Page 75 - ThePhoenix1996-97
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FEATURES Thursday, October 19, 1996 - Page 11 Students learn of abuses of children and handguns By SARA GRUOER Were Taken Away From You," Stu- are 800,000 to one million hand- that works with law enforcement to do with them. The second larg- SllIjfWriler dents were invited to write pas- guns in Maryland right now; that's and victimized families to help find est amount of missing children are Violent crime and lost children sages about friends and family who one handgun in one out of every "Fifteen years are some of those things that most died of violent crimes or who were four homes in Maryland. Fenton missing children. to find a missing parental abductions, where one ago it was easier parent will just leave with the chil- college students try to ignore if they missing. Many students partici- and MAHA don't promote the ban- think it doesn't affect them. The pated, including Harris, whose ning of all guns and understand the car than a missing child," Proudfoot dren unexpectedly. Proudfoot said But in the past ten to fifteen that this is one of the "biggest states. evening of November sixth, a friend from New York was killed NRA's point of citizens having the years.onosrly due to the work John headaches" for the association, group of students realized the im- in a drive-by shooting. right to bear arms, but they know Walsh has done developing a net- because often there is a custody pact that crimes involving hand- "If you haven't been touched by that handgun violence is "too much work of information about missing battle going on at the same time guns, knives, and drunk driving and handgun violence you get the feel- of a problem in this state and in children. 80% of missing children and the parent is not often charged the frequency of child kidnappings ing of 'Keep it away! Don't worry this country" to ignore. reported in the state of Maryland with abducting his/her own chil- have on their lives. about it,'" Nancy Fenton pointed Along with MAHA speaking at are recovered. CompuServe spon- dren. The third largest group is Angela Harris, Head Resident out. An alumna of Western Mary- schools and institutions, they also stranger of Whiteford Hall, with help form land who remembers living in state programs, such as Straight sors the 49-state computer network to compasses abductions, which en- only one tenth of one has make it much easier which the RA's of Whiteford, held a pro- McDaniel Hall twenty years ago, Talk About Risks (STAR) and Stu- track down missing children who percent of found children. Thissta- gram entitled "Save the Children" Fenton now travels to schools and dents Against Handgun Abuse might have left or been taken out tistic is misleading, though. since with speakers Nancy Fenton from fights for gun control legislation (SAHA), within schools so stu- of their home state. Baltimore's there are so many more children "Marylanders Against Handgun with "The Marylanders Against dents can make a difference in their Channel 53 displays missing to be found that we don't really Abuse" and Paula Proudfoot from Handgun Abuse" otherwise known community. children's photographs and the know how many were abducted by "Maryland Center for Missing as MAHA. "Gun violence is the Carla Proudfoot began her MCMC has an 800 hotline for strangers. Children." Harris created interest leading cause of death for Mary- speech by remarking that she was sightings. The number of children When asked how she deals in this program by putting a large landers under 25 years old," she "impressed with the turnout. It still missing in the State of Mary- with this problem every day, sheet of paper outside of Whiteford pointed out. Fenton attributes the [gave her] hope to see that there land, a staggering 15,415, shows us Proudfoot replied, "I pray a lot. first floor office that read, "Re- cause of these deaths to the acces- are people who will help make a that we still have a long way to go. These kids have to be somewhere. member the Loved Ones Who sibility of guns, saying that there difference." The Maryland Cen- Most children found are run- And it bothers me to know that ter for Missing Children «(MCMC) aways who are either abused or there are kids that nobody knows \tI'I ACCESS is a relatively new organization their parents don't want anything Continued on page 13 ~ELECfRONICS Glore continues to work and solve problems of students that there from page 7 Continued RENTALSAVAILABLE SdesandRepalrsqfalltypes counseling at WMC, about two him, but he also feels psychologist student to a psychiatrist if deems should be a licensed it is necessary. • Satellite. Down-Link Equipment ofElectrorJi£ Equipment thirds are women, and one third are on hand for students with more se- Glore is required to continu- • Projectionvideo Equipment PAGERS Bought & Sold men. "This is standard to counsel- rious problems. ously attend training to maintain (ProfessloruillySet UplJor ActiI>aIied&Repaired ing statistics everywhere," Glore A friend of Day's, who wished counseling skills, and she belongs Coriferences, Meetings &'SpedaJ Events (410) 857·0990 commented about her largely fe- to remain anonymous, said she to a consortium of college coun- male clientele. She also said that knows students with serious psy- seling director groups. In these more seniors and juniors come in chological problems such as manic groups the counselors "brain- and that she herself suf- House o£iquo:r;s to see her than sophomores and depression, serious depression and storm" and discuss what is going freshman. fers from on at their schools, and generally The "most frequent issue" social phobia. This student added try to "stay abreast of issues." 16 Carroll Plaza Glore finds she has to deal with are that, though many of the people In addition to counseling at 848-1314 problems they be with a parent, a with serious problems if a sudden WMC, Glore has a small private are already relationships, with seeing whether a psychiatrist, with offices Best I I 10% OFF Glore may be their arises Owings IMilwalkees r--------~ r---------~ I friend, or a partner. Other frequent problem resource to tum to. In this counseling Mills practice and Westminster. in only (regular & Ice) :: ENTIRE : issues are depression and loneli- student's opinion, Glore is not Many WMC alumni have come to see her at rhese offices. ness, while the issue of stress is al- Students' first impressions I $7. 99 a ~:~~ :,,,,"r.1!~S.t!,~~<~..: ways present. Stress problems qualified to handle the problems but of Glore are often during orientation of such individuals. midterms before arise more often : Glore is nOI a psychiatrist r--------~r--------~ tuates with the stress level on cam- in the state and nationally. She has residence life, serves on many with schedule, works which fills quickly, fluc- rape. .. n.!!.l~i~x!!r:. ~~~.. .. ==.b::=n:::.w:.o::" ::;e~ .. and finals, and Glore said that her she is certified in counseling both when she speaks on such topics as date She also Mickey's in counseling degree her master's I I on issues speaks I Natural pus. I Lt. Because Glore must often and her practicum work dealt di- committees, and is an advisor for the in classes, I B~~h I I 12 oz. cans I juggle a tight schedule because rectly with college counseling. sexual assault information team. I I I $749 I she's the only counselor on cam- There is a psychiatrist with whom Counseling services are avail- pus, Jay Day, psychology major, Glore meets twice a week, and they cans II I· 1$9 49 acase I I • case I I feels that it would only be "fair to work together on how to solve a able for students Monday through in- 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Friday, L_~p~e~l~~~_ .. L_.!.xtr~1.!.!3~;!,_.. students and to her [Glore] to have tough problem a student may have. formation about these services can LARGE SELECTION OF BEER, WINE someone else." Day talks to Glore Glore makes sure to maintain con- be found in the student handbook AND SPIRITS AT GREAT PRICES! on a regular basis and said it has fidentiality during these meetings. and in various brochures. Glore UANTITY DEALS AVAILABLE been a "positive" experience for From time to time she may refer a added that more often "word of mouth is my best publicist." FRIDAY D.J. Gregg Todd : 9 pm to Close . SUNDAY MONDAY · SATURDAY DirecTV Monday Night D.J.66 See up to S Football (The DJ formerly as known games at -s 5 Domestic Featuring : Billy Bob!) . • once! Pitchers Marshall's Domestic 'Bottles · -FREE Hot Dogs. Melodies Domestic 'lJrafts 8:00 to 12:00
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