Page 10 - ThePhoenix1997-98
P. 10
Thursday, September 18, 1997 ~ Page 10 SPORTS Ravens sign new spring-training contract here at WMC SOJltinue.~fro~ pa$_e 12 While Seidel would not comment on the way the Ravens will pay for their meals. Ac- try to stay off the football field," Seidel said. Keating cost of these improvements or how much cording to Seidel, last year a flat fee was paid The Ravens will now be able to use the game Ravens presence says he is very happy with the "I feel like a kid at WMC. each organization would be paying for them, for the meals based on a per-person per-meal field occasionally, and damage will be held in a candy shop almost. The things that he did say that the Ravens would be paying basis. For the next five years, however, to a minimum. they've given us, the access that we've had the entire bill for the drainage system and meals will be paid for using a "cost plus" Due to the location of this new practice to them, I can't ask for more. I'm very the Bermuda grass, while all other costs method. This means that the Ravens will field the eighth hole of the golf course needed happy with it," he said. would be split in some manner. According notify the school of what they want in terms to be reconfigured, but Seidel says that avid to his admittance He points to a March 19 Hanover Sun article, "the im- of menu and quantity, and the school will golfers have no reason to worry. "I think it's Ravens' mini-camp, even though into the they are provements' costs are exceed $300,000 charge them the cost of supplying this. going to work out real well. I think it's go- usually closed to the public, as an example and the Baltimore franchise will pick up two- While most people were satisfied with the ing to be a nice hole," he said. of this access. "I got access to them, be- thirds of the tab." way things went last year, one flaw thai up- On the current practice fields a drainage cause (Ravens Coach Ted Marchibroda) Despite the cost of improvements, Seidel set a lot of people was the lack of space cre- system is being installed to help alleviate the knows me, and that I might not have had insists the college will come out ahead fi- ated by the number of sports camps vying flooding problem that the Ravens faced last otherwise." nancially, and at the same time benefit from for practice fields while the Ravens were at year. New grass will be planted on one of Keating says the entire Ravens coach- the improvements that will be made to the WMC. Many of these camps were forced to the practice fields as well. ing staff has been cooperative in showing facilities. use Bair Stadium, which caused a lot of dam- Last year the Ravens wore down WMC's him and his staff new drills, techniques, and "It's not just the profit that you see, but age to the field used for home football games, practice fields, so this year more durable what you're getting as a real solid benefit is and kept the Ravens off of it when they Bermuda grass will be planted on one of the plays. He was obviously happy to hear of a lot of improved facilities that otherwise we wanted to use it. fields, and Seidel hopes the other one will the five-year pleased, agreement. 1 love being 1 really am. "I'm probably would not have been able to af- "They really destroyed that game field," receive Bermuda grass next year. Bermuda here. Them being here makes it more en- ford," he said. Keating said. "It was a damn shame too, grass goes dormant after the first frost so rye joyable for me. 1can learn from them, pro- Seidel says the college will make some because we had six home games last year, grass seeds will also be planted to keep the fessionally develop, and make friends with of its money this year from an increase in and ... that field was in worse condition at the grass greener, longer. them," he said. the number of rooms the Ravens will occupy end of the year than it had ever been in the "I wish it would stay greener longer, but Ron Sermarini, a freshman quarterback, in the Comfort Inn. Last year, he says, the four years that I've been here, but the best it is a heartier grass, so I'm pleased," said is also excited by the agreement. "I think Ravens rented out approximately 95 percent condition it had been in in the beginning of Keating. it's a good thing for Western Maryland's of the rooms in the college-owned motel; this the season before they allowed the sports "Bermuda grass makes a neal playing football program," he said. "I think the Bal- year they will occupy the entire motel. camps to go on it." surface and it's a good looking field so Ithink timore Ravens do a good job in providing Regarding the improved facilities Seidel This could have potentially been a big it'll be a good addition," said Ken Nunnelee, our team with necessary equipment." commented