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FEATURES Thursday, March 5, 1998 - Page 11 60 Seconds Woo's Movie Reviews How would students describe your Just call him Woo. New film critic offers his insight into teaching style? three new releases currently in theaters The Wedding Singer: The Replacement Killers: BY Au:x MALLOY -tao - "I teach without my shoes Tile Gingerbread Man: once-aspiring a living plays Robbie, a thriller from American music video sing along Come on everybody, To Kill or Not to Kill SraffWrirer Adam Sandler action A Hong Kong-style rock star who now A Tasty Treat as a wedding out ekes Fuqua (Gangsta's S'l' on, so they probably think Playing exclusively Ave. Theatre in singer. who is stood up at his own director Antoine style but none of that at the Cineplex The year is and 1985 Paradise), this film gets some of Wisconsin Robbie, Odeon his beautiful I'm a little crazy" D.C. wedding, !~._/t Julia ~. Dr. Gregory Alles Washington Altman (The this thriller . ingly sweet meets and charming (a surpns- much-needed substance. superstar Robert Drew Player, Asian Charismatic Cuts) Short directed Barrymore). the baddest bad ass and the perhaps L' Religious Studies based on a John Grisham original question: movie asks the riveting of all time Chow Yun-Fat plays a Chi- (making The story. It turns out to be a greatly when will Julia figure out his American debut) film. satisfying trying to get out of a nese assassin (the fantastic Rick Kenneth Magruder is a womaniz- The movie asks the dirty assignment by fleeing the Branagh) country. ing Savannah lawyer who becomes riveting question: To do this he turns to Meg Coo- the lover and protector of a desper- per (Mira Sorvino), a tough girl ate woman (Embeth Davidtz) who will Julia figure out document forger. That's when all "Enthusiastic is a word I claims she's being stalked by her that her Miami Vice- the fun stops. hear often - tolerant and weirdo father (Robert Duvall). Fat has already been introduced open-minded and very Sadly for Duvall, he's too talented jacketed jerk of a in a somewhat well-done opening to be stuck in such a small support- shoot out, but then it's all downhill knowledgeable" fiance is unworthy ing role. The rest of the supporting when the audience is subjected to cast includes a surprisingly good of her affection? one lame shoot out after another. Dr. Julie Badiee Robert Downey Jr. as Branagh's It's a shame Fat chose this Art History wise-cracking sidekick, Darryl that her Miami Vice-jacketed, com- Americanized, watered down, John Hannah as one of Branagh's legal pulsively unfaithful jerk of a fiance Woo rip off to make his American partners and lovers, and Tom is unworthy of her affection? debut. That's why it will be ever so Berenger as Davidtz's ex-husband Pleasant, predictable, and sweet when the greatest action star who "wouldn't lend her a drop of funny, The Wedding Singer is like of all time and an equally great di- piss if she was on fire." any romantic comedy set in a card- rector will reteam later this year Altman lures us into thinking board cutout of the mid 80's. Plus, (they made six films in Hong Kong we're watching a simple character there is a great Sieve Buscemi together) for the heist picture, The ..: ~~.."~..:,==, . "I've heard relaxed and study, but the film is overflowing cameo of that Delight." school classic King's Ransom. of C-. they reo and grandmotherly rendi- tion with Grisham-esque old which twists, As for the Replacements, " , \ ....)1 , "Rapper's here seem almost refined. ceive a grade laid-back" Grade:B Grade:B+ I .' "" . Dr. Glenn Caldwell Saying Goodbye: A look back Music Theory A series detailing seniors' last days at WMC BY NIKKI BELANGER they each struggled with their in- about becoming a nurse. But she Features Editor dividual goals. Both Grandrimo always wanted to be a teacher and As they prepare to enter the and Shattuck were certain that they is now just a couple months away "real world", Western Maryland wanted to go on to law school. from making her dream come true. College seniors look back at what Shattuck has now decided that he Despite their different back- brought them here and what guided needs to take a break from school grounds, each senior has grown them through their school years. to refocus on his goals. throughout their college careers. After four years of classes, pa- After interning at a law office Bosley notices that she is more in- "Enthusiastic and pers, and late-night study sessions, Grandrimo realized what being a avant garde" Niki Grandrimo, Debbie Bosley, lawyer entailed and knew it wasn't dependent and has acquired a lot more knowledge. and Dan Shattuck realize that the career for her. Now she wants Shattuck believes he's matured Dr. Mohammed Esa they've come a long way. to work in international politics. socially. By living in dorms for Foreign Language Although their paths to college Grandrimo describes her wake- three years, he has learned to Inter- took different turns each one ended up call as being scary and confus- act with many different types of atWMC. ing. "I dropped everything 1wanted people. "I swore I was never coming to do in life," she said, adding that Grandrimo has also matured here because it was small and the talking to several professors helped since high school. "I know what's !'l soccer team was 1-12," Grandrimo her regain her focus. important in life now," she said. said, remembering that it was her With three kids, a husband, and She never had any really good sister, a student here, who finally a home to take care of, Bosley ad- friends until she came here and now persuaded her to apply to WMC. mits college wasn't always easy. knows what true friends are. "I missed her so much 1 had to When she first started she thought come here," she said. "Eclectic" Bosley had been out of school for 18 years and was working at a World Famous Psychic job she didn't like when she knew to Ibe Stan .. d Cdebltia Dr. Cathy Bodin she wanted to go back to school. "I ' unhdp)Ulobblill Foreign Language wanted to get a career 1would like .t:...._ JIi"'""""_ 1i","""" -' .L...i before it was too late," she said. 1:,'"1 Tekphone Dtyid G"rding Com- After attending Bosley transferred I anytime.1 Carroll munity College 423/609-0046 here because it was close to home. 423/609-0019 Shattuck remembers that his 4lJ1558-1197 campus visit drew him to WMC (T_> and also the financial aid package FIX:~1 By Jessie Mbns he received. web .... (!lnpiiulcr.icx._-JlOY_l Throughout their college years ---_.__._---- .--~--..~-~--~-
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