Page 8 - ThePhoenix1997-98
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Thursday, September 18, 1997 - Page 8 FEATURES Hypnosis, music, food, and sun welcome back students Welcome Back played laser tag, frisbee, and feasted on Weekend mimics ice cream, popcorn, and snowballs. Originally, a New England band, Rus- Spring Fling with tic Overtones, was scheduled to per- form, but they canceled at the last outdoor activities and minute after their drummer broke his wrist. nightly events The activities of Welcome Back Weekend culminated in an outdoor initiating students into dance party Saturday. From 9 p.m. un- the fall semester. Iii midnight, approximately 200 people made their way to Memorial Plaza for the festivities. The event was co-spon- BY J£NNU'ER VICK ANI) NICKI KASSOLIS sored by SGA and WMCR, who pro- Features Editors vided the music from the steps of Hoover Library. The fall semester was ushered in this "We tried to playa little bit of ev- year with a party and activity-filled erything," said WMCR station manager weekend that brought together return- Todd Hutchinson. The party was pat- ing and new faces on September 5 and terned after a -similar event held last 6. May during Spring Fling Weekend. Dubbed "Welcome Back Weekend" Hutchinson, a senior art history ma- by its organizer, College Activities, a jor, thinks that everyone enjoyed both "Hypnosis and ESP Show" was pre- After a summer apart, upperclassmen Emily Grant, Jesse Bell, Stacey Mcintyre, and the music and the atmosphere. "People sented Friday night by Thomas Mandy Hofstetter reunite in Memorial Plaza during Welcome Back W~ekend. hung around even after we stopped Bresadola in the Forum. The next day, playing the music," he said. a band performed and a barbecue din- For returning WMC students, the ner was served in Memorial Plaza, fol- year but, due to rain, it took place in- Joyce, remained positive. party was a place to get reacquainted lowed by a dance party that night. side instead. ""I wish more people would have with old friends. "It was good to talk Director of College Ac tivitie s, "This is kind of a testing ground for been here, but it's more people that to people J hadn't seen in months," said Mitchell Alexander, described the Spring Fling so we can fine tune it be- showed up this year than last year," junior psychology major Erin Farver. weekend as a "watered down Spring fore we get to Spring's Spring Fling," said Joyce, adding that there were a lot The dance also introduced first-year Fling." Occurring the weekend before Alexander said. of people off campus that day involved students to the social life at WMC. finals in May, Spring Fling is a similar _.....Saturday's crowd in "Red Square" in sports. "The party was a fun way to meet new weekend that was to have taken place was small but CAPBoard Special Jook, a band hailing from Silver people," said Shawn Minnier, a fresh- for the first time in Memorial Plaza last Events chairperson, junior Meghan Spring, provided music while students man history major. Dorms open their doors for two new RLCs Mark Your Gallup, Ley tush join WMC Residence Life staff Calendars ... BY NICKI Westminster Fallfest Assistant Fealure.1 Editor "I would hope that some of the students consider me From September 25-28 is the West- their friend ...!f I can make a difference in one minster Fallfest. For the ninth year the There are two new faces on the festivities will cover a two block area Western Maryland College campus. student's life, it's all worth it to me." downtown with food, vendors, and mu- They can be seen in their offices in sic. Attendthe openingnightparade,par- Blanche and Rouzer; their doors are -Dina Ley tush, Residence Life Coordinator ticipate in a scarecrow making and pie open and they are ready to help WMC eatingcontest,orrovethestreetswithjug- students. They are Dina Leytush and her new job. "I love working with stu- to help the students with homesick- glers and clowns. Nicole Gallup, WMC's new Residence dents and I hope the students feed off ness, missing their pets, and the aca- Life Coordinators. of that and get excited too." demic adjustment to college. Maryland Wine Festival "This is such a beautiful, beautiful Nicole Gallup is also enthusiastic Both Gallup and Leytush see them- Comeout to the CarrollCountyFarm campus," said Dina Leytush, Residence about her new role as RLC for first- selves as resources forWMC students. Museum September 20 and 21 for the Life Coordinator for Greek Students. year students. Gallup replaces Makeba "We want to be a disciplinarian, but MarylandWineFestival. NineMaryland In July, Leytush moved into her new Clay, who now works at The Johns more importantly we want to be a Winerieswillbe on handtoshowcaseand office and apartment on the WMC cam- Hopkins University. Her responsible friend and resource for students," sell their wines. Wine experts will also pus. Since then, she has been learning is to oversee students in Rouzer and Gallup said. conducteducational seminarsexplaining the ins and outs of life at WMC. Whiteford. "I would hope that some of the stu- the art of wine tasting. For those 21 and "Everybody's been so great. Everyone Originally from Albany, N.Y., dents consider me their friend," older,the admissionis $13. If you're un- was so friendly as soonas I got here," Gallup attended the State University of Leytush said. She loves her new of- der 21 you must be accompanied by an she said. New York at Albany where she got a fice and its placement on the first floor adult. Leytush was born in Russia. In bachelor's degree in English. Gallup of Blanche because it allows her to Poetry Contest 1981, her family immigrated to then got a master's degree in educa- "get to know faces." America and she was raised in tion and is certified to teach grades 7- Leytush speaks fondly of her staff AmericanCollegiatePoetsAnthology Randallstown, MD. 12. of Resident Assistants. "I love my is sponsoring a National College Poetry In 1994 she graduated from the Uni- After working in the residence life staff. I'm really proud of them; they Contest open to all college students de- versity of Maryland College Park and office at SUNY Albany, she said she did a great job in training and open- siring to have their poetry anthologized. from there Leytush went on to get her thought "it would be a good change for ing the hails," she said. Cash prizes will be awarded for the top masters in College Student Personnel me to move into the private sector and What do the new RLCs hope to ac- five poems: from Bowling Green State University see what that's all about." complish in their new positions? "If I $100 First Place in Ohio. She now fills the position that Gallup moved into her new office can make a difference in one student's $50 SecondPlace Greg Zick vacated when he joined the and apartment in Rouzer the same day life, it's all worth it for me," Leytush $25 Third Place Peace Corps. the first-year students arrived on cam- said. $20 FourthlFifthPlace "Everything you can think of that pus. "I think with first year students, "My door is open if anyone needs Deadline: 10/31/97 For contest rules, goes on in McDaniel, Blanche, and they're learning their way around cam- to talk or stop in and say hi; I'm more send a self-addressed/stamped envelope ANW is my responsibility," said pus and they have a lot more 'TLC' than willing to speak to anyone," said to: International Publications, PO Box Leytush who is very enthusiastic about type issues," said Gallup who is ready Gallup. 44044-L Los Am.eies, CA 90044.
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