Page 137 - ThePhoenix1997-98
P. 137
Volume XVII, Number 4 Wednesday, April 1, 1998 Controversy rages Golf house over SO/CA merger fires six new selection process and combin- BY CHRISTIAN WILWOHI. ing the jobs will "open up and ex- employees News Editnr tend leadership opportunities for WMC students are still strongly people outside the larger campus BY JONATHON SHACAT objecting to combining the Student organizations like CAPBoard and SeninrWriler Orientor and Classroom Assistant SOA." She hopes the changes will All six part-time employees at positions, a change they believe make the Peer Mentors a more di- the golf house lost their jobs March could be detrimental to the orien- verse group. I when the WMC Golf Club Man- tation process. Many returning SO's were up- agement Co. took control of opera- "I think they're making orien- set because they were not included tions there. tation too academic," said senior in the process behind making this The college abolished the posi- Sara Beth Reyburn,. an SO for the position. tions of manager Joe Manzer and past two years. ''The lack of student involve- COURTESY os ItIl_LMAGAZINE clerks Catherine Davis, Les Cole, The position will assume a new ment added injury to a decision Budapest is located near severo! spectacular European cities. WMC title of Peer Mentor, which is "all with which many students do not students can easily visit Vienna. Prague and Venice while in Hungary. Jack Kraus, Harold (Smoky) Warner, and Tom Watts to make inclusive," said Barb Horneff, as- agree," said Aaron Corbett, an SO Faculty, students head room for a new staff. sociate dean of the First-year Pro- from last year. "The whole reason we did it gram. At a recentAIJ College Council was to change the direction [of the First-year student Jeremiah meeting, said she was sorry that stu- to Budapest next fall Develin Joan Provost Kelly, who will be a Peer Mentor Coley golf house], and using the existing do people that we had, we couldn't next year, is currently distributing dents were not included in the de- college in Hungary for 2 years then what we wanted to step it up," said a petition contesting the faculty's cision-making process. But, Coley BY RAINI WRIGHT transfer to WMC. However, "this decision. "It's two different jobs in explained that the combination of S/(if/Wriler year the program was able to get Barry Bosley, director of Facilities Management and Auxiliary Ser- nature, and it takes two different these positions will make it easier Next fall, several students from enough funding to send a profes- people to do them," said Kelly, who to manage the program. Western Maryland College along sor over to Hungary as well," ac- vices. fears mat merging the positions will Both Coley and Horneff admit- with Business AdministrationlEco- cording to Provost Joan Develin pro~~ ~::~T~r{eC~b~ir ~~ remove the enthusiasm from Stu- ted the changes may not be perfect. nornics Professor Sue Singer will Coley. clinics as well as coverage at the dent Orientation. "The program is continuously spend the entire semester at Singer, will be the first profes- counter. New staff include PGA pro However, Horneff said that the Continued on page 3 WMC's sister campus in Budapest. sor from WMC to have the oppor- Mike Amira, who was director of The purpose at Challedon Minority student 10 provide opportunity of the program "is all tunity to teach for a semester in golf at the Links on page 2 in with a study- students Continued on page 4 Continued in which abroad enrollment increases their financial Mctard-Noar, director said aid transfers," Dr. Martine of Study Abroad. fmding the best way of attracting Currently, about a dozen stu- BY CHRISTIAN WILWOHI, Ne ....sEdiior [minority students}." dents have expressed interest in the 52 minority students comprise program. First-year student Dave This year's incoming class has 10.3% ofWMC's current first-year Stysley said that a semester in set many new trends, including an class, the highest number and per- Budapest "will be helpful for his increase in minority students at centage of incoming minority stu- political science major and allow WMC. dents in the college's history, said him to experience something new." The recruitment of minority Marty O'Connell, dean of Admis- Exchange students from the students is "not necessarily more sions. Budapest program are encouraging of a priority," said James Felton, 25 African-Americans, 12 WMC students to take advantage an African-American and director Asian-Americans, 12 Hispanic, I of this opportunity. of Multicultural Services. "It's Native American, I muttiethnic, Zoltan Menyhart, a senior busi- more a result of marketing and and I unspecified minority make up ness administration/economics students. the 52 new minority Inside dents in this year's of minority class major said, "studying abroad gives The percentage stu- life experience by broad- a person incoming t··j'I'"I§,!£i;: 1 ~ev~erct~aas~i~C;:;~~ O:.~I:~sts;~ ening his/her Jorge views." agreed RICHARD KELLEY. COURTESY OF THE BLACKBIRD RECORDING co del Villar Junior with Menyhart "People can learn Brownie Mary is the first band sponsored by the Campus Concert Soap Park: Anne Butler parodies O'Connell. a lot being exposed to different cul- Commillee to have afemale lead vocalist the popular cartoon to complain Admissions considers African- tures, but their financial circum- as headlined at college concerts about the lack of soap in resi- Americans, Asian-Americans, Na- stances don't always allow them to Se,,;nrWr;ler around the country. dence hall bathrooms. tive-Americans, and Hispanics as go abroad," he commented. It is con finned. Brownie Mary, formed in 1993, "lmlma•••• 1l minorities, said O'Connell, not in- Since the campus in Budapest Moe, a "funk-groove-rock-type has a CD entitled "That's Me." The 'Wiiii4 'J temational students. is affiliated with WMC, the tuition, music" band from New York, and band has opened for the Dave WMC has always recruited mi- Woo's Reviews: Alex Malloy cri- room and board cost the same. Brownie Mary, an up-and-coming Matthews Band, Melissa tiques Titanic, Wild Things, and nority students, affirmed Those attending the program will alternative rock band from Pitts- Etheridge, Rusted Root, and Hootie Primary Colors. O'Connell, but Admissions does be provided with apartments burgh, will perform at WMC on and the Blowfish. not have a designated minority re- nearby the college campus. The April 24, according to David Anyone interested in helping cruiter. "[Minority recruitment] is Sports 16 only expenses not covered by fi- Meckley, chair of the Campus Con- with planning or organizing the everyone's responsibility," she nancial aid are the round trip air- cert Committee. concert event is welcome to attend Golf: WMC fourth in Tee-off added. fare and spending money. Moe, considered the next Phish, committee meetings which are held tournament. Associate Professor of Initially, me idea of the program had performed at the Horde festi- Sunday nights at8 pm in the Leidf Continued on page 4 was to allow students to attend the val and the Bayou in DC, as well
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