Page 146 - ThePhoenix1997-98
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Wednesday, April I, 1998 - Page 10ยท, . FEATURES Movie club ushers in fresh A Closer Look..~ film commentary A feature spotlighting students at WMC BY JEREMY Loeus felt right at home." give you feedback," said Castro, adding that Staff Writer His most memorable (legal) experience BY JENNIFIlR VICK St!lliorWriter she likes small discussion groups but would occurred in upper Decker. Rich was playing like to see more people attend. "Part of be- College is a place for many different dis- piano when a small red dot appeared on his For children, the film Willy Wonka and ing in college is learning different things and ciplines and viewpoints. One of the most en- hand. It traveled up his arm to his head. Rich the Chocolate Factory is a fantasy world of opening yourself up to different experiences gaging and memorable is that of Richard decided than he had practiced enough and candy and chocolate bars. But for Western and maybe you could learn something new Suchoski. left. Maryland College's film club, Ushers, it's about yourself." Rich, the man in black, ("I am not a Another event that Rich will find hard to also about greed, gluttony, arrogance, and Hutchison also expressed a desire for freak") has been here just long enough to forget occurred "when I was just a lowly ... addiction. more people to attend the movies that begin become intimate with the local squirrels, a freshman." While "shaving after a shower These were the topics of discussion after at 7:00 pm. "By the time the movie and dis- little under 2 years. one cold winter afternoon, Irealized that my the film was shown earlier this semester by cussion are over, people can still have their He is an enthusiastic member of several roommate had gone to dinner and locked me the club, newly fonned this semester. night to do other things," he said. organizations including Channel 17, the So- out of our room. I ran to my suitemate with Every other Friday, the Ushers have Hutchison added that people shouldn't be ciety of Physics Students, the Food Com- a half shaved face and only a bath towel shown alternative films, free and open to the intimidated by the films' alternative content. mittee, CABAL, and WMCR. screaming for her to chase my roommate. WMC community, in Hill Hall Room 108, "They are alternative in the sense that they When asked why he chose to join the After a puzzled look and half an hour she followed by a discussion of the film. Ushers have deeper philosophical meaning that WMC family, Rich said, ''This is the pretti- found him in Glar. I didn't want Campus founder, senior Todd Hutchison, has been should be discussed," he explained. est campus I've seen on the East Coast, and Safety called to let me in my room because I organizing the Friday film events. Sophomore Martin Wisor attended the the . I "I'm trying to get movies that will open film Dreams and said, "At first I really up people's minds and get them talking," said couldn't tell what the movie was about but Hutchison, who has chosen each movie but then once we got into the discussion every- says he is open to others' suggestions. thing just started to connect." Although not more than 10-15 people The film showings are not only unique have attended each film, the discussions have because of the discussions that follow, said been lively, said Hutchison, who plans to Hutchison, but also because of the large pursue film school after graduating. He said screen they are shown on and the high qual- he was inspired to organize the Friday film! ity surround sound system in Hill Hall room discussion events after taking the Jan Term 108. course, Philosophy and Film. ''That system is booming," he said. "It's Sophomore Nicole Castro has attended a great place to watch a movie." the first three movies shown this semester - Wisor agreed. "Seeing just a normal video Priest, Dreams, and Willy Wonka and the on a screen like that is really pretty awe- Chocolate Factory - and also took the Phi- some," he said. losophy in Film class. Films that will be shown later this semes- She said taking the class helped her to ter will include The Piano, Blade Runner, and look ~t movies differently and to learnabout a Woody Allen film. - different perspectives. She has particularly "lfyou're a movie lover and really enjoy enjoyed the Ushers' Friday movies because films," said Hutchison, "you really should be of the discussions afterward. there. It's a chance to open your mind, and "You can give your opinion while others that's the good thing about it." Rich Suchoski finishes up a barrel of ice cream. His hobbies include making chain mail. WMC observes Violence Awareness month AI!h! Rape awareness and domestic abuse education are key issues The third annual Rape Awareness Vigil domestic violence. According to Galambos, BY NICKI KAssoLiS will be held on April 16 from 7 pm until 9 Assistant Fealure.~Editor this will be the first ever clothesline project Genuine Help and pm at St. Paul's Church. The vigil will fea- in Carroll County. by elected A rape awareness vigil, a clothesline Two t-shirt making Understanding project, and education about domestic abuse ture speeches a performance officials, panel dis- held to make the shirts workshops will be from cussions, by students on the for display will highlight Western Maryland College's North Carroll High School, and music from clothesline. The sessions will be on April 14 -lVlSleep Sedation observance of Violence Awareness Month WMC's Music Department. from 1 pm to 4 pm and on April 15 from 9 -First &Mid - Trimester this April Survivors of rape will also attend the am until noon. The clothesline will hang in Abortion Services According to Dr. Colleen Galambos, as- feels is important. -Free Pregnancy Testing sistant professor of social work, the purpose event, which Galambos comes back, they feel St. Paul's Church on April 16 from 3 pm until 9 pm. "Each time a survivor -Pregnency & Birth Control of the observance is to increase awareness. a little stronger," she said. The Social Work Department has been Counseling New this year to the observance realize -Scncgrams "People by persons the pain and suffering expe- the display of the clothesline project will be working with the Social Work Club and the at the of do- rienced who are survivors -Commumty Education & Guest mestic violence and realize that it's really not vigil. The project is a display of t-shirts made Alpha Nu Omega sorority to plan this event. Speaking Services The Social Work Club will be selling t-shirts -24 Hour Emergency Call okay to hurt another person," she said. by individuals who have been influenced by to raise money for the event. Junior social work major and one of the presidents of the Social Work Club, Cindy World Famous Psychic --I West has been helping to plan the vigil. ''This to lIle Stan and Celebld .. event is important because there is not a big can hclpyou obtain awareness about rape. People don't want to L-, d'l'~, 1f'~ -" ~ talk about it. Women come to the vigil, but for men to come too. People it's important I need to be aware that rape is areal problem." Telephone Da\'id CH.ntino ''The vigil gives the victim a sense that Suburbia Building anytime at they're not alone and the community is there 5602 Baltimore National Pike 423/609-0946 to support them and listen to their stories," Suite 600 Baltimore, Maryland 21228 423/609-0919 said Junior Kerrie Wille, social work major ! I 423/558-1197 Club. Convenient to Baltimore Beltway (695) and one of the presidents of the Social Work rr........ ) http://gynpages.comlhillcrestbalt All members of the Western Maryland Fax: 423/609-0921 College Community are encouraged to at- Most Credit Cards Accepted web site at (http://user.icx,net/-psychic) tend the Rape Awareness Vigil and view the clothesline project in observance of Violence .Awareness Month.
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