Page 145 - ThePhoenix1997-98
P. 145
FEATURES Wednesday, April I, 1998-Page9 Master Sgt. Richard Gobeil will retire to a civilian life finance the trip himself. people." Motivating people and BY FRANCESCA SAYI.OR "I went home. collected unem- COnlriblllingWriler dealing with their problems was a ployment for two months, went very important aspect of his role The same sergeant who once back in and was sent to Fort Bliss there, much as it is at WMC. served in the Persian Gulf War, for three months, and then was sent "He's a little rough around the Korea, and looked the Red Army back to Korea again," explained edges, but I think on the inside he in the eye, now teaches ROTC at Gobeil. In 1978 he returned from actually cares about the cadets a Western Maryland College. Korea for the second lime and was lot," said sophomore Cadet Bryan While it's been quite a contrast sent to Key West, Florida. Flynn. to teach military science, it has By this time, Gobeil had mar- Gobeil said he has enjoyed his been a relaxing way for Master Sgt. ried for the first time in 1972 and years at WMC. However, the best Richard Gobeil to prepare for his was blessed with one son and one aspect of his job is that "there's no retirement from his 24-year Army daughter. Both live in Maine with stress." career. his father, which is why he seldom Teaching ROTC, while it has its Change is nothing new for the sees them. Gobeil married for the moments, has certainly been less master sergeant. In 1976 Gobeil second time in 1979. stressful than his previous assign- received a big culture shock when He enlisted because he was a ments, such as being sent to Saudi he was sent on an unaccompanied draftsman at the time and wanted Arabia as a first sergeant during the tour to Korea. He was the more experience so he joined the Persian Gulf war. He was a part of commander's ,driver and taught engineers. He was also attracted to the 2nd Battalion, 7th ADA Regi- himself to read and speak Korean ment, Patriot. His job there was to within two weeks. While he was "shoot down scuds, the ones seen He will also have more time for driving he would try to read bill- [Gobeil] was a part on CNN," he explained. his hobbies, which include work- doing, Gobeil he explained. a few hair- experienced boards and signs in order to learn of the 2nd Battalion, Although he met Colin Powell ing on his computer and occasion- raising events in Germany. The one more. there, being in the desert was not ally going to the firing range. He that stands out the most in his mind According to his WMC supe- 7th ADA Regiment, the highlight of his career; he jok- also has a large record collection rior, Maj. Karen Doyle, it is this ef- Patriot. His job ingly describes it as "six months of of "older rock-n-roll," including an was during the 80's when the ter- Faction rorist Red Army targeted ficiency that makes the ROTC pro- drinking bottled water." original copy of "Meet the Kaiserslautern. gram run so smoothly here. She there was to "shoot "He's a lively personality," Beatles." He finds most of these says the two of them share a mu- commented Doyle, who depended prized possessions at yard sales and Being stationed in Germany tual respect because he is her down scuds, the on Gobeil a great deal when she flea markets. gave Gobeil an opportunity to "right-hand man." ones seen on CNN. " first came here. It is to these hobbies that Gobeil travel around Europe. He has been "He's very effective with jug- In the Army Doyle learned to to England, Belgium, and Italy, just the cadre gling a billion things at one time be a "self-starter" and has become will retire, leaving adjustments at to name'ii few. "WhereVer you can with some WMC and he doesn't drop the bail," the Army because he could use the very disciplined and regimented. make. Doyle said, "We're going to 10 think of [in Europe], j~ve been praised Doyle. Gl Bill to go to college. Howeven he most enjoys the have a big dip in efficiency. It'll there," said GobeiL Although 'Gobeil's responsibili- Before enlisting, Gobeil had not unconve~lional things in the ROTC From Europe, Korea and the ties here differ from his previous taken any college courses, but was program like .sh?ot,i!lg, weapo'!~l be like a little obstacle we'll have Persian Gulf, Gobeil ended up at he WMC three years ago. Hffknew assignments, he still has a lot to able to get an associate's degree in going on field exercises, and :!e~i~~~df~~1 ~~' ~~~~qiteIY was going to retire in tryjee years ~ manage. He prepares lab for the education through Central Texas' rappelling. In addition to teaching Gobeil and his family have to and that ifhe could get stationed in cadets on Thursdays, coordinates European division while stationed military science, Gobeil taught a depend on his letters and phone the US he would not be moved field training exercises, and orga- in Germany. rappelling class for all students. calls now, much as they did when within that period. nizes the commissioning ceremony, Gobeil chose education because When he retires in July, Gobeil he was in Germany from 1980-83 In 1994, when he wasf,' n Korea to mention a few. "that was what was available" to will have plenty of time to spend and again from 1985-92. It was as a first sergeant, he cal d about Gobeil also has a talent for him at the time. Since the Air De- outside and relax. "The only plan I there that he learned the slogan of keeping costs to a minimum. He fense Artillery, which he was in, have right now is to finish my BA the Air Defense Artillery: "We're finding an ROTC jot> and his left the service in order to obtain was often on call 24 hours a day, degree at York College," where he the only ones who do our wartime choices were WMC or the Univer- free military transportation home his choice of classes was further will probably enter as a second-se- mission during peace." The divi- sity of North Carolina. He chose from that first short tour in Korea. limited. mester junior studying business sion gained this rnotto because of WMC so that he could be as close Had he wanted to come home while As a first sergeant, Gobeit's job administration, said Gobeil. the constant hard work they were to his family as possible. still enlisted, he would have had to was to "bring the fear of God into Woo's Reviews uba by Alex Malloy Wild Things: The film version 71,r Titanic: Going Down With The Heart Sing Doesn't Make My notorious best-seller, of Joe Klein's Ship a thinly dis- CentcrJor billion and climbing, Titanic is now $1 Set in the Florida Everglades, guised fictionalization of the Clin- With ticket sales of around during the 1992 Cro-s,Culrural history's number one box-office this neo-uoir is an intricate web of ton inner circle campaign, is a thor- conscience- between presidential relationships champion and the proud owner of free beautiful people. Kevin Bacon oughly entertaining, extremely Study II Academy Awards. But Titanic, and newcomer Daphne Rubin Vega well-acted, morally complex James Cameron's $200 million play detectives who wade into the movie. In other words, it is one hell epic, is the most overrated film of contradictions surrounding a high of a ride. John Travolta plays Jack all time! The central romance be- school guidance counselor (Matt Stanton, an ambitious southern tween high-society Kate Winslet Dillon) who has apparently been governor who emerges as the fa- and artistic drifter Leonardo framed for sexual misconduct by vorite of the Democratic Party. The I....""'"y .I",,·tn(: DiCaprio isn't even all that involv- two of his students (femme fatale rest of this superb cast includes ing. Despite the wonders of special Neve Campbell and Starship Emma Thompson as Travolta's c-. ,td ta effects, the movie drifts unneces- Troopers' sexy Denise Richards). wife Susan, a brilliant Billy Bob sarily for more than three hours .. Dillon ends up being tried for sm,,.. S"";w Thornton as a perverse campaign The dialogue is wooden and stale sexual assault and is defended by manager, and Kathy Bates as .~f,A.:~Y«".u.J""J.U1)'.6''\lItllnWfI'''''+ and the acting is all interchange- none other than Bill Murray, one • ('AUnn JI ",III,., rk 1'MIw..." 'SFStI'lllb • s.n.a d.uiMt • (~~ ~ • able, but thanks to millions of teen- of the few saving graces of the film. Libby, the moral center of the film. ·ftr ......rulaHt ~11
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