Page 100 - ThePhoenix1996-97
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Thursday, February 20,1997 -Page 4 C OMMENTA RY CRYING WOLF An? Resident Assistants taking their jobs too seriously? Morrison Continued from page 3 ever, they grossly overstep boundaries when College community. They supposedly ex- they start telling individuals who reside on ist for the "welfare of the residents." It is On the evening of Sunday, February sec- sary training required for participation in the hall, have nothing in their hands, and are pretty sad when members of Campus Safety ond, my roommate and I were startled by ritualistic campus fun. I guess if I want to actingpeacefully and undisruptiveto get into can be quoted in saying "R.A. 's are taking the screams we heard coming from, what hone my screaming skills, I'll have many a room. Where in the rules does it say that their jobs. to extremes." sounded like, the outside of Whiteford Hall. tutors to choose from. . we cannot freely walk around our places of I am not a student wishing to seek ven- The voice had a distinctly female pitch to it, Now, I come to the reason for my un- residence? geance on the Residence Life Staff because put we couldn't make out what the girl was necessary alarm. The girl was just playing I am also aware that it is standard that I am angry about violations I may have1!e- shouting. We were concerned, so we called a harmless game of "Let's call Friends in far males do not use female bathrooms and ceived. I have never been in a position to an R.A. to check out the situation. Eventu- places without using the phone." Perhaps vice-versa. While this may be more of a receive such a violation. Ljust want to point aJly,the screaming stopped, but our concern it won't be long before I, too, will be im- went on...until I spoke once more to Kim, mune to the sounds, and the loud remarks the R.A. on duty. will be dismissed as casual fun. "It's pretty sad when members of Campus Safety can It is shocking to me that a woman would The mere thought of shouting profani- be quoted saying 'R.A. 's are taking their jobs to want to howl at the moon for entertainment. ties for all to hear makes me weak in the In the hallways of Whiteford, rape statistics knees. Meanwhile, maybe we can all get extreme's' " are posted. The numbers are there to remind together and develop a code word that us to remain aware. means "take me seriously." Seem like a lot delicate subject in single-sexed dorms out the obvious deterioration of respect When I traverse this campus, I keep my of trouble? Imagine the trouble when one such as Whiteford Hall and Rouzer, it is given to the student body. senses alert, not only for my own safety, but of the shouts is real, and no one pays atten- ridiculous to stringently enforce such poli- But then again, upon examining the also for the safety of others. However, not tion. cies in coed dorms. If the residents of a overwhelming bureaucratic attitudes of the many of the WMC students that I spoke to So, please, the next time you are floor hold no objections against members Residence Life Directors and Coordinators, are as aJarmed as I am when a scream rings restless...visit my room. I am bound to have of the opposite sex using their restroom, it is easy to comprehend why such a state out. They are accustomed to the noise at silly putty or a coloring book. Of course, if then why should those members be pun- of disdain exists between students and the night. you must playa game, may I suggest Mo- ished? Residence Life Staff. Yousee, I've only been here since Janu- nopoly. I would sleep a lot better if every- R.A. 's have repeatedly and continue to ary twenty-sixth. I haven't had the neces- one was busy bidding for Park Place. harass members of the Western Maryland -Prcudty Not-Anonymous, Bobby Leister- CUPID'S CROSSWORD 1iI-. •••• ACRO$S, anouen vnnm III Problemswith student 1'- l Greek love god J.~ 5 Boyfriend •••• ••• ! (Fr.): Petit -,,j~,RJ~,~kifL$.JE.j~!;f~~,~J!)!)1/'J j' ~~~~ -,;1, 8 Adam's10ve--r----- ._....... ... ,: ,rlT continued from front ~ ", •• .~ I 9 Beatles' "Love _.... .. .. • everyone, but according to campus safety 10 & War records, 20 people have been towed so far 12 First keynote this year (all of them students). 14 Saint who died •• •• • •• • "People would rather get a ticket than c. 270 AD be inconvenienced by parking a long-way 16 Time in ••• • •••••••• from their dorm," Webster explains. Westminster •••• •••••• •• One student says that his car was towed 17 Lack of stress while parked in a faculty space because accent ••• ••• • there was no student parking when he re- 18 He loves Jas ••• •••• • turned from a breakfast off campus. Above 19 Thi rd keynote iii.. . . . .. that this student counted "7 faculty and g' 20 and fro •••• ••• • commuter stickers in the undergraduate lot 23 River in Italy behind ANW all without tickets." 24 Lewis, Nathan Birdsall, a sophomore art major Vandross, or •• • • •• complained about how non-student cars Dian: " were not ticketed for parking in the student ofLove" • • • lot, while students that parked in faculty lots 25 Minister's • • seemed to always get ticketed. According • • .... wedding words 26 Stop a shark • • to Birdsall, nothing has changed, even 29 18/26, 19/26 iii.. though he took the issue up with campus safety. 30 Interrogative interjection Says Alexander, "1doubt very seriously 31 Conjunction that if faculty received tickets that they 32 Opposite over would pay, the reason being that students hypotenuse are in 'their' spaces. Until Campus Safety 34 17/26, 16/26, gets all students out of faculty lots, it would 15/26 3 Moulding design 15 "I Said I Loved heart be pointless to ticket the faculty." 35 Conditional 4 Sting's You ... But 24 Tantalum One studentdisagrees: "Why should fac- word definition of (abbr. ) ulty get to park anywhere on campus, while 36 Couple term love 16 OVerhead 27 U2' s definition resident students, who are more likely to get 37 One you may no 5 Dawn railway of love in their cars during the day, have to park in longer love 6 Jason's lover 18 Greek goddess 28 He wrote about outer Mongolia [Harrison House lot]?" It is 38 Joyous answer 7 Wedding reply of love and an Irish love a question that doesn't have a good answer to proposal 11 Greek war sensuality god: William right now. 39 "Help! " goddess 21 Amy Grant meets In conclusion, it looks like the student 13 He phoned home Vince GaL'L: 33 Painful answer will just have to bite the bullet and park le- DOlIN 14 Tale with Love" to proposal gally, even if it means walking a good bit. 2 Intimate sensuali ty 22 One mayhave The decision comes down to getting a ticket involements motif? this to your and possibly getting towed, or taking the extra time to park safely and legally.
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