Page 76 - ThePhoenix1996-97
P. 76
Thursday, November 14, 1996 - Page 12 FEATURES They're rough, tough, and can't get enough! WMC's ROTC Competes at Ranger Challenge By BOBBI LEISTER The cadets woke at 5:30 a.m. on Satur- sprinting back to the finish line. Members and finished the day with the One-Rope ContribulingWriter day to begin the competition with the open- were to complete the task within 6 minutes Bridge competition. In this event, the teams Whal did you do last weekend? While ing ceremonies followed by the Army and were scored on accuracy. were challenged with building a bridge over most of us kicked back with some friends or Physical Fitness Test. Individuals were Feeling good about their performances a water obstacle with a single rope and make lounged around at home, twenty of Western tested on how many push-ups and sit-ups so far, the teams traveled 10 the Orientation sure all team members and equipment made Maryland's ROTC cadets gave up their they could complete in a two minute time Course site next. They were then assembled it across safely while under the scrutiny of weekend and traveled to Ft. A.P. Hill, Vir- period followed by a timed two-mile run. ginia October 25-27_to compete in the an- Many Western Maryland cadets achieved nual Ranger Challenge competition. personal bests and the scores were compiled The teams arrived at the base on Friday for team scores. Team One finishes 9th in competition 10 organize and get psyched for the The teams then moved to Weapons As- weekend's events. The competition was sembly where the teams were tasked with Team! Team 2 fierce with schools joining them from all sprinting a short distance, assembling and Todd Retchless (SR) over the East Coast. disassembling an M-16 rifle followed by Drew Jahn (SR) John Green (SR) Liz Clark (SO) CLASSIFIEDS Dudley Cobb (JR) Keith Brockman (SO) Ben Craven (SO) Steve Czap (JR) Pete Bushnell (SO) Matt McQuigg (FR) Mike Cushwa (SO) Gunnar Burdt «FR) GE spacemaker microwave, HELP WANTED Dave Rodgers (SO) Bob Taber (FR) misc. items 876-2336 MenIWomen earn $480 weekly assem- Jarrod Gilliam (SO) Jeremy Bell (FR) f--------------J bling circuit boards/electronic compo- Brian Flynn (FR) Jen Fat (FR) nents at home. Experience unneces- BROKERAGEINTERNSHW Alternate: Alex McLean Alternate: Heather Wittenberg Prepare yourself for a Wall Street Career. sary, will train. Immediate openings Eam your Broker's License (series 7_)in your local area. a semester. Provide yourself with an in- Call1-S20-680-7891 EXT C200 side track to the best jobs in the invest- f--------------j intotwo and three-man teams and had to find the clock. ment industry. Part-timelflexible hours. *EARN EXTRA INCOME* Earn $200- twenty-four points within approximately a With a fresh night's sleep, the cadets fin- Call Adam Michaels in Baltimore at 800- $500 weekly mailing phone cards. For mile radius within one hour. At the time of ished the competition on Sunday with the 643-3657. information, send a self-addressed their finish, Western Maryland's first team 10K (6.2 miles) Road March. Each mem- f-------------I g:;;~~i::t~re3~1~~nc., P.O. Box had placed 2nd in the event with the second ber had 10 run wearing combat boots, carry- team on their heels at 3rd place. ing a 20 -30 pound Ruck sack along with Exhaustion began to set in as the cadets an M-16rifle. FUNDRAISER-Molivated groups The teams competed vigorously and in needed to earn $500+ promoting TRAVEL went next to the Grenade Assault Course. the face of many injuries, they carried onjo But these well-motivated Rangers competed AT&T, Discover .gas and retail cards. well as they performed a series of individual complete their roles ROTC's varsity sport. Since 1969, we've helped thousands "'FREE TRIPS & CASH'" movement techniques and grenade tosses Although very young, the teams performed of groups raise the money they need. Find out how hundreds of student while evaluators judged ttieir accuracy and well and gained invaluable experience use- representatives are already earning Call Lynn at 800-592-2121 ext.17_4. speed. The teams then went to the firing ful for next year's training. Free CD to qualified callers. FREE TRIPS and LOTS OF CASH range to test their Rifle Marksmanship skills with America's #1 Spring Break f--------------J company! Sell only 15 trips and travel free! Cancun, Bahamas, Mazatlan, Jamaica or Florida! GOOD CAMPUS MANAGER POSITIONS Need Writing Experience? Call WEEKLY ALSO AVAILABLE. Call Now! The Phoenix at X8600 for details! TAKE A BREAK STUDENT INCOME TRAVEL (800) 95-BREAK! processing mail lor national company! Fllle SPRING BREAK '97-SELL supplies, postagal No TRIPS, EARN CASH, & GO sallingl Bonul Statt FREE!!! STS is hiring CAMPUS The Soapbox immediately! Genuine opportunity!RushSAS,E.: REPS/GROUP ORGANIZERS to Continued from page 3 V H C. SUITE 174 promote trips to Cancun,Jamaica, and lineal garbage into the lecture what I hoped 1861 N.FEDERAL DlfY Florida. Call 800-648-4849 for would be an open and honest talk on a prob- other Soapbox for a closed-minded organi- HOLLTWOOD.PL 33020 information on joining America's #1 lem that does concern me became just an- zation. I didn't attend the lecture. Student Tour Operator. INSTANT CREDIT r,------------------------------j URD!:,R fORM I I YES! P.O. 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