Page 52 - ThePhoenix1997-98
P. 52
Thursday, November 6, 1997 - Page 4 Alumni comehome to the hill Pam squad surprised by streakers Bv CHRISTIAN WILWOIIL Sellman explained the planning News Editor Homecoming is a "concerted effort by the SGAand the Alumni Affairs Office." Two students added some spontaneity to Sellman said the Alumni Affairs Office Homecoming festivities when they surprised helps to plan the halftime ceremonies and the WMC Pompon Squad and spectators by makes contacts off campus for the students. streaking across the football field during the Alumni Affairs obtains the tractors and Poms' halftime performance. flatbed trucks for the parade from Finch Ser- The streakers painted themselves green vices of Westminster and Baugher's Or- and gold, and they wore clown wigs and chards. oversized diapers. According to Aaron Corbett, SGA Vice- Many people found them rather amusing President, the organization coordinates stu- and were not offended by their actions. How- dent publicity and involvement. The SGA ever, Mandy Hofstetter, the Poms' Captain, handles the Homecoming Court nominations said, "The streakers took away from our per- and develops the theme for the event. He said formance." Homecoming is a good opportunity for One of the streakers said, "I wanted to "alumni to make connections with students" CHRISTlANWllWOHl show some school spirit and originality. You because alumni can see student involvement BSU's winning Homecoming float represented African-Americans throughout history. only live once, so have a good time doing on campus especially for this occasion. it." This year, the Student Government As- ------ spon- Brandt CUp awarded to Phi "I wanted to show some sembly and the Inter-Greek Council sored a party in the Forum. school spirit and Amy Dreibelbis '97 said, "The Forum Sigma Sigma sorority was a nice place to have an event for every- originality. " one to socialize instead of waiting in line for a clubroom party and then being crowded Prevents Phi Mu s record four year streak Anonymous Streaker into a hot, noisy clubroom." Sellman explained that she enjoyed work- .Furthermore, because the award recog- WMC recently celebrated "The Heritage ing with students in planning Homecoming. By KATHLEEN DAVIS of the Hill's Past" with its 73rd "I hope that students will catch the feeling SwffWr;/er nizes both group and individual merits, it is a very accurate of the group as a reflection Homecoming. The gala included the tradi- of Homecoming through their involvement During halftime at the Homecoming whole. tional parade down Main Street, various re- and will want to come back," she said. football game, crowds of Green Terror fans ThePhi Sigma Sigmas are enjoying their unions, and the football game. surrounded the playing field, fluttering with well-deserved distinction. The Black Student Union's float took first the excitement of the day. of the sorority, President Tracie Brown- prize in the parade competition with the First- "This year's parade was Since the Terrors were already defeating ing, pointed out that these women spent a year Students and ASAP finishing second the best one ever between the enemy team, everyone had a good rea- great deal of their time and energy last year and third respectively. son to be excited, especially the Phi Sigma to earn the award. Black Student Union President Diane the amount of Sigma sorority. For this group of enthusias- Drakes explained how the group developed tic women, half time was probably the best For instance, many members were in- high different ideas that reflected this year's participation and quality part of the game. This was when Phi Sigma volved in varsity sports, maintained lead- and held various grade point averages, Homecoming theme-"Heritage of the Hill's offloats. " Sigma was awarded the coveted Brandt Cup ership positions around the Western Mary- Past." Award. land College campus. According to Drakes, BSU members on Sara Beth Reyburn According to Director of College Activi- In addition, their float portrayed the "greatness and ties Mitchell Alexander, who determines the community service they worked on numerous projects. struggles" of African-Americans. She said Recent alumnus Fabrizio Ferronato '97 winner of the award, the Brandl Cup is a Browning explained that each month the that the African king and queen and the pyra- said, "It was nice to see so many people back "leadership recognition award for an out- sorority chose two philanthropy projects on mid demonstrated African history and tradi- and see what's going on in their lives. I felt standing Greek organization." which to focus their attention, and ten to tion while the group members standing on like I was back at school again, and watch- The award reflects how well-rounded the twenty members at a time worked diligently the auction block in chains represented sla- ing the football team win made homecoming Greek. organization is. on these activities. very. Drakes said the last component of the even better." After applying for the award, the com- By the end of the year they had completed float, two BSU members standing under the When asked whether she will return for peting groups are evaluated by a point sys- eighteen of these projects, ranging from Ward Arch, showed that "our ancestors made the festi vines after she graduates, Reyburn tem in five different categories: academics, clothing drives to a fund raising walk for it and here we are." said, "If Homecoming was as good as it was community service, honor society, leader- Multiple Sclerosis. According to Donna Sellman of Alumni this year, I'd love to come back." ship, and athletics. According to Browning, everyone was Affairs, the WMCAlumni Council provides The organization with the highest total very honored to receive the award, and she the cash prizes for the floats and the Student number of points is declared the winner. personally felt a sense of pride that all of the them. Government Assembly matches commented, CLASSIFIEDS The process by which they are evaluated members were able to work together as a Senior Sara Beth Reyburn is completely objective. "This year's parade was the best one ever group and accomplish something valuable. between the amount of participation and SPRING BREAK '98 Party Ice & Supplies quality of floats." Sell Trips, Earth Cash & Go Free!!! Stu- Nancy Palmer, one of the faculty judges dent Travel Services is now hiring cam- for the parade, said, "I enjoyed the parade pus reps/group organizers. Lowest rates and there was a lot of hard work on the floats. to Jamaica, Mexico & Florida. CaJ'J'UI(J1. +t~USI. t.."'IU~J'S I'd like to see even more student participa- .-:.111 •• 00 ...... 4.49 tion and school spirit in the parade. EARN $75O-$1SOOlWEEK Homecoming is one of the greatest days of Raise all the money your group needs by "All the Forks" the year at Western Maryland College." sponsoring a VISA fundraiser on your campus. 113 W Main. St. Palmer also said that Homecoming pro- - No investment & very little time needed. Westminster, MD 21157 motes good relations between the college and There's no obtigation, so why not call for the city of Westminster. She commented, "Westminster enjoys watching the students information today. Call 1-800-323-8454 x95 showing their excitement and enthusiasm." Milwaukee s Best $7.69 RELIABLE SPRING BREAK TOURS Bahamas, Cancun & Ski Trips! Maryland's Best $6.99 FREE FOOD & FREE DRINKS! Sign up before Nov. 30. Organize a group-travel free. 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