Page 99 - ThePhoenix1996-97
P. 99
COMMENTARY Thursday, Feb~ary 20, 1997 - Page 3 ZERO TOLERANCE MAKES ZERO SENSE According to The Student It appears to the Phoenix that Guide and Datebook the Zero- Tol- alcohol is as equally illegal as erance Drug Policy states that "the marijuana when consumed by College does not tolerate the pos- those who are underage. Both sub- session, use, sale, or distribution of stances are widely used on cam- controlled substances (drugs). pus but there isa drastic difference When staff become aware of the inthe disciplinary actions taken by presence of drugs on campus, they campus officials. Underage stu- are required to notify the Westmin- dents caught with alcoholic bev- ster City Police. Law enforcement erages on campus may be made to a~orities follow legal police pro- attend a class, required to pay a cedures in investigating such mat- minimal fine, or on some occa- ters.Including searches." It is safe sions asked to write a paper. Stu- 10 assume then that the police will dents caught with marijuana are be called on every occasion that immediately turned over to the au- marijuana or other illegal sub- thorities, forced to pay a fine by stances are being abused. There both the school and authorities, in is, however, no "Zero-Tolerance" some cases spend time injail, and policy for alcohol, yet it is consid- in other cases face expulsion from ered an illegal substance for a large schoo!. portion of the student body. Ac- The college is conveying cording to Maryland Law, "Any mixed messages to the student underage indiv'idualdrinking, pur- body in regards to the use of con- chasing or possessing alcoholic trolled substances. It is not right beverages is subject to fine or im- for onestudent who isexperiment- prisonment." The college does not ing with one illegal substance on greater crime than those under- juana should not be subject to the handle the situation should be uniformly contact the police in re- campus to be arrested while an- aged students caught abusing al- Zero-Tolerance Policy. But rather made on campus before turning to gards to alcohol violations. Why other student who is experiment- cohol. The Phoenix does realize given, at the very least,a first warn- outside authorities. then should they involve authori- ing with a substance just as illegal that marijuana, under federal law ing. Both marijuana and underage ties in every instance of student to simply receive a slap on the is just as illegal as narcotics and use of alcohol are illegal. It is il- marijuana use? With the recent wrist. These are campus matters. other substances, but we question logical and unnecessary for the proposals to decriminalize mari- Neither student should be arrested. juana in the United States, it is not It is the belief of the Phoenix the harmfulness to the person that police to be involved in either of The above editorial is the opinion marijuana causes compared to these situations.Likealcohol, mari- board, irrational to suggest reconsidering that students charged with the use these other drugs. Therefore, stu- juana use on campus is an internal of the Phoenix's editorial It is not a not any or.ze individual. the Zero-Tolerance Drug Policy. of marijuana have committed no dentscharged withthe use of mari- college matter and all attempts to response to any specific situation. ,LETTERS To ----I THE EDITOR Alumnus remembers Old Gill gymnasium Do R.A. s take their jobs too seriously? It is with great dismay that I I have played basketball in the gym was filled with excite- How do you define the term dents. As ifon automatic,their tone learned of the recent fire that de- church basements in Brooklyn, in ment created by winning teams. "ResidentAssistant?" The Student immediately turns harsh and disre- stroyed old Gill Gym. For some, recreation centers in Philadel- Victories over rivals such as Guide and Datebook describes an spectful when talking to an indi- it was a place to escape to, to phia, in Y's and J's in many cit- Hopkins, Catholic U., Towson R.A. as a "trained undergraduate viduaL It is only natural that these work out, whether for condition- ies, on army bases, even in a State and Mt. SI. Mary's made or graduate student who lives and individuals react by becoming de- ing, toning or simply blow off prison in Virginia. I have played game-nights into memories Iwill works in the residence fensive and matching such a tone. steam, as during exams. For in College field houses, airplane never forget. Gill Gym had capac- halls...responsible for communi- Iwonder, is this type of offensive many, it was the arena in which hangers and vaunted Madison ity for several hundred, maybe a cating campus policies to the approach taught during R.A. train- to watch the basketball team Square Garden, but I have never thousand, the night we beat The residents...and encourage students ing? compete. For me it was more. bounced a ball on a more certain, Mount. I can still hear that tumult to respect the rights of other mem- There are many more com- I first visited Gill Gym in July more resonant surface or felt still, and the stillness of the build- bers of the community." plaints I would like to register with of 1959. I was 17,had just gradu- "sweeter" rims than those of old ing hours later. This is much more of a differ- the Residence Life Staff. First, I ated from high school in Brook- Gill Gym. When I dribbled a ball, What does it mean when an ent view than held by a great deal have overheard R.A.'s discussing ...for four years Gill Gym was my home, and that floor, that "It is natural that any rule-enforcing staff facility was so very important. is going to encounter some friction. " Iyn, New York and was trying to the firmness and immediacy of old building dies ignominious, of the student body. In the past actions they will take upon suspi- decide what college to attend, the bounce and return to my by accident, in an early morning few years, I have seen the above cion of a party occurring. They which team to play for. I met hand, without the doubt created blaze? For some, there are description of R.A.'s as student perversely joked of making extra oach Dick Clower that day in the by a dead spot in the floor, made memories of courses taken or leaders change as students have rounds "just for the fun of it," de- ompany of my father, an immi- maneuvering, running, pivoting taught, escapes to workout or just referred to them by using terms grant with no education, who was and leaping easier. The firm and blow off steam. For me it is the such as "Gestapo" and "Junta." termined to write someone up. Thinking this ajoke, I paid no real taken by the beauty of the cam- true feel of the rims made shots loss of a place i can no longer Why do my fellow classmates attention to it until later that pus and the friendliness of all we bounce accurately without loose- hear the friendly thump of a hold such a negative view? It is evening I witnessed the very same met. Me. Clower asked me to ness or softness. Rebounds were dribble or the hiss of a shot only natural that any rule-enforcing- R.A.'s committingsuch intentional "shoot around" which I gladly more certain as were "English" catching net, or the shouts of staff is undoubtedly going to en- acts. did. When I made 6 outside shots and spins off the glass voices from the past. For me, my counter certain friction. However, It is standard policy of the col- and II straight foul shots, Coach backboards. All this may sound visits to The Hill, which always I stand firmly in asserting that • lege to not allow alcohol in the asked me to "save it for next win- like so much hoop hoopla, but for included a peak at Gill Gym will R.A.'s are taking their jobs to the hallways of a dormitory and I have ;er." I had met my coach, seen my four years Gill Gym was my be different. I will miss the place. outermost extremes. seen R.A.'s tell students to get into home court and had been pleased home, and that floor. that facil- Within the past few months T a room because of this rule. How- with the visit. I enrolled at WMC ity was so very important. -Richard Klitzberg '63 have witnessedconduct unbecom- I n September. I am proud that for four years ing of R.A.'s in dealing with stu- Continued on page 4
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