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PHOENIX P FOURTH EDITION: MASTHEAD CONTEST $50 PRIZE ....._______, See page 10 Volume XVI, Number 4 Western Maryland Colleie Thursday, November 6, 1997 Fennell named Maryland Professor of the Year since 1976. Chambers wrote that WMC and his students. -BY NIKKI BELANGER SeniorWrirer "although many have attempted to 1997 graduate Elaine Eierman, woo Dr. Fennell from WMC, he a former student of Fennell's now A Western Maryland College chooses instead to stay, largely be- teaching in Baltimore County, professor was honored on October cause he fell in love with the place wrote in her letter of recommenda- 23 at the State House by Governor [and teaching] when he first came tion that "Dr. Fennell expected the Parris Glendening. here 20 years ago; that love affair best out of his students, and we, in Dr. Francis "Skip" Fennell was is certainly a mutual one." tum, expected the best oUI of him ... named Maryland Professor of the Fennell teaches courses in in- His positive, caring personality Year by the Carnegie Foundation structional mathematics and serves showed not only in his classes, but for [he Advancement of Teaching. as chairman of the Education de- also in his devotion to individual The second WMC professor to be partment. He has created several students. 1will never forget the les- awarded this title in eight years, mathematic videos and a textbook sons Dr. Fennell taught me about Fennell was chosen out of 554 fac- series which is now being sold education and about life." ulty members nominated through- throughout the country. The Carnegie Foundation con- out the 'state. This isn't the first time Fennell venes a special panel to select the President Robert Chambers, has been awarded for his dedica- winner of the award. The panel Provost Joan Coley, and several tion in the classroom. He also won looks for extraordinary dedication students and colleagues wrote let- WMC's Distinguished Teacher of to undergraduate teaching as dem- ters of support nominating Fennell the Year award in the spring, which onstrated by excellence in the fol- for the prestigious award. is awarded through the students. lowing areas: impact on and in- In his letter, Chambers hailed He is the first education profes- 'Stu- Fennell as a "superb teacher, tre- sor to receive the award. He has volvement with undergraduate [0 teach- approach dcms: scholarly mendous administrator, prolific also been awarded the Outstanding ing; service to undergraduate stu- author, and one of WMC's great- Mathematics Educator award from dents, institution, community, and est treasures." the Maryland Council of Teachers profession; and support from col- Although Fennell knew he had of Mathematics. leagues and current and former been chosen a month ago, the col- Currently on a year's leave of undergraduate students. lege couldn't officially announce it absence from WMC, Fennell is Fennell is not the only WMC until the Annapolis ceremony. This working at the National Science professor to have received this is almost to the point of over- Foundation in Virginia for the award; in 1989, Ira Zepp, profes- whelming," Fennell said. "I keep Teacher Enhancement Program. sor of religious studies emeritus, telling people I haven't walked on "I really miss teaching," Fennell was also honored as Maryland Pro- the ground since last Thursday." said. stressing that he will spend no fessor of the Year and was also one COURTESY OF PUBLlC lNFORMATIO~ Fennell has been a pan ofWMC more than two years away from of ten national gold medalists. 1997 Maryland Professor a/the Year Skip Fe~nell Maryland Student Legislature conference hosted by WMC Almost 100 student delegates make for record attendance spring at the Annual Session. Capital Hill. Bv MICHELU; HAMILTON Senior Writer "Organizing the conference was "He often played devil's advo- a lot of work, but it was rewarding cate with the members, encourag- Many students were sleeping in to have the largest IA ever at our Saturday morning after their Hal- college," explained senior Liz ing them to assess how they would and handle ethical voting deci- loween festivities, but not the stu- valuer, district chairperson for the sions," said valuer. Aaron Corbett, dents who participated in the Mary- Western Maryland College delega- junior Political Science major, was land Student Legislature (MSL) tion. 'The support of the SGA, Pro- responsible for bringing Straw to conference that was held at WMC. vost Coley, and other members of the conference. "He did an excel- Students representing over 10 our delegation made the event a Last year's MSL delegation meets Maryland colleges and universities success," she added. lent job," Corbett exclaimed after with Maryland Governor Parris the speech, relieved that his speaker gathered to debate legislation they Many participants commented was a success. Glendenning. left-right: Liz Valuet, Sarah Snell, Cody Northcutt, wrote at the largest Interim Assem- on the achievements of the confer- "Our delegation had strong rep- Governor Glendenning, Andreas bly (lA) ever. ence. "It was the best IA I have ever resentation at the IA with ten Kalisperis, Aaron Corbett, Sara MSL, a student-run mock attended," said Michael Berlin, people participating, and for half of Beth Reyburn. Michelle Hamilton .• Maryland General Assembly, Governor of MSL. them it was their first experience Straw's speech was followed by meets twice a year, once in the Although the day's schedule with MSL," Valuet added. New lunch and {he General Assembly spring for a weekend at the Annual was centered around debate in the member lanet Keymetian, ajunior, meeting where people debated leg- ......... 7 Session in Annapolis and once in General Assembly, an additional explained that she joined MSL be- islation varying from recycling to .............................9 the fall. The fal! conference lasts highlight was Keynote Speaker cause "I felt I could use my pow- where to buy pizza. Delegates from ............................ 9 only one day, and is held at a par- Phil Straw, chief advisor to Con- ers of articulation and argument to all schools opened fire on the is- .................................. ticipating school's campus. WMC gressman Bartlett and a veteran of further causes 1 believe in and sup- sues and political alliances were .................................. 12 11 received the bid to host the lA last 20 years experience working on press issues I disagree with." formed.
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