Page 61 - ThePhoenix1997-98
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SPECIAL P FIFTH EDITION: FOOTBALL ISSUE See pages 7.13.14, 15, and 16 '------J Volume XVI, Number 5 Western Maryland College WMC terrorizes Hopkins and wins Centennial title for first time in conference history BV KATE HAMPSON tion after hearing of the team's se- football field in the last seconds of News Editor lection. "All of the credit goes to the game, expressing their delight the assistant coaches and the play- by tearing down the goal posts. The Green Terror ended a spec- ers. The biggest crowd of the sea- tacular season on Saturday, defeat- "Everyone involved in the pro- son gathered to watch the last game ing Johns Hopkins 21-3 and gram set goals and worked ex- of WMC's first undefeated season thereby clinching the Centennial tremely hard to achieve them," since 1951 and only its third in the Conference title and a place in the Keating continued. There will be no school's history. National Collegiate Athletic Asso- change to this routine in the com- The team's success created an ciation (NCAA) playoffs. ing week as the team prepares for atmosphere rarely seen at WMC. The win against the Blue Jays the playoffs: "It will be business as "School spirit at last!" a student puts the Terror 10-0 overall and 7- usual this week preparing 10 play was heard to shout as he ran on to o in the Conference. an outstanding Lycoming team," he the field at the end of the game. IfWMC had lost the game they said. "We are in the playoffs to The players were understand- would've tied for the Conference win." ably excited. Winning "feels real title with Hopkins and Dickinson. The game will kickoff at 12 good," said running back Gavin The win means that they will play noon at David Person Field in Defreitas. Lycoming on Saturday in the Di- Williamsport, PA. The winner of "We are the best," agreed defen- JOSEfJUBA)SIQUEIRA vision III playoffs. This is the this game will face either Catholic sive lineman Tom Lapato. "'Nuff Jubilant/ans lear do....n the goal posts in cetebration 0/ the Terror victory. Terror's first appearance in the his- University or Trinity University in said." was at the Students and faculty tory of the NCAA. the second round on Saturday, No- President Chambers "This is great," Head Coach vember 29 Tim Keating told Sports Informa- Jubilant fans streamed 0010 the Continued on page 14 review honor code International dinner brings BV KATE HAMPSON he would have to testify "and other things that didn't News Editor sound right." The diverse flavor to WMC campus announce that its honor code came student then asked a professor on WMC has always been proud to the Honor and Conduct Board who The issue that from the initiative of students. Now told him differently. was that the two Soltz was raising BY CHRISTtAN ,",'II.WOHL the students are speaking up once professors had such a different in- News Edilor more, but this time to express dis- terpretation of the honor system. satisfaction with the system. The SGA wrote a letter to ad- An international extrava- The issue was raised at a recent ministrators stating their concern ganza of cuisine, fashion, song, SGA meeting and then followed up that a tenured professor didn't un- and dance recently illuminated by the AI! College Council (ACC) derstand the honor system. the Forum. and reported at the November fac- Communication professor The International Club held ulty meeting. Jasna Meyer serves as a represen- its seventh annual International Senior class senator Jeff Saltz tative of the student/faculty rela- Dinner, which has grown in reported to the SGA an incident he tions committee to the ACe. After popularity over the years with had heard of where a tenured pro- hearing the issue presented at the over 250 people attending the fessor had ignored a report of ACe meeting, she brought it to the event this year. cheating and had not dealt with the attention of the faculty. "The issue This year's menu featured matter correctly. was coming from the students," she unique dishes such as Palestin- The Student Guide and Date explained. "They were interested in ian "grape leaves" and traditional Book says that the college policy looking again [at the honor code) cuisines like Spanish "tortilla de states that if the faculty member de- patatas," similar to an egg and cides to resolve the issue of an aca- Continued Of! page 8 potato omelette. demic violation, then the student Junior Stacey Mcintyre said, must sign an agreement acknowl- Inside "I loved the lasagna with feta and edging admission to the charge and Soapbox 2 spinach [Cypriot cuisine]. It was accepting the sanction determined onsider this .4 delicious." by the faculty member. "A copy of The club plans to sell this the signed sanction letter will be !Leiter to the Editor .5 year's menu and recipes next se- submitted to the Dean of Student arnpus Safety Blotter 6 mester. Affairs and the Dean of the Fac- jaonfire/Pep rally 7 8 The event kicked off with ulty, who will maintain it as a part jaregory Kane lecture club members welcoming guests of the student's record." Freshman Class . 10 11 !Betsy Chimock in their native languages, which Soltz said in his report that the !Robert K. Ressler lecture 12 ranged from Bulgarian to Malay. student who reported the violation COUI(TESYOFJUJ..IEBAOIEE j60seconds 13 Rajwinder }ubal models a traditional costume of her native India. had asked the professor what he octball , 14 Continued on page 9 would have to do and was told that
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