Page 78 - ThePhoenix1996-97
P. 78
Thursday, November 14, 1996 - Page 14 SPORTS Women's soccer complete season with defeat of Muhlenberg Strong 1997 season hopes look ahead for women's team with only one player graduating in the spring By TOM GILL Then senior Erin Murphey scored the game within 63 seconds late in the second half to skid of the Terror's, but added to Catholic's StaffWriler winner, and her 13th goal of the season, three give the Terror the lead. skid streak of four. minutes and 27 seconds later with an assist Dickinson, 7-10 overall and 3-5 in Cen- The ladie's had gone into overtime peri- Western Maryland's women's soccer from sophomore Natalie Hannibal, her third. tennial Conference play, was stopped by ods in the two previous games with scores team finished their season with a 9-0 Cen- The Green Terror won despite being Backer as she made eight saves in the shut- of 2-2 at Frostburg State University on Oc- tennial Conference victory over Bryn Mawr outshot 24-16. out. Junior Christine Kalobius also added tober 3, and 2-3 at home versus Haverford on October 27. The girls had won five Junior goalkeeper Julie Backof registered an unassisted goal with three minutes and on October 5. straight, and had shown some signs of great 18 saves in goal for the ladies. This victory 29 seconds left in regulation play. At the Frostburg game, both goals were things to come. extended Western Maryland's winning streak The women started to tum things around scored by Murphey, with assists from both Senior Erin Murphey scored three goals to four games. The lady Green Terror ended when they improved to 6-7-1 with back to Mongrain and Kalobius. and three assists during the game to finish their season 8-7-1 and 5-3 in Centennial back victories last month. Murphey scored The Haverford game played at WMC with the second-highest total in Western Conference play. twice at Johns Hopkins on October 15, with showcased Murphey again as she assisted Maryland history. Junior Lynnae Stoehr Murphey was also named to the first- one goal being unassisted. and one assist Hannibal and Kalobius in their two goals. added a school single-game record five as- team AIl-Conference for her second consecu- coming from Herndon. to give Hopkins their Looking to jump back into the win col- sists for the Green Terror. tive year for WMC. She received the honor first Centennial Conference loss of the sea- umn, the ladies had to face an extremely tal- Also scoring during the Bryn Mawr game by scoring 14 goals in conference games, son. The Blue Jays of Hopkins had not al- ented Gettysburg team who also suffered were juniors Jessica Mongrain, Christine which sets a new Centennial Conference lowed a goal in the first five Centennial Con- tough losses early in the season on October Kalobius, Kalobius scoring two goals, record for most goals scored in a season. ference games until Tuesday, October 15. vm Conference play. The Bullets jumped sophomore Tara Mazza, and freshmen Elaina Overall, Murphey scored 16 goals and a In the 3-1 victory, Murphey advanced her out in front early with a goal in the first Herndon and Meg Macl'herson. Assisting WMC record high nine assists, which tied team-leading goals to eleven, while Erin minute and 44 seconds of the contest and in the nine goals were Stoehr with five as- her for the most single season. points with Kelly added her third goal of the year. ,kept on the pressure throughout the game. sists, Murphey with three, and junior goal- .41. Murphey was also named the Centennial The lead increased to 3-0 by half-time. keeper Julie Backof with one. Backof received an honorable mention Conference Player of the Week for the week Jessica Mongrain scored two minutes into The lady Terror also beat Muhlenberg on place on the All-Conference team with 203 of October 14-20. the second half, which would be the only October 2 by a score of 2-1 in Centennial saves in the net and a 1.55 goals-against av- This exciting Western Maryland victory goal for the Terror as they lost thegame 5-1. Conference play. The'Iadies scored two sec- erage. came just after a two-to-nothing shut out of The 1997 season looks promising for the ond half goals to take the lead and eventu- Also two weeks ago, the girls blanked Catholic three days prior to the Hopkins lady soccer players as they lose only one ally win the game. Dickinson 3-0 at home. Murphey scored her game at home. The Catholic game's lone member to graduation in the spring. Al- Sophomore Stephanie Van Deusen scored eleventh and twelfth goals of the season, one scorer's were Kalobius and Kelly, with as- though the senior is