Page 57 - ThePhoenix1997-98
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F EAT U RES Thursday, November6, 1997 - Page 9 60 Seconds Alumna writer brings talents to Public Information and the pages of The Hill What is the one thing you would do to improve dining in Glar? SARAH RADlCI': SlIIffWr;/er She's back. Western Maryland College alumna, Amy Pelsinsky, '94, BY JESSIE WATTS has returned to her aJma mater as the PilolOgraphcrlStaffWritcr new associate director of Public In- formation The 25-year-old Howard County native brings new energy. "I would have enthusiasm, and plenty of experience different entrees for to the position. The duties of the as- director include: managing sociate lunch. They are editor of WMC's alumni magazine always the same The Hill, producing publications such as the Student Guide and thing - every day of Datebook, and publicizing special the week!" events. "I liked the idea of having more Michelle Marrero '98 creative control, doing more fea- Amy Petsinsky '94 relilms to WMC as {he new associate director of Public tures-related things, being more in- Information. The Howard County native has a love for feature writing Biology volved with the actual publishing," including writing stories about "quirky people ., said Pelsinsky of her reasons for re- turning to the College. As a student, become features writer at the Colum- class ever. "Wash the lipstick off the glasses. " she had enjoyed freelancing for The bia Flier and Howard County limes What does Pelsinsky love about Ferenc Levai '98 Hill, so Pelsinsky applied immedi- for which she also edited an enter- journalism? 'The fact that Ican do ately when KimAsch titled Lifetime. vacated the po- insertion things Inever would have done, meet tainment BusinesslEconomics sition. She has been on the job since Her freelance work has been printed people I never would have met, get October 6. in many Baltimore area publications, into places I never would have got- Pelsinsky's interest in creative such as the Baltimore Magazine and ten into," Pelsinsky said of her love writing developed at a young age, the Catholic Review. of feature writing, in particular, and "probably around middle school." Pelsinsky's first few weeks have conducting interviews. "My favor- "Finish cooking the She attended Glenelg High School, been very busy. On her firs! day, she ite thing is to write about quirky where she worked on the newspaper and write an article food - no runny all four years, and eventually became had to interview "Skip" Fennell, pro- people and things find and bring on Dr. Francis out this quality in everyone hu- eggs, no red editor-in-chief. While at WMC, fessor of education and recent win- manize them." Pc!sinsky gained experience through ner of the Maryland Professor of the She views this process burgers, and no numerous internships. She gradu- Year award. morializing a conversation," as "me- and be- "~I like the fact that I have lots of salmonella ated as an English and French major different responsibilities, sort of a lieves that it is important to capture and member of Phi Beta Kappa. the lives of those with rich pasts and Immediately after graduation, chicken, " Pelsinsky began freelancing and in- jumble, unlike the defined duties at a to preserve them in writing. sees herself as "build- Pelsinsky Kim Walter '98 terned with the Baltimore Magazine. newspaper," said Pelsinsky, adding ing with writing." She believes that thai she likes the caring, friendly at- Psychology She then joined Patuxent Publishing, mosphere at WMC. one can make people feel good or where she worked on some of the She is also "excited and glad to affect change in a community various community newspapers it be back at a time when lots of things through the power of the written published. She covered Prince are happening," such as the construe- word-that is why she liked work.- George's County government with tion of the new science building and ing on community newspapers. Now, "For them to the Laurel Leader, and went on to the arrival of the largest freshman once again, her community is WMC. actually listen to our complaints. " Cobb awarded high ROTC honor Crystal Grove '99 History NIKKI BELANm:R Climbing in the rear window, he highest medal for ROTC cadets. SeniorWriler entered the cab to find blood every- Cobb is the first cadet at WMC to where. He managed to free the woman receive the award in the program's 78- Dudley "OJ." CObb wasn't think- from her seat belt, which had her sus- year history. The award was presented ing when he ran to the overturned pended in the air. Taking his t-shirt off, to him by Doyle in a ceremony during United Parcel Service van. He was he instructed the driver to hold it against the ROTC leadership lab. acting on pure instinct and the notion the cut across her face and her eyeball, Cobb spoke with the driver for the "Vary the food. " that someone needed his help. Mary. which had come out of the socket He first time a couple months after the ac- Cobb,a23-year-oldWestem Jorge del Villar '99 IandCollegesenior,receivedIheRaI'C then moved packages out of the way cident and learned her eye had been and, with the help of another woman saved, which eased his mind. BusinesslEconomics Cadet Medal of Heroism on Scptem- outside, lifted the driver outside 10 wait Originally from Panama City, ber4 for his quick reflexes that helped with her until rescue personnel arrived. Florida, Cobb has also served as a Span- save a woman's life. "I felt calm and collected the whole ish linguist at the Defense Language In September 1996, Cobb was trav- time,"Cobbsaid. Laterthatnight.,how- Institute in Monterey, Cal.ifornia where "Burn it down and eling to Lynchburg, Va. ever, Cobb admits he was a nervous hemet his wife, who was anAmbic Jin- start over!" with the WMC men's soccer team wreck Word of Cobb's heroic actions got guist. He was on active duty in the Army when a UPS van veered off the road Brad "Eights" ahead of them, flipping over several out around the college campus and for three years where he learned first com- Karen Doyle, McKendry '99 times. The team van was the first ve- reached Major WMC ROTC Battalion. aidtraining. '1'mgladtheAnny'sgiven hicle to arrive on the scene. As every- manderofthe me training for medical emergencies Business Administra- one got out.,Cobb, who received emer- When Cobb told Doyle the story, she and I'mgladlcouldputittouse,"Cobb tion gency medical training while in the felt she needed to put him in for the said. Anny, was the only person who went medal, which awards action when no- Currently in his third year of the inside the van to try tohelpthe woman body else responds to a crisis situation. ROTC program, Cobb will graduate still conscious inside. '11's not a frequent thing that anyone this spring as a second lieutenant in the '1 could hear her screaming 'my doessomethingthisheroic,"Doylesaid military, eye, my eye!' ,"Cobb said. "I figured I Last May the Department of the had to help." Anny approved theawani, which is the
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