Page 133 - ThePhoenix1997-98
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SPORTS Thursday, March 5, 1998 - Page 13 Indoor track Haley and Marshall chosen for Continued from page 16 All-Conference first teams Haverford continued its domi- 5. Gettysburg, 60; nation of Centennial men's track, 6. Western rolling up 130 points 10 runner-up Maryland, 34; Terror basketball senior for- Franklin & Marshall's 71.5. The 7. Johns Hopkins, 24; wards Katie Haley of Richard Fords have won all five indoor and 8. Ursinus, 22; Montgomery High School in four outdoor championships. 9. Muhlenberg, 18. Rockville, and Will Marshall of There were nine teams in both Women Final Team Scoring: Sparrows Point High School in on Febru- were selected Baltimore the men's and women's competi- 1. Swarthmore, 123; ary 24 to play on the Ali-Centen- tions. 2. Haverford, 93; nial Conference (cq basketball Centennial Conference Indoor 3. Dickinson, 61; first teams. TrackIField Championships Men 4. Western Maryland, 57; Haley was joined on the Final Team Scoring: 5. Gettysburg, 56; women's select squad by junior 1. Haverford, 130; 6. Johns Hopkins, 43; Kathi Snyder of West Perry High 2. Franklin & Marshall, 71.5; 7 (tie). Franklin & Marshall and School in Ncwport.Pa., who was 3. Dickinson, 71; Muhlenberg, 12; picked to the second team at 4. 9. Ursin;;;u;;;,,;;;4;;;. _ forward. The 5-fool-11 Haley earned her second consecutive AII-CC first-team honor, after making the second team as a sophomore. She was also the CC Player of the Week for the games of Feb. 16 through 22, after scoring 25 points and grabbing II rebounds in a 67- 53 upset of Division m fifth-ranked Johns Hopkins. It was the second straight week Haley has received the Player of the Week recognition. Haley is second in the Centen- nial in scoring and third in rebound- ing after averaging 19.4 points and 9.8 boards per game for the 16-9 Senior Katie Haley has been setecrea to play on the women's CCfirsl Green Terror. The team co-captain team. This is the second lime she has earned this honor. has set school single-season records for points with 484, free age. The 6-fool-6 Marshall, a two- Haley's current total of 1,656 throws made with 159 and free time team tri-captain, also was sev- points surpasses the 1,577 com- throws attempted with 228. enth in the CC in rebounding with piled by 1987 graduate Cindy Western Maryland will visit a 6.7 average. He was an AII-CC Boyer-Thompsen. In addition, she Muhlenberg (Pa.) College tomor- second-teamer each of th~_past two is third at Western Maryland in ca- row (Peb. 25) at 6:00 pm. in the seasons. The Western Maryland reer rebounds with 898, fourth in Centennial semifinals. The Green men finished 11-12. blocked shots with 56, and seventh Terror earned its first trip to the Haley and Marshall both be, in assists with 213 and steals with conference semis with a 68-57 win came Western Maryland's all-time 160. over Gettysburg in a special play- scoring leaders during the season. Snyder is second to Haley on off to determine the CC-Western Marshall ended his career with this year's team in both scoring and ._ Division's second seed. ',620 points, breaking the 46-year rebounding, with averages of 12.9 Muhlenberg, which is 15-9 overall, old record of 1,564 established by points and 7.0 rebounds per con- won the Eastern Division for the 1952 graduate Art Press. test. third consecutive year. He also finished in second place The 5-foot-1O forward already Marshall made his first ap- on the Green Terror list in blocked is second in school history in pearance on the men's top team as shots with 106, tied for eighth in blocked shots with 109 and fifth in the conference's leading scorer rebounds with 616, and tied for rebounds with 619. The All-CC with a 20.9 points-per-game aver- lOth in assists with 202. selection is Snyder's first. 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