduation cer- These include, when would a ceremony numbers have averaged between 20 and 30 She remarked, "Run it up the flagpole emony held for those students who are eli- be held? How quickly could results turn students a year. and see if anyone salutes." Coley admitted gible to receive degrees in December. Typi- around to report who graduates? How many Heflin reports that a small service is held that a December ceremony has never been cally, these students can either wait to walk faculty would be required to be involved (ob- in the auditorium in which the president, pro- held because no one has ever asked. At least with the class graduating in the spring, or viously a procession would not be available)? vost, and dean each make a few remarks. until now. they simply have their college degree mailed And finally, how many December graduates Then the dean asks each student to stand, and The idea and proposal of using Gettys- to them. have come back in May for commencement a few words are said about the individual. burg College's December Recognition Cer- There are currently 43 students listed on emony as a framework for a future WMC this year's December graduation list. Carol "Run it up theflagpole and see if anyone salutes" December ceremony was added to the Arrieta, ofthe registrar's office, guesses that agenda and discussed at the Administrative the final number will drop to approximately Provost Joan Coley on the idea of a December graduation ceremony. Council meeting on November 3. 30-35 students. Members of the Administrative Council She notes that some students will need represent all facets of the WMC community. another semester to earn credits for gradua- in past years? The ceremony is followed by a champagne At the November meeting the council de- tion and therefore carry over to next May, or She added that honor societies, clubs, and and hers d'oeuvres reception in the art gal- cided that a recognition for those graduating next year. She says that other students may leadership awards cannot be overlooked. lery, Heflin said. in December is a good idea. not even realize that they are on the Decem- Despite the working out of details, Homeff Gettysburg holds their recognition cer- In an attempt to trial-run the ide", Presi- ber graduation list, said, "I think it's a great idea. 1 think about emony at the end of finals week. This is con- dent Chambers has proposed a wine and all the people missed. It's a great way of venient since most parents and family are cheese reception for students and their par- Number of December Graduates is Grow- closure for three and a half or four and a half there to pack up their students at this time. ents at his house. ing years whatever time you have spent here." The December Recognition Ceremony He noted that the May commencement takes Registrar records show that the number Carol Arrieta has no record of the num- does not necessarily mean that all of the stu- an entire year to plan, therefore, planning of December graduates has been increasing berof people who have returned in past years dents are graduating. Final exams and marks something as grandiose in one month is out every year from 18in December 1993, to Zl to walk in May. The only record is the dia- are pending. of the question. in 1994, to 23 in 1995, to 30 in 1996. logue read at commencement which is But Heflin notes that this has yet to be a Invitations to the casual reception are Another fact to consider is the increase thrown away after the ceremony. But she problem for Gettysburg. By the time finals being sent to the parents of all December in college enrollment over the years. This recalls the number of December graduates rol1 around, most students know if they are graduates. year, WMC admitted its largest freshman returning for commencement to be low. graduating or not. Not one student has come Attendance at the reception will deter- class, 512 new students (both part-time and to the ceremony thai did not graduate that mine whether or not the administration will full-time), compared to only 258 new stu- Gettysburg College Ceremony Could Pro- December, said Heflin. spend the upcoming year to plan for a more dents in the fall of 1993. vide a Framework Students are also invited back to com- significant December 1998 reception and Arrieta predicts that the December gradu- Calls to several colleges, including Dick- mencement in May where they will then re- ceremony. The J 997 cer;mony and recep- ate number will rise due to this dramatic en- inson, Washington, Mount St. Mary's, and. ceive their degrees and any other honors or tion will take place on December 19at5 p.m. rollment increase. She also points out that Swarthmore, reveal that seven of the eight awards. Heflin said, "For the little effort it at the president's house.
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