Page 138 - ThePhoenix1997-98
P. 138
News in brief President Robert Chambers an- According to an e-mail to the Phoenix nounced his decision to uphold the tem- from Sherry Myers, Hayden's mother, the pered sanctions of the appeals board re- college intends to refund the family for the garding the February 27 appeal made by lost semester. first-year student Hayden Myers. Myers, Myers will be transferring to a new col- who was appealing expulsion for sexu- lege in the Fall. ally harassing a Residence Life Coordi- Joel Bridges, who faces MD state nator, attended his last day of classes at charges of possession of marijuana with WMC on March 9. intent to distribute, possession of drug The sanctions which were upheld - paraphernalia, and creating a public nui- required withdrawal for the current se- sance, had an Honor and Conduct Board mester and one additional semester, with hearing on Friday, March 13. loss of student status and the option to His hearing process still continues, and reapply after submitting proof of signifi- the school will not make an official an- cant progress made in counseling for an- nouncement about the Board's finding ger management and sexual harassment until after the Phoenix's publication. - were issued at Myers' February 16 appeal hearing before Provost Joan De- Bridges was arrested by Westminster velin Coley, Dean Philip Sayre, and a stu- City Police in his first floor McDaniel dent representative. room on February 25. Golf House New doctors replace Welliver continued from page 1 his medical training at the University of Mount Airy, and an assistant pro and but added that they would rather work than not. some part-time employees, who will be All of the former workers said they enjoyed South Carolina at Charleston, has replaced hired in May, Moyer said. working at the golf house, and noted that they Welliver as the Medical Director of the Although there were rumors of a pos- were always treated very welL WMC Health Center. Henderson, who has a family practice sible change 10 the system, the news of Also, Bosley said they are eligible for 26 New Windsor which is affiliated with Car- in the restructuring came as a surprise 10 weeks of unemployment compensation. roll County General, is in the health center many of the staff members. Asked how However, Susan Kareiva, an unemployment for at least I hour, 5 days a week. As the they felt about the situation, each person claims specialist, said from her office in West- medical director, Henderson collaborates had something different to say. minster that people cannot get unemployment with Physician Assistant Joan Lusby, sees "I was very upset and very hurt," said if they are not available to work full time. Also, as necessary, and performs various Davis, 72, who would have worked there people who collect social security are not able patients duties, such as signing off on neces- other II years in August. to get full unemployment if the income goes over sary documents. Manzer, 76. was unable to comment a set limit. She added that there are some ex- Dr. Samuel Matz, who earned his medi- -because he is recovering from-medical= cepnons depending-on a person's age. cal degree from the University of Maryland, surgery. Other changes to the golf house include: rec- has taken over the position of Athletic Team "I didn't like it at ali," said Warner, ommended tee times at IO-minute intervals, a Physician. 76, an employee of 12 years. "I don't fully-stocked pro shop located in the clubhouse Matz, an orthopedic surgeon practicing think any of us liked it at all." with new and used clubs and brand name ap- in Westminster and Pikesville, gives prior- "I can take it, roll with the punches," parer, and a freshly-painted and carpeted lounge A new Medical Director of the WMC ity to WMC athletes referred to him and will said Watts, 66, a school bus driver. "I just with cable TV. Health Center and a new Athletic Team Phy- attend all high-contact, collision sporting don't like the way it was done." "This will be the best deal in town by April sician have filled the two positions left open events such as football. "I hate moving jobs," said Cole, 52, a I," said Scott Moyer, head golf coach and man- by Dr. Daniel Welliver, who retired after Both doctors began working at WMC on full-time construction worker. "They ager of the new golf house. any increase" are getting nearly 40 years in February. February 16, immediately after Welliver's of- ''They aU of us, but, what can you say, we were r-_:_-.~~.~~.~~~I-------=~~~~~~~:~------l could have kept us all on." in the all these services without Henderson, ficialretirement. who completed Dr. Herbert cost to play on the course. "I was shocked that they terminated said Kraus, 75, an workers," all part-time employ" of7 years. "We ru-e hoping that 24 Hour Hotline: we may find other jobs at the school." ~~:: ~~:/;:::;I:;~~~~ 410-85 7-7322 sionB~:I:~e~~~ at the college. Potential jobs include - working as PELC desk attendants - no positions are open right now - or as part- time cashiers in the newly managed golf "Whether the crime happened last night house. But, since the clerks were previ- or years ago, we can help." ously paid around $8 per hour, they may not be willing to take a pay cut and come back to earn minimum wage. Kraus said Moyer inquired about of- Services are available to victims, family or friends. fering him a job, but when he told him Whether it's sexual harassment. abuse, dating violence or rape, the salary amount he used to make, Moyer we can help. All inquiries are free and confidential. said he could get plenty of help from minimum wage workers. RAPE CRISIS Services include: walk-in crisis counseling, individual therapy, Watts said that if he is asked by Moyer INTERVENTION SERVICE therapy groups, accompaniment to police-hospital-court. to come back, he will gladly tum down OF CARROLL COUNTY and prevention education programs. the offer. The starting wage won't be enough for him. Walk-ins are welcome (Monday thru Friday) 9am - 5 pm The six former part-time staff mem- bers, most of whom were retired and col- 224 North Center Street, Room 102 lecting social security, were paid a sever- Westminster, MD 21158 ance package of nine additional weeks 24 hour hotline: 410-857-73<22 Fact: The perpetrator of a sexual crime is based upon the average number of hours more likely to be someone you know than a worked each week, said Bosley. Office: 410-857-0900 or 876-9147 stranger. ~ For the most part, the employees said they thought the severance pay was fair A Private Nonprofit Apncy Serving Carroll County
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