Page 74 - ThePhoenix1995-96
P. 74
Thursday, November 16,1995 Page 14 for a change and some Men soccerstruggles a soccer scholarship. She came 10 WMC looking fun. Stoehr. " just wanted to enjoy the spon through 6-10-2 season 'There it was like work," said again. I wanted to have fun." Farrow finished his career at WMC The defense ofWMC was led by sophomore keeper Julie Backof who The 1995 Western Maryland with three goals on the season. Jeffrey Patten and John D'Andrea earned her second straight first team AJl- their sec- both had two goals on the year to fin- Conference award. Her play in goal was Men's soccer team suffered ish off the teams muJtiple goal scor- the key to the defense. ond straight losing season under head "Julie is the backbone of this de- coach John Plevyak. The team began fense:' said Flynn. "She came up big the season with a 6-2-1 start but then D'Andrea and junior Eric collapsed not winning any in their last Laurence each had fOUI assists to tie when we needed it." eight games to finish the season with a for the lead in that category. Fresh- 'The confidence our defense gets record of 6-10-2. men Martin Qswiecimka and Daniel from having a goalie like Julie is a huge The men's team which struggled Strine both had two assists on the year. boost," said Swanson. offensively got most of their scoring Western Maryland finished the Backof registered impressive numbers again this year with a 1.45 early in the season from sophomore Rick year with 32 total goals and 16 assists Abildso Christiaan for 80 points as a team. and junior goalsagainstavernge. Estes. Abildso had eight and one as- In conference play they only The defensive backs in front of Backof were a strong group all around. sist to lead the learn in overall scoring. managed five goals while they gave They were led by senior co-captain Estes was the co-leader with eight up 30 on the year. Mac Wilson was the goals scored also. Defender BeckyDcux. Brett Edwards was the team's sec- only player to be honored with an All- Deux returned to the program af- termissing last season toa knee injury. ond leading goal scorer with four goals. Conference honorable mention. Eric Senior He also had one assist. While her overall speed may have suf- "It was really hard for me, Ijust Cross country teams fered her play and her heart didn't. wanted to make it through camp," said Deux. camp and compete in regionals Deux made it through led a new defensive style onto the field Laurie Cicero, were unable to run due "For three orfour games we were FROM STAFF R~:PORTS so frustrnted on defense:' said Deux. Dickinson College hosted the t6 injury and sickness respectively. in the topfour spots for Finishing ''We didn't think it would work but it 1995 NCAA Mid East Regional Meet the Green Terror were Amy Havener finally did. We just have some excel- held on Saturday, November II. Greg with a 72ndoverall finish anda time of lent players that made it work in Tara to Mazza, Nicki Grnndrimo, and Sarah Davis and Amy Havener led the run- 20:45:21, Heather Huffer with a 158th dribble around an opposing player in the fi.nal game of the Rasinskyj; ners in finishing the meet. overall finish, Michelle Garvey finish- season. Stoehr set a school record ;rillise'ven '~ .. Coach Aynn agreed with her se- =Davisfbusbed 58th oUfof·237 run- ing-174th ...... ' Conference At the Centennial Women's Soccer from p~16 time goal scoring list. She earned an nior captain. 'Tara learned to play our.. ners with a timeof27:42:49despite the Championship at RoseTreePark., Kelly / fact that he injured his back after shortly ing scorer. honorable mention for theAll-Confer- defense in two weeks. She has great passing the one mile marker. Follow- Parrish earned All-Centennial Confer- "I just wanted to make the team:' encetearn. speed in the backfield. Sarah is not Cushwa finished honors for placing said Hannibal. "I wanted to help out Twosophomore'sstepped up their flashy but she is smart and fundamen- ing Davis, Mike CIarius finished 153rd at ence first-team posted a rime of. 1911:5 sec, I29th place,Jim and. Parrish the best I could." play this year and Flynn was pleased tally sound. What.can you say about place, and Roeby Birdsall finished over the S,CKlO meter course. Amy One of WMC's flashiest soccer with their efforts. Jessica Mongrain Nicki? She played almost the whole was 28th and Laurie players was third in overall scoring. would account for five goals and two year with her ann taped up." 195th. The men's team did not place Havener for Western Maryland, Cicero 31st which Freshman Stephanie Van Dcusen was assists this year. Kari Thompson would Mazza was an offensive player in overall in the meet because their team placed sixth out of ten squads in the so impressive in her first three games also get five goals. She finished the sea- high school and ~e transition to was incomplete. Steve Hallowell fell team scoring. that other teams decided she was the son by scoring both goals in the finale defense smoothly and