that "almost all of them tend to problem because, according to Seidel, ap· equipment manager at WMC, who also helps According to Nunneiee, the Ravens be mutually beneficial. In other words, the proximately 23 sports camps use WMC fa- take care of the athletic fields. provided the Green Terror with several pairs Ravens need them, but when the Ravens cilities each summer and are a large source Nunnelee says that having the Ravens of cleats to go along with approximately 80 aren't here the college is going to be able to of revenue for the college. here will be a big plus for the fields. "We're pairs of gloves, 30 pairs, of wrist bands, and make very good use of them." "That's why this year I insisted that if excited about this coming year, by them sign- 60 used footballs, even though that was not Another difference between the contract they're going to come back we were going ing a five-year deal here. We'll have better required by the contract. The money that signed last year and the new contract is the to have to build another practice field and playing conditions, better fields," he said. the team saved on this equipment helped buy Field hockey starts slow this season them other equipment, such as new green jerseys. Prior to WMC's game last November at BY CAROI.YN BARNES mention All-Centennial selection at forward, In the season opener, on September 6, £diror·i,,·Chiej Johns Hopkins the Ravens loaned the team after scoring 8-2-18. Elizabethtown scored twice in the first half 48 pairs of turf shoes and allowed them to With an extremely young team, the lady Senior co-captain Katie Haley, of and once in the second to win 3-0. Follow- practice on their turf practice field in Owings Green Terror field hockey team has yet to Rockville, MD, and sophomore Kerry Wil- ing [heir first loss, the Terror fell to Goucher Mills rent-free. "There's nothing in the con- defeat an opponent this season. Although, son, of Elkton, MD, give WMC a potent on September 9, 2-0, in a non-conference tract, that's just them being generous," WMC "could be one of the surprise teams in frontline trio. Sophomores Shelly game. Seidel said. the Conference this fall," thinks Steven Dinterman, of Westminster, and Melissa Sophomore goalie Jessica Horwath, of The Ravens seem to be pleased with their Ulrich, Executive Secretary of the Centen- Reynolds, of Arnold, MD, headline the West Friendship, MD, registered seven saves summer home as well, and with the agree- nial Conference. midfield. Also, junior three-year goalie in the outing. ment. "Obviously we would not have en- This possible surprise may come from the Jaime Moyer returns. Saturday, September 13, the ladies hosted tered into such a long range contract ifWMC return of a number of experienced players, Despite the returning talent, the ladies not Swarthmore, helping them to win their 19th were not the place for us," said Bob Eller, although many are young. Junior Amy only have yet to win this season, they have straight game 5-0. Horwath recorded 12 the Raven's director of operations. He also North, ofSykesvilJe, MD, was an honorable yet to score either. saves in the g.!lme, while Moyer had four. said that both institutions were a doing a good job of looking out for the needs and INSTANT CREDIT concerns of the other. Robert Chambers is es- WMC President Guaranteed Credit cards with Credit LImits ~ -- pecially excited the contract, citing both the Up'IO $10,000 flthln Daysl ~ restoration of a strong football tradition at image that it gives No CREDIT, No JOB, No PARENT-SIGNER, No SECURITY DEPOSIT! WMC, and the positive on a roll here," he to the college. "We're • bad credit • no income? commented. says that the college almost Chambers lost out on the opportunity to host the Ravens' training camp. He says that when the Cleveland Browns' organization an- nounced that they were moving to Balti- more, the Canadian Football League Balti- more Stallions had just previously chosen Towson University over Western Maryland as the site for their training camp, and WMC already had a full load of sports camps and other groups coming that summer. For these YES! I want Credit Cards Immediately. !!·v".····'PAu.w.j. two reasons WMC officials figured it would the the trouble to go after not be worth GA 30321 CRA, PO BOX 16662, ATLANTA, Fortunately, N.... _ Ravens. sought out WMC, Chambers says, the and "I got really Ravens excited," fie said. Addtaa Chambers was also quoted in the March Oo/---------------------r---I~------~~~------- 19 Hanover Sun article as saying, "We've gotten to know each other a little bit and our growing acquaintance has led to the de- sire to develop a more lasting relationship. We've brought back a fine tradition to West- ern Maryland College."
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