Page 87 - ThePhoenix1997-98
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FEATURES Thursday, December 11, 1997 - Page II Alien resurrection serves effectively Festival to HY MIKE: PUSKAR celebrate Art Editor Tom over how to destroy the queen-child ready to hatch from holidays her breast, Lieutenant Ellen Ripley stood sweating at the edge of a fi- Religious groups unite to ery bath. To save mankind as she light candles knew it, she leapt into the basin. The beast thrust its head through HY JON,1TUAN SHACAT the heroine, screeching in the Selliol"Wriler agony of its species' doom. Members of several different Ironically, the death of Ripley religions will light candles at the in Aiienc- which was meant to bring finality to theAlien film fran- Festival of Lights on Dec. 12 to celebrate their group's holiday. chise- incited a desire in fans for more, Yet, the domestic gross of The Black Tradition, Bud- $56 million and this death of its dhism, Baha'i, Christianity, Hin- protagonist allowed for no sensible duism, Islam, and Judaism, will be way to produce a fourth install- represented, according to Mark ment in the franchise; or so many Lancaster, the Western Maryland thought. College coordinator of religious life. Many fans, probably unaware of the delicacies of writing, be- "While we all need to worship lieved it would be easy to bring our traditions, we have a need to Ripley back-they suggested mak- n<&C 1997 TWENTIETIt CENTUKY FOX share what we have in common," ing the third movie a dream se- Winona Ryder as an android and Ron Perlman as a pirate come face to face with the alien nemesis in said Lancaster. "Anything we do quence. Yet, industry heads and Ressurecnon, the latest in the series of Alien movies. in college builds in students that writers felt this would be a cop- Ryder) search for a safe way to This may be a perverted anal- we are different and there is beauty out, one that would totally under- reach the Betty, a ship at bay in the ogy in that the Newborn bites off The gleam in its eye, as it cocks its in it. But we are very much alike." mine the purposeAlienJ in the first space station, they stumble across the heads of several characters, but head, gives it the look of a guile- Each religious group celebrates place. a room labeled "7+1." it nonetheless helps the viewer re- less puppy. its holiday in a different way, said So, after much deliberation, a Ripley opens it to find her sis- Thus, viewers are as lorn as Lancaster, but they are all alike in story popped up that would seem- ters- the first seven attempts at late to Ripley's situation. Ripley is. that a flame is used during their Finally, there is the emotionally ingly serve as a prologue in a sort She sees an innocent child, her services. of second trilogy (the movie's con- child, reacting out of instinct, not Lancaster noted that the Native clusion with the arrival at Earth Whereas most action flicks are all evil, yet she knows its capabilities American tradition won't be por- supports such). of destroying human civilization. trayed. "I hesitate to represent for With the lack of favorite char- spectacle and very little substance, When Ripley finally does ini- somebody their tradition," he said. acters, such as Bishop and Hicks Resurrection has both. tiate the creature's demise, the au- "It seems false to me." and the fact that the setting is now dience must sit through minutes of The Festival of Lights will be sadisti- seeing it suffer, the camera 200 years after Alien J , the story cally cutting back and forth be- held in Baker Memorial Chapel. allows the writers to start anew, cloning- stored in formaldehyde, wrenching scene in which the tween different views of the tor- At 7 p.m. the audience will have and even reshape Ripley's charac- either twistedly human or horrify- Newborn dies. As it caresses the an opportunity to sing carols. At ter. ingly alien in appearance. android Call (Ryder) like a sister, ment. 7:30 the college choir and West- As the naive scientists had The characters learn, however, Ripley gains its attention. In this duration, the creature minster choir will perform and the screeches a screech in agony, cloned beasts in Jurassic Park, the that one is still alive, writhing in Upon seeing its "mother," the sounds like a child calling "Mama!" that religious ceremonies will be held. same occurs in Alien Resurrection, agony with tubes inserted through- creature again becomes child-like. At 8:30 Eric Byrd will play piano the fourth film in the series. Ripley out her body. at a reception in Ensor lounge. (Sigourney Weaver) returns in the The scene becomes powerful tradition of what AlienJ's Bishop when the malformed seventh clone had first planned- to clone beasts, asks Ripley to play Kevorkian. ~+lille,.ul. the aliens, for medical purposes. 24 Hour Hotline The clone's pain, as well as Her clone has now become part Ripley's empathy, tend to tear at the ~Clinie alien, with its acidic blood and su- heart of the viewers. 410-857-8322 perhuman endurance. They know that their heroine is Genuine Help and . Using her internal struggle of all at once healthy, dying, and dead. man versus beast, depth is added The emotion is further fed by rogue Understanding to Ripley's personality and emo- Perlman's ignorance of this. ·IV/Sleep Sedation "Whether the crime happened tional response, which is the move The only scenes that tug simi- -Ftrst & Mid-Trimester las: night or years ago, that has made this movie success- larly at the emotions are those of Abortion Services we can help. H ful. the Newborn- a hybrid creature -Free Pregnancy Testing Whereas most action flicks are born of the queen alien with a skull ·Pregnancy & Birth all spectacle and very little sub- and breasts that resemble those of Control Counseling Programs are open to victims, family or friends. stance, Resurrection has both- the a human and the overall body of an -Sonograms Whether it's sexual harassment, abuse, dating spectacles are all there (like its alien. ·Community Education & violence or rape, we can help. awesome underwater scene of Upon finding herself in the Guest Speaking Services Services include: walk-in crisis counseling, alien swimmers), and affective queen's nest, the walls of which are 024 Hour Emergency Call individual therapy, groups, accompaniment to content exists. layered with cocooned people, police-hospital-court, and education programs. Though the story does take Ripley is in full-view of the FOR APPOINTMENT CALL: place 200 years after Alien', its plot Newborn's birth, and its rending the II 41~:?o~~;~400I All inquiries are free and confidential. is nOI a cheap jump through time. queen asunder. The writers make sure that previ- Ripley is then approached by the Il 1-800-427-2813 Rape Crisis Intervention Service ous attempts at cloning existed. infant alien, that is full-grown, and of Carroll County As Number 8, Ripley is only it snuggles with her as if she were Ask about our special student rates one in a line of genetic mishaps. its mother. P.O. Box 1563 Fortunately, she has gained bio- The emotional power of this Suburbia Building 224 North Center Street, Room 102 logical advantages from the alien scene exists in the reflection of hu- 5602 Baltimore National Pike Westminster, MD 21158 Suite 600 DNA, but her sisters aren't so man birth. Many mothers can say Baltimore, Maryland 21228 lucky. that there's nothing more special Convenient to Baltimore Beltway (695) 24 Hour Hotline: 410-857-7322 When she and her new com- than giving birth to a child and then Office: 410-857-0900 or 876-9147 rades (e.g., Ron Perlman, Winona holding it for the first time. http://gynpages.comlhillcrestbalt Most Credit Cards Accepted
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