MVPErin Murphey, the with 19:45 left to knot the game at one. This of which was assisted by Erin Kelly, for her sists from Kelly and Natalie Hannibal re- team should be able to utilize the upcoming was Van Deusen's third goal of the season. sixth assist. Murphey's two goals were spectively. This win stopped a three game talent. Freshman leads Green Men and women finish in Terror football team top ten in r99~Centennial Conference Championships By JULIa<: EDWARDS Sroff wnrer Injuries inhibit women's squad in competition Freshman quarterback Ron Sennarini has ive; he has an older sister, and an older held the honor of Centennial .Conference brother who also played football. Player of the Week twice this season. Once, In high school, Sermarini also played By TOM GILL 29,04,9. after the Dickinson game in which Serma- basketball, although he does not plan to play StaffWriler Josh Beck, Brendon Henderson, and rini threw for 342 at Western Maryland. Robert Birdsall all finished in the top 85 yards and two He was captain of out of one-hundred runners. touchdowns. That both the football and The 1996 Cross Country season is Sophomore Mike Cushwa, the team's game he also set a basketball teams at winding down, and the men and women second runner throughout the season, Western Maryland Toms River North have just competed in some extremely did not compete due to a commitment record for comple- High School, and difficult Centennial Conference tourna- with the school's Arrmy ROTC detach- tion percentage in was named to the ments. ment. a game at 737% by All-County, All- In the Centennial Conference Cham- The women had placed tenth out of completing 28 of Shore, and All-Divi- pionships in Gettysburg Pennsylvania on len in Gettysburg for the Centennial 38 attempts, as he sion teams in both Saturday, October 26, the men placed Conference Championships. lead the Green Ter- sports. He is cur- eighth out of nine teams competing in The Terror women were somewhat rors past the Red rently undecided on the meet.. disadvantaged during this meet because Devils 27-14. his major, but has a Haverford College came in first place of missing lead runner Kelly Davis, wife Again after long term goal of be- with twenty-three total points, followed of men's lead runner Greg Davis, and producing 358 coming a New Jersey by Franklin and Marshall College with Cynthia Callen, the top freshman on the yards of total of- state police office. fifty-eight. team, due to injuries. fense and four Sermarini said a The Terror men only placed higher The ladies were led by junior Laurie touchdowns in the major highlight for than the Muhlenberg men who had 263 Cicero who placed first for Western Green Terrors' 46- him this season was cumulative points in the 8,000 meter Maryland, and twentieth out of 98 25 romp over non- his first start against run. women runners competing. Cicero's conference foe Gettysburg; he had Placing first for Western Maryland, time over the 5,000 meter course was Lebanon Valley, he 349 yards. He com- and twenty-eighth out of 97 finishers 20:52:3. reappeared as mented, "I'm really overall, was team leader Greg Davis Cicero was also two minutes shy of Player of the Week. -In this game, Sermarini happy about being a part of the team, and with a time of 28:43:0. the leader, 18:47:5, Meredith Unger of completed 24 of36 passes for 290 yards and getting to play; that surprised me." Davis's time was only about two min- Haverford College. scores of 40, five, and five yards. He also He said Coach Tim Keating was a key utes shy of first place Karl Paranya of Haverford College took the meet with rushed 14 times for a team-high 68 yards. factor in his decision to attend Western Haverford College, who had a leading 34 points. Dickinson followed with Sermarini is a native o(Toms River, New Maryland College; he liked the football pro- time of 26:45:0 to win the Conference fifty-four and Western Maryland Jersey. He began playing football in sev- 'gram, and says Head Coach Keating is "real Championship. rounded out the meet with 278. enth grade on a pop-warner football team ... motivational. He knows what he is talking Freshman Mat Lojevsky placed sec- Other finishers for the Lady Terror His father has been a major influence In his about." ond for Western Maryland men, and were Heather Huffer, Aimee Creewalk, football career, since he-is a football coach. The Green Terror football team is set to thirty-seventh overall, with a time of and junior Jennifer Vick. Sennarini says his family is very ~upport.~. f~ce_ only Johns Hopkins yet this season.
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