Page 139 - ThePhoenix1997-98
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NEWS Wednesday, April I, 1998 - Page 3 Students raise questions about SGA allocation to Trumpeters Honor Society sought $170 to In defining the SGA's position, RY CHRISTIAN WILWOHL News EdilQr sponsor a Career Night Dinner Reyburn said, ''The [SGA] voted open to students interested in ca- to allocate $130 to Trumpeters. The recent Student Government reers in mathematics. This would That vote portrays the sentiment of Assembly's allocation of funds to also include areas of similar inter- the body." Trumpeters, WMC's leadership est such as business, economics, or In the past, Trumpeters has re- honor society, has raised questions computer science. "This dinner ceived funds from Student Affairs about the organization's allocation would give students a chance 10 and the President's Office, but Rey- process. gain knowledge on interviews and burn said the group did not receive The SOA allotted $130 to the about specific jobs," Barr wrote in any money this year from either GET INVOLVED!!! Trumpeters this semester so that the an e-mail to the SGA regarding this one. group may sponsor a dinner for stu- issue. Other honor societies have re- CAP Board is looking for a diverse group of creative, dent leaders and payoff its debt of Likewise, senior Andy ceived SGA allocations this year. dedicated, fun-loving students who desire to plan $30. Kalisperis explained that WMC's Phi Alpha Theta, the history honor innovative programs for WMC. EVERYONE is "Traditionally, the SOA has Harvard Model United Nations society, was given $150 and Order encouraged to apply! To find out more information given student organizations money team had applied for an allocation of Omega, the Greek leadership about the positions or about CAPBoard call x759. to pay their debts," said SOA Presi- which was denied because the al- honor society, $400. dent Sara Beth Reyburn. who is locations committee considered the Last year, SGA gave Trumpet- Applications available at the Info Desk also a member of Trumpeters. group another "closed-off' organi- ers $80. Former SGA Treasurer Due April 6, 1998 Yet, the SOA allocations com- zation. Kalisperis said that he and former mittee maintains that it does not Some people have voiced com- Vice President Randy Ritter al- give money to "closed-off' student plaints that Trumpeters is not a very lowed this as "a favor" to Brandy organizations. active organization, and therefore Mulhern, last year's President and The allocations committee con- not worthy of receiving money a member of Trumpeters. sists of the SGA executive commit- from the SGA. Reyburn said that a committee SGA brief lee: President Reyburn, Vice Presi- Reyburn admitted that the within SGA is currently reviewing dent Aaron Corbett, Treasurer Matt group is "trying to remedy this." the allocation process to establish -The SGA initiative on making Gribbin, and Secretary Becky ''Trumpeters is a student orga- a system of guidelines for next year. the intersection of Penn. Ave. and -Follow ups for the SGA open fo- Torhero. nization because it was started by These guidelines will be open to Monroe Street safe is now being rum included interactive meet- Members of these so-called stu- students and is continued by stu- interpretation because "each group presented to the Carroll County dent groups have questioned this dents," Reyburn wrote in an e-mail is different with different needs," Delegation (state senators and ings to more adequately accom- of ANW. Sigma modate residents discrepancy in light ofSGA's allo- defending SGA's decision. she added. delegates). Phi Epsilon and Phi Alpha Mu cation to Trumpeters, which only contributed to finding more ap- has three members. SGA adopts more -Mtke Blundin has been ap- propriate suite accommodations Kappa Mu Epsilon President pointed to the representative po- detailed constitution sition for the Class of 2000. lems in ANW received additional Jason Barr said the Mathematics for their groups. Rodent prob- Controversy -The Campus Concert Commit- attention. There have been no recent problems. tee, ajoint effort between CAP- Continued from page J Board, SGA, and interested stu- -FUN FACT: A proposal has dents, has been busy submitting been made to design a mural in evaluated, and the selection process bids and trying to lock down a the Decker Center game room. may be altered again after next two-band show. Contracts have Any student is welcome to sub- year," said Homeff. been signed with Brownie Mary mit ideas. If you have questions Last year, returning 50's were concert date involved with the interviewing and and Moe. 24th The so MARK YOUR is contact Campus Life Committee Kelly x8471. Chair, Jeremiah April selection process for last fall's CALENDARS! SO's. "Students gained practical experience from conducting inter- views, but such a process risks friends hiring friends," said Homeff. In the past, the faculty have been involved in the SO selection. They initially nominated students "undergraduate" addresses issues as candidates for the position to BY CURISTIAN WILWQIII, brought to the SGA in the past. whom Homeff then sent letters and News EdilOr WMC graduate students have applications. "Over 80% of the stu- The Student Government As- sought allocations from the SGA in dents interviewed last spring were sembly recently adopted a new the past, but they are not repre- nominated by the faculty. {The fac- constitution to replace the one the sented in the organization. ulty] do know what they're doing," organization has used since Fall In addition, the new constitution said Homeff. 1995. contains a mission statement, never Since the positions will merge ''The constitution is the result included in any previous ones. Rey- next year, some students may not of some unfinished business from burn said that the SGA decided to have time to meet the demands of last year," said SGA President Sara make the creation of this statement both jobs. "Some of the best can- Beth Reyburn. "It's also beuer or- a goal for this year, a recommen- didates may be lost because they ganized and includes fewer repeti- dation given by former SGA Presi- lack the time to be a CA," said tions than [the previous one]." dent Brandy Mulhern. Kelly. "We tried to make the document "The {mission statement] reit- Even though some of last year's flow better," said Aaron Corbell, erates the purpose of SGA as a pro- SO's may not be able to meet the SGA vice president. "It gives us moter of student organizations on requirements of the combined po- more structure and organization campus," Reyburn explained. sition, it does not "mean that there through the duties, offices, and The new constitution also con- aren't other candidates who can do committees ...more of team effort." tains some substantive changes. It a great job," Homeff commented. specifically detailed the vice After the faculty reached their The new constitution affirms president's role in leadership devel- decision, Homeff said she informed that the SGA is the representative opment within the organization, the returning SO's and told them body of all undergraduate students said Corbett. to "advocate themselves" to the "by virtue of their enrollment" at The document also contains a faculty teaching next fall's first- WMC, said Reyburn. standard procedure for replacing year seminars. Many of these stu- Specifically using the word members who resign from their dents have found positions for next positions.
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