Page 56 - ThePhoenix1997-98
P. 56
Thursday, November 6, 1997 - Page 8 FEATURES Similar student interests develop into new organizations NICKI KASSOUS Assistant Femllres Edilor trian coach from high school, Pegi Longen, helped Day to secure a farm at which to prac- In Webster's Dictionary, the word "save" is defined as bringing something out of dan- tice. Langen now serves as the coach for had the Team. the WMC Equestrian "We've ger or preserving something from evil. But support [of the school] since the beginning, at Western Maryland College, the word has which is good," Day added. a different meaning. Day has been involved in horse shows SAVE stands for Student's Against Vio- for 10 years. However, the team includes lating the Earth and is one of WMC's new- riders of all levels who practice on Tuesdays est student organizations. and Fridays at Longen's Breeze Horse Farm Addressing environmental concerns, pro- in New Windsor. In the fall and winter of ducing a campus comic book, providing next year, the team plans to compete in in- equestrian competitions, and organizing fly ter-collegiate horse shows. According to fishing expeditions are the objectives of Day, the team got started lao late this year to WMC's four newest student organizations. compete' in (he shows: "I wanted to form a club that could ad- ''There's some real potential on the team," dress environmental concerns on and off of said Day, who would like to see some of the campus and let students have fun while do- members progress in next year's competi- ing it," said Erin Williams, ajunior environ- tion beyond the regional level. Day said she mental biology major who founded SAVE. owes many thanks to the WMC faculty, in- Williams was involved in the organization's cluding President Chambers, Dean Sayre, planning stages last year. This year, she Freshman Kristin Day rides her horse at Longens Breeze Horse Farm in New Windsor. She Mitch Alexander, and Dr. Leahy (the team's looks forward to working on four, major began working toward forming a horse club at WMC while still in high school. The hard work advisor), who offered continued support for campus-wide projects with the 25 member paid off. and she now serves as coach/or the WMC Equestrian Team. .her endeavor. club, which meets every other Thursday in Another new organization at WMC is Lewis 212. Finally, the club hopes to raise money by the group travels to the Cocotain Mountains CABAL, which stands for Comics-Arts- The first project will promote recycling selling Poinsettia plants throughout the and Morgan Run Slate Park for fly fishing Based Artists League. Mike Puskar, a jun- on campus, "which there seems to be a defi- month of November. Dave Seydel, a junior expeditions. Tillman believes the organiza- ior art and art history major, started the group nite lack of," said Williams. SAVE plans to environmental biology major, is one of the non is important because it gives students last year with the help of Joe Hemming, who put bins in all dorms to encourage recycling organizations's co-presidents. "I thought of "a way to get away from studies for awhile graduated in 1997, and senior Mike atWMC. the club as a way to get students interested and the streams are so close to WMC." Cummings. CABAL's purpose is "to pro- According to Williams, the organization in and working towards solving environmen- WMC's close proximity to fresh water mote student artwork, illustrations, and writ- also wants to reduce the amount of junk mail tal problems here on campus," he said. streams is convenient for the Flyanglers, and ing, academically as well as commercially, delivered to students on a daily basis. To Junior Richard Tillman is also trying to its location near many horse farms is benefi- and to give students something formal to accomplish this, SAVE will try to implement get students interested in spending time in cial for the Equestrian Team. In its first year show prospective employers," Puskar said. an alternate form of communication to keep the great outdoors. But his objective is to at WMC, the team was founded by fresh- The group produces an annual comic book WMC students informed. get students involved in the sport of fly fish- man Kristin Day. and meets every other Tuesday at 6 p.m. in "Beautifying the campus," is SAVE's ing. Tillman is the president of the WMC "It's something I've been doing for 10 the commuter lounge. third major project The club wants to "plant Flyanglers, a group of 12 students who travel years and I wanted to give other students the Students interested in becoming a part of different shrubs and flowers around campus to local lakes and streams to fly fish. The opportunity to ride," said Day about why she WMC's new organizations should contact with a focus on eliminating the harsh look club is for novice and experienced fly fish- began the club. their leaders. Or, if students are interested of the buildings and bringing more indig- ers. "If YOll are interested in fly fishing, we In her senior year of high school, Day in starting their own organization, they must enous plant species to campus," Williams are willing to train you," said Tillman. began working to assure the team would be contact Mitch Alexander, director of College said. In its second y:ar of existence at WMC, . active in her first year at WMC. Her eques- Activities.
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