Page 53 - ThePhoenix1997-98
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NE W S Thursday, November 6, 1997 - Page 5 MSL conference Mexican folk art displayed in Peterson Hall Continued from page I nation." Remembering the staged walk 8Y JONATHON SHACAT depict The alebrijes imaginary out by the majority of the WMC Sel1iorWriler characters and thereby uncover the delegation a year ago at Goucher Colorfully painted wood-carved Mexican character of the fusion College, senior Cody Northcutt art figures called alebrijes are now between reality and fantasy, he said, "J can proudly say that at least on display in Peterson Hall. said. this year no one walked DuL. we November 2 Mexicans Each were ready and things went ran Jorge The exhibit was organized interna- by celebrate the Day of the Dead. This del Villar, a junior very smoothly," she added. "I was tional student from Mexico City tradition helps people remember very impressed with the outcome." who is doing a special study on the their dead family members. One Legislation varied, with one of topic of Mexican folk art and cul- practice on this day includes mak- the most interesting focusing on lure. ing an altar in memory of a loved patronage of a food chain and their "I wanted to show the commu- one who has passed away. Typi- political positions. One bill was nity some of the traditions of my cally, items such as a picture of the written to prohibit the use of MSL country here on campus," said del ,person and some food offerings are funds for Domino's Pizza. Accord- Villar. placed on a table. ing to this resolution, the sole Such an exhibit has never been On the opening day of the ex- owner of Domino's Pizza, Thomas on display before, said Julie hibit, del Villar raised an altar in Monaghan, "has given more than Badiee, an art history professor. memory of Emiliano Zapata, a hero $110,000 to the Michigan Right to "It is an authentic folk art that I known for his fight for social jus- Life Committee." Additionally, the have never seen before," said tice during the Mexican Revolution legislation states that Monaghan Badiee. "This is unique, definitely in 1910. His followers rebelled "allows Domino's employees to unique." against the Mexican government in protest outside of Planned Parent- Alebrijes originated in Oaxaca, January 1994. hood clinics during paid working a state located near Chiapas in hours." "I chose him because he is an Southwest Mexico. Even though internationally known figure," said Because of the special interest that region has become one of the of Domino's Pizza, this resolution poorest economical regions in the del Villar. will remain on dis- The exhibit sought to keep politics out of poli- entire country, said del Villar, its art play in the art reception 'room of tics. While the resolution failed by work "exhibits a rich expression of Peterson Hall through January 30, the General Assembly vote, it is an spirituality, liveliness, and imagi- 1998. example of the different types of legislation. "The issues were more diverse than I thought they would JOSE (JUBA) $IQUEIRA be," said Keymetian, referring to legislation concerning the Homecoming parties make Domino's Pizza Resolution, the naming of stadiums, and DUI of- for chaotic weekend fenses. "I felt the debate was lively at BY KATE HAMl'SON people and not enough staff," he best, yet often irrelevant and pro- News EdilOr said. longed at worst," Keymetian ex- Many revelers then moved on plained. "However, these durations The over-enthusiasm of WMC to the party in the Forum which was were compensated for by the high party-goers during the past couple hosted by the Inter Greek Council points of civil debate and argument. of weeks has not seemed to dem- and the Student Government As- The IA cost the WMC delega- onstrate the spirit of Alcohol sembly. As the room filled up with tion ofMSL around $1,500 to host Awareness Week. people enjoying the band, the the conference. Most of the ex- The events got off to an unfor- evening was disrupted by the fire penses were for meals, which were JOSE (JUBA) SIQUEIRA tunate start when a clubroom on alarm which meant the building not covered in full by the registra- The new an exhibition uncovers the Mexican character of the fusion Saturday night ended with para- had to be evacuated. tion fees of the participants. between reality and fantasy. Above right: An Aleberije is a wooden carving medics arriving to deal with a stu- As students gathered outside, of a mythical or imaginary Mexican figure. Above: A skull on the altar for dent in a semiconscious state who what Webster described as "a small the Day of the Dead appeared to have been drinking. fist-fight" broke out. A student The week ended as unluckily as claimed to have been punched and Phi Beta Kappa Lecturer to speak it began with another student call- requested that city police be con- ing 911 because he fell ill and had tacted. about "The Cultural Defense Plea" been drinking. a time during some The fire alarm was set off by This was Homecoming week- burned toast in the pub, al- end, traditionally that it had been pulled deliberately. America might be the great which a great deal of drinking oc- though at the time it was thought fense Plea" on Thursday, Nov. 13, Georgetown and University of melting pot, but that kettle of di- curs, so this was no great surprise In spite of these events, Webster at 8 p.m., in McDaniel Lounge. Pennsylvania. He was a visiting fel- versity is boiling over in contro- Many striking cases have devel- to Director of Campus Safety was generally satisfied by the rela- versy. low at Oxford University'S Centre Michael Webster. tive calmness of Homecoming. The oped over recent years, including for Socio-Legal Studies and a vis- Many cultures means many Indeed when asked whether he crowd was very well behaved he a Haitian immigrant who killed iting research fellow at the Ameri- more traditions and that spells thought that these occurrences said, "people picked up their own when threatened with voodoo and can Bar Foundation in Chicago. trouble as some of those customs a Japanese woman who killed her marked a trend in cases of alcohol trash and by and large were very collide with this country's legal children in conformity with tradi- In 1997, Dr. Rosen earned the abuse, Webster said that there were well mannered." system. tion. President's Award for undergradu- actually fewer cases than he ex- He did not know whether this "Courts are forced to consider Dr. Rosen is a fellow of the ate teaching at Princeton. He pected. was due to Alcohol Awareness the role that culture plays in deter- American Anthropological Asso- earned a MacArthur Prize fellow- He explained thai there were week. 'I would like to think so," ship from 1981-86 and also has re- mining the guilt or punishment for about 6000 people at the he said. He explained that there ciation and a member of the Bar of ceived grants and fellowships from an offense that might be acceptable the U.S. Supreme Court. His pub- Guggenheim, Fulbright and the Na- Homecoming football game and have been a lot of changes this year within the culture of the offender, that "the number of alcohol inci- with the introduction of OCTAA lished works include "Bargaining tional Science Foundation. but which is impermissible under dences per capita was better than and Alcohol Awareness week fail- for Reality: The Construction of He earned a bachelor's degree American law," said Lawrence Social Relations in a Muslim Com- from Brandeis University and we thought it was going to be." ing on Homecoming. Rosen, professor of anthropology The great mass of people did One incident that marred this munity," "The Anthropology of master's, doctoral and law degrees at Princeton University and the Justice: Law as Culture in Muslim from University of Chicago. cause inconveniences for party- general feeling of complacency 1997 national Phi Beta Kappa Society," "The American Indian The lecture, free and open to the goers that evening. The Phi Sigma was the theft of one of the tents set Scholar. and the Law," and "Other Inten- public, is sponsored by WMC's Sigma clubroom had to be closed up around Bnir Stadium. It was Dr. Rosen, also an adjunct pro- tions: Cultural Contexts and the because it was 100 crowded. erected on the Friday night and re- Beta of Phi fessor at Columbia University Law Attribution of Inner States." chapter most prestigious Kappa, the Webster said that "we had people ported stolen on Saturday morning, academic nation's School, will present his research on He also has taught at Duke, and honor society for the liberal arts. climbing in through the windows." according to Webster. The $700 what he calls "The Cultural De- in the law schools at Northwestern, He explained that both the sorority tent was rented but Webster be- and Campus Safety were over- lieves that the cost should be cov- Courtesy of Public Information whelmed. ''There were too many ered by insurance.
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