Page 144 - ThePhoenix1996-97
P. 144
.. ,,,~,~~~~~--~~~~--~~--------~--------------------------... Dmens~ TCfflIr '~4~~ Women's Lacrosse 14 Tennis 14 r"TQ Wilson at nationals 15 Donna Sellman 15 Volume XV, Number 9 Western Maryland College Thursday, April 8, 1997 WMC golfers ranked 22 in nation Spring Schedule With seven tournaments left, they will face a challenge from many Division I schools M!::n's Lacross!:: 22 Mary Wash. A 3:00 24 Elizabethtown A 3:00 April 26 Gettysberg A 1:00 schedule that pits them against such 9 Gettysburg H3:30 Division I schools as Penn State. 12 Haverford H 1:30 Men's Tennis Navy, Princeton, and Maryland is 19 F&M A 1:30 fun for his players and helps with 23 Dickinson A 4:00 April recruiting. 26 Salisbury Slate H 1:30 12 Ursinus H 1,00 ''Those high school players that 30 St. Mary's A 4:00 14 Catholic H 3,00 are very competitive want to play May 15 Gettysberg A 3:30 with good teams. We get. a lot of 3 Washington H 1:30 18 Haverford H 330 phone calls and inquiries about our 23 Dickinson A 3,30 program," he said. Moyer also WQmt:n's Las;ross!:: feels that having his own golf Wom!::n's Tennis course and driving range has helped April with recruiting. 10 Goucher H 4:30 April Good recruiting has given 12 Muhlenberg , AHlO to Villa Julie H 3,00 WMC good depth and talent. Few 15 Gettysburg H 3,00 12 Ursinus A 1,00 teams that WMC competes against 17 Noire Dame H 4,00 14 Catholic A 3:30 are able to field "A" and "B" teams. 19 Bryn Mawr H 2,00 16 Gettysberg H 3:30 Moyer says this depth gives WMC 22 Johns Hopkins H 3:00 17 Notre Dame A 3:30 an advantage because if someone 26 Swarthmore A 1:00 19 Bryn Mawr H 1:00 is sick or not playing well he can May 21 F&M A 4:00 be replaced quickly. "In order to 3 Susquehanna AJ:OO 23 Dickinson H 3:30 contend for any type of conference championship you have to have Baseball 1'rack and Fi!;:Id depth," he said. The Green Terror got more than April April just depth out of their incoming 11 Washington H 3:30 12 ShippensburgJnv. A 10:00 freshmen class, they got two mem- 12 Swarthmore A 12:00 19 Mason-Dixon Inv. A 11:00 bers of the "A" team which "kind 15 Gettysburg H 3:30 (Gettysberg) of unusual," according to Moyer, 18 Gettysburg A 3,30 24-25 Penn Relays ATBA Freshmen Santillo and Ryan Reid 19 Haverford H 1:00 26 Dickinson Inv. A 10:30 were both able to make an impact 22 Dickinson H 330 May in their first year and are now con- 25 Dickinson A 3,00 3-4 CC Championship A TBA tributing members of the "A" team. 26 Ursinus H 1:00 (F&M) The leader, and co-captain of 29 Lebanon Valley A 3:30 10 Mizuno Inv. ATBA , the team is Diehl. "He's our #1 May (George Mason) man," said Moyer. If the Green I Messiah H 3:30 Junior Mike Diehl prepares to putt (I{ the Western Maryland College Im'itOlianol. Diehl is a leader and co-captain of the team. Terror are going to move up in the Golf national rankings Diehl will be one Softball By DAN GADIl Reid finished tied for 29th place of the players responsible. Joining April SUlflwriter with a score of 163. Diehl on the "A" team are juniors April A 1,00 Western Maryland's golf team The Green Terror entered an Matt Harding and Scott King. 10 Messiah A 3:30 10 Wesley Inv. 17 Susquehanna Inv. is on a roll entering the spring sea- "A" team and a "B" team in the The other co-captain is senior 12 Muhlenberg H 1:00 20-21 District II Classic A 1:00 ATBA son, and they should only get bet- WMC Spring Invitational. The Greg Hebding who is looked to for 15 York A 4:00 (Hershey, PA) ter from here. The team is cur- two teams finished tied for second help not only on the golf course, 16 Dickinson H 330 25-27 CC Championship A 8:00 rently ranked twenty-second in the place out of eight teams, just three bUI off as well. Captains Diehl and 19 Ursinus A i.oo (Berlin,MD) country and there are no seniors strokes behind the winner, Towson 20 Catholic H i.oo 28 York Inv. A 1:00 on the "A" team, which means State. Freshmen Tony Santillo set :ne::ti;:s~;~ ~of~~:dc~~:~~~:~~~~~ .. ~;;;;;;;;;;. ...;;~~....;~~;,;:,:; ~.;,;;;,;.! their top five golfers will be back the pace for WMC golfers, shoot- said Moyer. Their duties as cap- next year. ing a 74, finishing in fourth place rains include attending functions So far this season the Green overall, just one stroke ahead for the school, giving talks, and Congratulations! Terror have competed in two tour- Diehl,junior Scott Gregg, and jun- meeting recruits. naments, the Loyola College In- ior Morgan Gregory. Moyer feels his team is ready vitational on March 24 and 25, and Head Coach J. Scott Moyer to move to new heights with all of Western Maryland College junior Bo Schroll of the Western Maryland College feels good about the team's play, his starters coming back next year Spring Invitational which took and feels they will get better in the and a strong recruiting class com- Baltimore and Green Terror freshman Meghan Bellucci place on March 29. near future. "I think we'll be one ing in. "We would be in the top 15 of West Chester, PA were selectedas the Centennial At Loyola, WMC took 13th of the favorite to win the confer- if we had not played poorly at the Confernce men's and women's lacrosse Players of the place out of 20 teams. They were ence," he said. Naval Academy tournament," he Weekfor the games of March 8 through 16. the only Division IIlteam in the He points to the fact that his said. Junior Steve Smiddy of Pasadena, MD won two field which consisted of 17 Divi- team finished ahead of "Obviously. our first goal, we'd matches but fell one victory shy of earning an All- sion I schools and two Division n Muhlenberg, Gettysburg, Franklin like to win the conference champi- schools. Junior Mike Diehl tied and Marshall, and Dickinson in the onship. We'd also like to get 10 America spot at the NCAA Division III wrestling cham- for 18th place out of 100 golfers tournament at WMC, all teams nationals, that's what everybody's pionship March 7 and 8. with a score of 157 over 36 holes, from the Centennial Conference. working for. Nobody works harder just 13 over par. Freshmen Ryan Moyer feels that their tough than our guys," Moyer said.
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