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Thursday, March 5, 1998 - Page 12 FEATURES Horoscopes: March in CONFIDENTIAL AIDS TESTING the Stars EVERY OTHER TUESDAY 12:00 - 2:00 March 24 Pisces (2120 - 3120) Virgo (8124 - 9123) So it's your birthday this month - cel- RELAX!! Midterms are not that bad. April 7 & 21 ebrate! It only comes once a year. That spe- If you stress over them to the point of kill- MayS cial someone just might surprise you with ing yourself, what's the point? So relax LOCATION - SMITH HOUSE something you've been talking about and and study and don't forget to party after- planning for a while. ward. CALL EXT.769 or 243 FOR AN APPOINTMENT Aries (3121 - 4119) Libra (9124 - 10123) Better take time out this month to spend Be careful what you promise to do this time with your friends, since they are be- month, you may overwhelm yourself. ginning to feel neglected. Catch a movie Make sure you pace yourself and leave A Closer Look... or just plain hang out - remember, they some calendar time for that special some- were there for you when you needed them. one in your life. A feature spotlighting staff and students at WMC Taurus (4/20 - 5120) Scorpio (10124 - 11122) Martin, who has been a maintenance Guess what? You need to let your hair If you're worried about jobs come BY RICH SIMMONS worker at Western Maryland College for II SraffWriter loose and take some time out for yourself. graduation or for the summer, this month years, enjoys his job because he knows what You've got so much on yourself this month is the lime to start job hunting. Competi- to expect. that stealing a couple hours to breathe will tion is strong, but you'll show your future Although his duties, like cleaning floors, help you in the long run. boss you're worth the risk. pulling trash around and cleaning chalk- boards in Hill Hall may not be the most ex- Gemini (5/21 - 6120) Sagittarius (11123 - 12121) citing, WMC wouldn't be the same without ORGANIZE! Your calendar this month You're a little reckless with partying him. (and for the next two) is packed. Use your this month. You need to buckle down and Originally from southwest Baltimore city, social skills to the maximum and every- study. If you don't the homefront won't Martin loves to fish. "My favorite places to thing will turn out A-OK! be so happy with you! fish are around Cape Hatteras and in upstate New York," he said. Cancer (6122 - 7123) Capricorn (12122- 1120) Martin also likes listening to classic rock The month of playtime has come after Your wallet is tight this month, so you music, drinking beer, and traveling. He de- midterms. You'll find yourself going from need to watch your spending. Instead of scribes his family, one brother, as cool. party to party so let your hair loose and going to dinner and the movies with your enjoy it while you can, cause when it's over friends, grab a volleyball or a basketball Like most college students, Nick Valen- you'll be buckling down with work. after Glar and have some fun. tine likes hanging out with his friends, hut what makes him stand out is his involvement Leo (7/24 - 8123) Aquarius (1/21 - 2119) with the Electric Bass Ensemble at Western Love is finally in the stars for you this So Valentine's Day was a drag, and you Maryland College. month. Just be careful who you share your don't have the money for an extravagant A member of the class of 2001, Valen- heart with cause it might just be a spring spring break. Well, pack your bags and go tine describes the college atmosphere and the fling. camping with your friends. It may not beat fact that Baltimore is nearby as the reasons the beach, but it's better than sitting at for his attraction to WMC. Valentine is also home. pledging Phi Kappa Sigma and enjoys play- ing music and drawing. By Jessie Watts Originally from Cumberland, Md., Val- entine is a philosophy and psychology ma- jor. His most interesting class so far has been Classified Basic Questions and his favorite professor, Dr. Jakoby. Valentine's plans for the future? Help Wanted Lifeguards 1 Pool Managers ***SPRING BREAK '98 SPECIALS!*** "After a brief stint as an amateur boxer, I .. 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