Page 96 - ThePhoenix1996-97
P. 96
--~~-----------, Sl'tlJ'ts Dmen ยท .. cmen T/1ffjJr The Snyder sisters moor SP"1'Is 12 Wrestling Men's basketball """" 14 Swimming 14 Terror Scoreboard 13 15 Volume XV, Number 6 Western Maryland College Thursday, December 12, 1996 Men's club volleyball begins at Western Maryland Sophomore and President Jerry Burge organized team sponsored by WMC By CAIWLYN BARNES to work with the team. Craig Keiki, Sports Edilur living in Westminster, but hailing Can men play on the women's from Hawaii, played volleyball for varsity volleyball team? No? Why Brigham Young University in his don't we have a men's team? Now, college years. we do. The (earn seems to like their Sophomore Jerry Burge de- new coach, and Burge comments cided last year, his first at WMC, that, "since Craig came to the team, that he was determined to start a we have turned right around. He's men's team at Western Maryland, a wonderful teacher." because he wanted to play. Last Hope Filer, a college Admis- year, though, Burge's idea "fell sions Office employee, has volun- HI am really impressed with the team's effort and dedication, " President Jerry Burge apart" according to Jerry. "This leered to be the faculty advisor for year, though, I'm really excited the team. that the idea came through," says The team hopes to compete in Burge. the first annual NCAA Division m The new men 's club volleyball team poses for a team photograph. In the bottom left-hand corner, sits President Although the school could not men's varsity volleyball champion- just start another varsity athletics ships this year which will be hosted of the club, sophomore Jerry Burge. Burge has been trying to organize the team as a sport since his first semester here at Western Maryland. team, Burge settled for club vol- at Juniata. leyba1l, until more interest grows in surrounding colleges or univer- sities, so that there will be a fair Congratulations ... amount of competition. The club team will be part of the MACVC Conference, which All-Centennial Conference Football includes club teams from the MAC, Capitol, and Centennial Selections Conferences. Another reason why it has been difficult for the men to start First team: Offense- DonteAbron (Wide the sport as another varsity team Receiver, Junior, Baltimore, MDl is because the school Athletic's office has placed a moratorium pronouncing that they will not fund another varsity sport. ~econdteam: Offense - Mike Rough Currently, the team consists of (Offensive Lineman, Senior, fifteen members. "Our team is un- believable," exclaims Burge. Wheaton, MDl - Ron Sermarini "Some of these guys have never (Quarterback, Freshman, Toms played volleyball before in their lives, and I am really impressed River, NJ) with the team's effort and dedica- tion." And, "effort and dedication" Defense - Justin Lavis (Defensive really shows when you observe the team in practice. The men Lineman, Junior, Columbia, MD) - have been practicing regularly and Kevin Brown (Defensive Back, diligently for about a month now, and have increased practices to Junior, Canaan, CT) three time a week. Currently, the practice times are Monday Sophomore Toby Slusf swings through a hilling drill at a recent practice. through Wednesday from 7:30- The team practices regularly three times a week in Old Gill gymnasium. !Honorable Mention: Defense - Marvin Recently, the three days that practices have been held have been Monday, 9:30 in old Gill Gymnasium. Deal (Defensive Back, Freshman, The squad has also found a Tuesday, and Wednesday from 7:30-9:30 in the evenings. coach that is interested and willing Capitol Heights, MD)
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