it gave depth to ill during the race, and was unable to Greg DavisearnedAIl Centennial player that had to be shut down. against Muhlenberg. the WMC defense. finish. Haverford College took first Conference second-team status as he ''From game three on:' said assis- "Jess really turned her game on ''When I came I wanted to play place in the meet, with Franklin and placed 14th in the men's race with a tant coach Scott Swanson, "teams this year," said Flynn. "She played offense," said Mazza. "Coach said she Marshall College finishing second time of 28: 19:9. The team only had marked number five [Van Deusen's much better than last year:' needed a defensive player so I said OK In the women's meet, Carnegie threerunners competing, and therefore number]. But itjust left one of our other SettinguptheTerror'shigh-octane and played." Mellon finished first out of thirty-one was unable to place as a team in the players open." offense were a pair of hard working, The WMC women's soccer learn teams competing. The top two finish- meet. Teams would soon regret that mis- underpaid, and underrated midfielders. put together an incredible season and ers in previous meets, Kelly Parrish and take. Even covered Van Deusen Freshman Gena Magin and sophomore Coach Flynn and her players stressed notched eight goals and assisted on four transfer Lynnae Stoehr were not flashy one key to that success. tions, attempts, passing yards. TD have so much fun on and From Football p. others. Her play this year earned her a but they gOI the job done. 'They passes, total offensive plays, to- unanimous selection to the first team While Stoehr's numbers were off the field:' said Flynn. "It's a big 6. tal offensive yards, TD's respon- All-Conference squad. She was third more evident, she set a school record plus." WMC would have a final sible for, and completion percent- in the voting for Conference player of with seven assists in a season. both play- "This team accomplished more shot at winning though, as they age. He also holds numerous the year. ers were key cogs in the Terror machine. than anyone thought we would," said got the ball back on their own 47- WMC single season records and "Stephanie can always be relied ''Lynnae plays a ~ solid physi- Stoehr. 'There were no attitudes and on to put the ball where it has to be," cal game," said Flynn. "She is really we stuck together on and off the field." yard line with only I :35 left. However, Centennial Conference records. "Anytimethat had one time-out the Terror you get the chance said Flynn. great on throw ins." The senior captain may have left and that would come back to to coach a player with physical skills The Terror may have scored even Magin had only one assist but her summed it up the best. " It was very Van Deusen more if sophomore transfer Judi Rem- contributions went beyond Slats. "Gina frustrating when we lost to Gettysburg. hurt them. to Donte Abron completed thatBrian has you feel blessed. We'll miss him:' said Keating. a pass to the nitz hadn't been hurt, not just once, but is a little bit of an instigator on the field," After that game we lost all our chances Hopkins 36 for a first down, but TIle Terror finished the season 3- twice. The sophomore was fourth on said Flynn. [at the postseasonj'tsaid Deux. "lthink on a 4th-and-l, the Blue Jays 2-2 in the Conference. thetearn in scoring with 15 points. She "She's not flashy," added many teams would have hung their stopped Van Deusen who tried to NEWS AND NOTES ..... Van scored six goals and had fOUI assists. Swanson. "But she is a great" setup heads but we didn't and I think thai pick up the first down on a quar- Deusen was named the Conference's Flynn can not waitto haveRemnitz for player. She has a great one-touch pass." shows how strong a team we were." terback sneak with only 20 sec- offensive player of the week for his a whole year. Both were first year player's for Teams have to give it their all to onds left in the game as the Ter- performance in the Terror's 39-6 win Sophomore Erin Kelly, last years the Terror. While Magin was a home- win and the WMC women's soccer Saturday's leading scorer, had another fine season town player, Stoehr made her debut on team did just that and then some. As ror could not stop the clock. over Swarthmore. Johns Hopkins tie was and ended a marvelous The game the fifth between as she tallied five goals and fOUI assists. a college soccer field on the west coast Deux said of their motto, ''before ev- career for Van Deusen, who will WMC. The WMC seniors finished She now has 33 career points which is before coming here. ery game under our breath we yell kick end his Terror career holding their careers with a record of 18-17- sixth on the all-time list. Her total ties From Mission Viejo, California, ass. 'That's how we felt it about it." WMC career records in comple- 3. her with Murphey for fifth on the all- Stoehr first attended Azuza Pacific on That's what they did.
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