Page 141 - ThePhoenix1997-98
P. 141
NEWS Honor & Conduct Webster Board nationally recognized The Honor & Conduct Board adjudicated a case on Friday, February 6, 1998. involving a student who was charged with, and found respon- Michael Webster, WMC's sible for, sexually harassing a college employee. The student was ex- campus safety director, was pelled from the College. elected to the board of a national On appeal, [he student was required to withdraw from the college campus law enforcement asso- with the opportunity to re-apply for the Spring 1999 semester. ciation. Webster, who came to WMC The Honor & Conduct Board adjudicated a case on Friday, February in 1991, was elected vice presi- 6, 1998, involving a student who was charged with pulling a false fire dent of the Association of Cam- alarm. pus Law Enforcement Admin- The student was found responsible and subsequently removed from istration for 1998. the residence halls for the Spring and Fall 1998 semesters and required He will serve the region rep- to present a program about the college's minimum sanctions at New Stu- resenting Delaware, District of dent Orientation. Columbia, Maryland and North- ern Virginia and wiH implement The Honor & Conduct Board met on Wednesday, February II, 1998, a (raining agenda for the area's to hear a case involving a student charged with physical abuse, disor- 36 active post secondary insti- derly conduct, harassment and indecent language. tutions. The student was found responsible for disorderly conduct and ha- He also recently was ap- rassment. The students's sanctions included removal from the residence pointed to serve on the govern- halls and campus after dark and an extensive counseling program. mental relations committee of the International Association of The Honor & Conduct Board adjudicated another case on Thursday, Campus Law Enforcement Ad- March 5, 1998, involving a student charged with physical abuse of an ministration. RA and disorderly conduct. Through WMC, Webster The student was found responsible for disorderly conduct and subse- also is currently consulting with quently required to apologize to Residence Life staff, complete a week- Gettysburg College, which is re- end of duty rounds with RA's, and given community service. positioning its safety office from Members of SERVE Kendra Jones and Steve Moore the administration and finance The Honor & Conduct Board met on Wednesday, March 11, 1998, to division to the student life divi- repaired a bathroom in a Dungannon, VAhome during hear a case involving a student charged with physical abuse, disorderly sion of the college. Spring Break. This WMC service organization went to conduct, and underage consumption of alcohol. webster oversaw a similar the Appalachian town to repair houses. Jones said the The student was found responsible for disorderly conduct and under- transition at WMC when he experience gave her "a better understanding of the age consumption of alcohol. came to Westminster from [Appalachian) culture." While in Dungannon, a women The sanctions issued by the Board in this case were Alcohol proba- Emerson College in Boston, tion through the end of the Spring 1999 semester, Conduct Probation where he had served as assistant who grew up there spoke to almr+At~f<',@fi~~i~rior through the end of Spring 1999 semester, alcohol education (the OCTAA director of public safety. history. Some students from West Virginia Wesleyan program) and a two-page paper on conflict mediation. College and a Canadian church's youth group also Courtesy of Public Information participated in the service project.
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