Page 146 - ThePhoenix1996-97
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'i. ,,c ',' , Thursday, April 24, 1997 - Page 2 COMMENTARY Staff THE SOAPBOX Editor-In-Chief -----1 AdamDean I Carolyn O. Barnes '99 ~a;::KiS~e~~~r Advert,ising Ma~a~er Western Maryland College is blessed with because they do not have the ability to sug- Faculty members are subject to this Lubomir Ondercm 00 many hard working, courteous and knowl- gest common sense solutions to problems evaluation, why should the administration News Editor edgeable administration and staff members as that administrators and staff members may and staff receive this special treatment? Grant A. Rice '99 well as faculty, The faculty is willing to ac- not be aware of. Are not they subject to the same rules as Assistant News Editor cept student input in the form of end of the Often times I have encountered bureau- everyone else? Most members of the ad- Kate Hampson '00 semester class evaluation sheets. Ibelieve that cratic inflexibility, inc6mpetence, surliness ministration and staff are hard working, Features Editor members of the faculty take advantage of this friendly people. They are dedicated to their Jennifer Vick '98 "Faculty members are feedback in order to improve their job perfor- jobs and to serving the college community. Assistant Features Editor mance and provide the students with a supe- Unfortunately there is a very visible mi- Nicki Kassolts '99 subject to this evaluation, rior education. Last year, I took a class that I nority which is not so friendly and not so Editorials Editors had some difficulty with, as did others. On why should the dedicated. By providing the student body Adam Dean '98 Erin Howard '00 the end of semester evaluation forms we made administration and staff with a means to make their feelings about some suggestions for minor improvements to these organizations, and the people who S~rtsEditor Julie Edwards '00 the course. Some of my friends are taking that receive this special make them up, a better and more user- same course now and have commented on how friendly Western Maryland-College might Art Edit"r treatment? Are not they Mike Puskar '99 the course is much different than I had de- be created. Don't you think this is a wor- scribed it. Realistic improvements have been subject to the same rules thy goal? I challenge WMC to implement Sur~;~~t~°TIn~:1!9§er made to what was already a more than ad- these procedures by next semester. It should equate offering, to the benefit of future and as everyone else? " not be too much of a hardship to come up Publ~b~f~~~~~~38ager present WMC students. with the required forms. The students are And yet there are no evaluation forms for and even what I interpreted as down right paying unreal amounts of money to attend Distribution Manager Rich Suchoski '00 the administration and staff available to stu- hostility when dealing with the school's ad- this school. We deserve to gct our money's dents at WMC. Why is this? This state of af- ministrative departments. When the mere worth. SlalTWrlters fairs is patently unjust to both the faculty and act of walking into an office is enough of a Nikki Bel!anger'98 crime to elicit a "What the hell are you do- Morrison Benjamin '00 the students. It is unjust to the faculty because Dan Callahan '00 they have to put themselves in what must be ing here?" stare and an arrogant, unhelpful cc oeaoo an uncomfortable situation by being evaluated attitude, a situation begging for outside in- Adam Dean is a junior Potnicat Science ronn Oreenevg major. E-mail atagdOO]@ns} Jim Gross '99 by their students. It is unjust to the students put exists, Fayelngmm'99 Roxanne Ingram '99 Maggie Kimura '99 DRUG-DEALING RApPERS As Jeremy LopusDa Courtney Risch '99 Prancesca Saylor '00 EmilyS!ama!his'99 '97 ROLE MODELS? Speir Cameron .--=--1- HealherWoods'99 that destroys millions it big" sold a product -"Pholographers NarhnnBirdsalJ'99 MAGGIE KIMURA- "made it big." He is black America's each year, and then manages to make a for- ::; Courtney Risch '99 Staff Member Horatio Alger's, an aJmost typical drug Jose(Juba)Siqueira'OO dealing to riches story that young people tune by exploiting his past life of drug deal- I Last month, the Notorious B.I,G was killed. try to emulate because they see no chance ing and the crime and violence that often ac- Ad"ertisingDesign He is the second rapper this year to have died of success in a white man's country, Why companies it. Unfortunately, we as a soci- Laurie Jones '99 ety, have tolerated this adoration for so long from the violence that he escaped from. Last September, Tupac Shakur was also killed. Why "Unfortunately, we as a that we forget what these people did before should I be commenting upon two dead rap- society have tolerated' they were stars. Adviser pers? Because I find myself bewildered and True people will say, "Be happy, they Terry Dalton confused at why young people hysterically this adoration for so made a success out of their lives, and why mourn the passing of these two rappers. I find don't you forget about the past?" I cannot it perplexing that young children, look up to long that we forget what be happy, since I cannot forget about the past. these people and find models to emulate in these people did befor I cannot forget whenever some kid is dead The Phoenix is published biweekly. them, even though there are many other people on the street because he/she got caught in The opinions expressed do not neces- who are just as viable role models. Maybe I they were stars, " the cross fire of a shoot out. I will not forget sarily represent those of The Phoenix should not be the one asking the questions or that while these rappers are living out the staff, the faculty, or the administrators finding solutions, but should be passing the should I care? I care because today's role American dream, there are several million ofWMC. questions of "Why fans adore them so much?" models are people who sold drugs and glo- people devastated by something they sold, The paper welcomes free-lance sub- and "Why choose them as role models for the rify the violence that is tearing communities and the glorification of the violence that is missions on Macintosh disks in most youth of my country?" on to social critics and apart, without giving or suggesting ideas. I associated. word processor formats, The editor re- the rappers themselves. care because these role models are the only serves the right to edit for clarity, length, Notorious B.LG was a drug dealer before visible sign that someone has made it out of and libel and to publish as space per- he was a rapper, he started rapping about his the ghetto and into a suburban neighborhood. Maggie Kimura is a sophomore History mits. All submissions (excluding self- life on the street, got a record contract and It bothers me that someone who "has made major: addressed diskettes) become the prop- erty of The Phoenix and cannot be re- turned, CIGARETTE BUTTS DEPRECIATE Please include a name and phone number for verification. Names will be withheld only by the discretion of the THE BEAUTY OF OUR CAMPUS Editor-in-Chief. TIu! Phoenix does not discriminate based on age, race, religion, gender, R. C. PmLLIPS sidewalks, steps, and ground, Littering Years ago, a drafter in the U.S. Army, sexual orientation. national origin, con- Guest Wriler what? Butts, cigarette butts, that's what. I learned how to field strip a cigarette: dition of handicap, or marital status. Granted, smoking is cool: the deep in- peel off the paper, scatter the tobacco into Usually, one does not like to butt into other hale, the slowexhale, with the smoke drift- the air, ball up the paper and rather put it Mail to: people's business, especially if you run the risk ing away. The tobacco industry has done into your pocket or into a trash can. Bye, The Phoenix WMC, 2 College Hill "c..I need to butt heads with those who are littering our sidewalks, steps, and Westminster. MD 21lS7 ground. " (410)751·8600 of ending up being the butt of their jokes. On an excellent job presenting the allure and bye, butt. Hello! s!"oker. (410) 876-205S. exl 8600 behalf of many people here on campus, I need pizzazz of smoking, but, let's face it, no, R. C. Phillips is a professor here at , J [__-'~"''''',,:,-,:: (4"'41"'0"-)18"'5"'7."'1:1,,29"-__ -' to butt heads with those who are littering our ad ever shows the butt, Western Maryland College,
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