Page 51 - ThePhoenix1997-98
P. 51
COMMENTARY ABSOLUT OCTAA Provs.Con Adam Dean & Megan Martin OCTAA and Alcohol Aware- have from television and movies, Alcohol Awareness Week is a ness Week are not a bad idea. 1 Qr second hand from friends who wonderful idea. Unfortunately, drilled into the heads of students for These activities, however, four hours during one of the orien- know we all are "aware" of al- know little more themselves. For it did not seem to have been taken served only as social events for cohol. this group of people, a prohibi- to heart by the student body. ration days and for an additional some. So, why, you might ask, are tionist route may be the best to Everyone on campus is aware hour during a flex period of the Having alcohol-free events is classes. OCTAA and Alcohol Awareness take. Nobody has the time to of alcohol. This is evident various freshman seminar with the a superb idea. There are, how- hours met All five Week good ideas? It is simple, educate members of the college through the number of people same reactions from students: rest- ever, those who attend the events really. Too many people have no community in proper alcohol us- who attend parties where alcohol lessness and boredom. There were and miss the message these prior experience with alcohol age. is served. also those who just plain fell asleep. events represent. and no idea how alcohol should Some students have com- Every week there are new ru- Presenters and student orientors On the other hand, there are be used. plained that OCTAA is too long. rncrs about someone getting so those who feel that there are not I want to say here that I am But that doesn't mean that the ba- alike had to bribe their students to enough alcohol-free events on over2l,andldodrink. Butldo sic concept is a bad one. Instead drunk that they develop the alcohol stay awake and pay attention campus. or about wild poisoning this rarely, and I always drink in of trying to let things deteriorate things the "class drunk" did while This is not to say the presenters There are some who want to a way that r can maintain con- and then jump in and try to fix under the influence. did nOI do their jobs well; it just go to parties and activities on the trol of myself and whatever situ- everything at once, alcohol edu- Understandably, Alcohol says the information was boring weekends where the chances of ation I happen to be in. cation should be a constant thing Awareness Week promoted re- and repetitive. having large amounts of alcohol I am not fond of any fonn of and spread throughout the year. Most students already know spilled on them are zero. intoxication. r figure that if one This approach is more likely sponsible drinking for those of about many of the problems that the Why not increase the number can keep his wits about him, he to produce results than dumping legal age and did nOI promote consumption of alcohol can cause. of alcohol-free events on cam- total abstinence. has a better chance of getting out information on students all at Alcohol Awareness Week ba- There are also those, who, at pus? Yes, there are some alco- of any situation he might find once so that they feel over- sically backed up the principles this age, are of the opinion that they hoI-free activities, but how many himself in. whelmed and forget it all. The taught in the OCTAA (On Cam- are invincible and are determined times can you go to the movies? OCTAA and Alcohol Aware- same goes for Alcohol Aware- to drink if they want. They do not last all night, and it ness Week do tend to take more ness Week. The campus should pus Talking About Alcohol) pro- Alcohol Awareness Week was quickly becomes part of the rou- gram all freshmen were required of a prohibitionist viewpoint. I, nOI be aware of alcohol only one to complete this year. supposed to serve as a reminder une. of course, support the use of al- week a year. The week's activities, how- about drinking responsibly to those The campus needs more of the cohol when it is done moderately. Alcohol is a part of college ever, met with the same ineffec- who have taken the OCTAA activities seen during Alcohol But too many people have never life. We need to accept that and tive results. course, as well as to those who have Awareness Week. been exposed to persons using al- try to develop effective strategies The OCTAA program talked not taken it. New ideas are needed to keep cohol properly and don't have to deal with it. Students should about "trigger levels," "tolerance Activities like "Midnight Milk students entertained and inter- any idea on how to handle it be aware of alcohol all year levels," and the concept that and Cookies," "Tie One On" (mak.- ested enough to stay at the event. themselves. round. "anyone can become an alco- ing your own tie-dye shirts), and Many students seem to have holic." country line dancing were all alco- Megan Martin is a freshman gained what knowledge they do Adam Dean is a senior Political hoi-free events to mark Alcohol Science major. These three concepts were Awareness Week. communications major.
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