Page 48 - ThePhoenix1997-98
P. 48
Dmen TemJr Sl'tJJ'ts Sophomore Marvin Deal highlighted by ESPN for outstanding punt return --See Page 17 Volume XVI, Number 3 Western Maryland College Thursday, October 23, Terror Football attempts to defend unbeaten record in: HOMECOMING '97 ON THE HILL Above, Western Maryland's infamous "hill" highlights a large role of Homecoming: the football game. Tailgating is one a/the activities many students and alumni participate in year a/fer year. Sororities, fraternities, and ROTC also join in the celebration at home by painting their letters or symbols on the slope of the hill Hoping to win seven games without a loss, past games highlight immense talent and are producing a "winning" Terror team Coach Keating discusses fall '97: By ERIN HOWARD has made the difference? Coach the current Lambert/Meadowlands game when freshman Brent Laym,,;SwffWriler Keating revealed his thoughts on Awards Division III poll, recogniz- Sandrock booted a 27-yard field Who knew turkey sandwiches the team's success in a recent in- Currently, the Green Terror are ing supremacy in Eastern college goal. Sermarini then hit freshman nd chocolate milkshakes had any- terview. the sixth-ranked team in the NCAA football. wide receiver Mike Starke with a hing to do with the success of this Division III South Region. The Regardless of polls and stand- 12-yard touchdown pass on the first ear's football team. A supersri- Phoenix: Before the season team is also 6-0 for the first time ings, what stands out most in the play of the second quarter, just ious person would probably say started, did you envision yourself since 1951 Terror's performances is the con- three plays after senior Kevin hat they are what has provided just being undefeated at this point? With its perfect record, WMC cept of team. Each player has con- Brown grabbed his third intercep- he right amount of luck in order Keaungr.I didn't envision unde- has forged itself its way into sev- tributed many great accomplish- tion of the season. o be the key difference in the feated, Of course, I envisioned a eral polls. They are 22nd in the ments thus far, while all have On WMC's next drive, Serma- eamsso far, successful season. very good season, but I don't try USA Division III Top 30 poll, co- worked together to support their rini hit senior wide receiver Donte ut in reality they are not. to look too far ahead. I take it one ordinated by Sports in the USA, extraordinary record. Abron with a 46-yard punt return It is true that Western Maryland game at a time. I'm certainly not Inc., of Roseland, NJ, moving up Looking back at the halfway bomb for a touchdown. Junior ollcge's head football coach, Tim surprised that we're undefeated three spots. point in their season, where the wide receiver Tim Herb hauled in ~ea{ing, has eaten a turkey sand- though. they have ranked ninth in Terror traveled to winless Sermarini's third touchdown pass rich and choc~late ~ilkshake for Phoenix: What are the key dif- "' , Muhlenberg stripping by a score of of the second quarter form 10 yards unch every Fnday since the start ferences between this season and of a them Homecoming out with 2:58 left in the half. victory last season? season. But f the 1997 football Marvin It's a combination e's not superstitious, ., :."/=- ~ 44-9. Sophomore Ron Sermarini capped Sophomore a dazzling Deal then ine he loves. and luck have no place Keating: recruiting and the hard of it's the rou- the Green Terror's 27-point to him, strong According with quarter threw for 264 yards and four touch- 55-yard \ in the uperstition work of the upperclassmen . -\ '\,! downs, three of them in the second punt return, during on several he ap- n the success of this year's team. off season. group The attitude of the which the Terror. occa- leading quarter, stopped peared whether turkey sand- But, current [of players] is de- Sermarini connected sions only to break on 18 of free and score than it has been milkshakes different iches and chocolate cidedly before !"",~.d"'·' 23 passes to set school and confer- with 59 seconds remaining first punt ave anything to do with the Green in the past. They are more posi- percentage completion ence success or not, 1997 has tive and more focused. errors It was WMC's halftime. records at 78.3 percent. He also return for a touchdown since Mike ertainly been a turnaround season Phoenix: Have there been any "o\~~~'A-f""'" tied the Western Maryland single- Chavez brought one back 76 yards or the WMC team. changes in your program that ..··~:;:-.·i;r··.· game mark for TO passes. (See at Muhlenberg on October 5, 1985. They have already improved on might have spurred your success? , , page 16 for related Sermarini (See related story on Deal on page ast season's 4-6 record, and will has been Junior Gavin DeFreitas (#33) runs story.) 17.) nter into this Saturday's Keating: The program I have one an evolutionary thing. the ball. DeFreitas currently leads The Terror grabbed a 3-0 lead pomecoming game with an unde- the team in rushing. on its opening possession of the Continued on page 16 eared, 6-0 record. So what really Continued on page 17
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