Page 193 - ThePhoenix1995-96
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creen Teoor S1'(I>'ts Men's Lacrosse 20 Columns.. . 19 Amanda Rose Profile. 18 Baseball ... ... 17 Year in Review. ..16 Volume XIV, Number 12 Western Maryland College Thursday, May 9, 1996 Residence halls to Lead paint found in Gill Gym receive renovations Administration maintains there is no danger to student health ish what was started six years ago. News Editor By CAMERON SPEIR Staff IVrire~ The dorm's electrical system will Since last fall the WMC admin- Rouzer and McDaniel Halls are be upgraded so that it will be bet- istration has known that old Gill scheduled to receive some renova- ter able 10 handle the demands Gym contains lead paint that is tion this summer. placed on it by computers, VCR's cracking, peeling and giving off These two dorms will undergo and microfridges. Bathrooms will dust-a condition which has at least electrical work, receive new paint also be improved and new tight fix- one professor worried enough to contact The Phoenix. jobs along with new light fixtures tures installed. and similar improvements. The Dr. Seidel recently inspected The Phoenix was in- upgrades are the beginning of what the condition of Rouzer Hall and formed of the lead paint by a fe- the administration hopes will be an commented, "There is an effect you male professor at WMC, who ongoing process of maintaining the get before you even get to your wishes to remain anonymous. Ad- residence halls on campus. room that's not very good. But I ministration officials strongly deny Funds will come from the op- did see a lot of potential. We need that the presence of lead paint in erating budget and the changes will to bring that out and there are some the 58-year-old gym poses any not include major structural work. things we can do right that don', health threat to anyone using the According to Ethan Seidel, vice cost too much." facility. Lead paint tests such as these were used by The Phoenix to determine if president of financial affairs, "each His priorities are to replace The anonymous professor said the paint in Gill gym contained lead paint she was telling The Phoenix be- wanted us to know that it was been taken by the administration. summer we'd like to be doing bathroom doors, repaint hallways something with regard to the resi- and common areas and install bet- cause "no one will do anything [flaking] and asked that we test it Seidel strongly disagreed with "To this dence halls. If we were to some- ter brighter light fixtures. about it unless the public knows [for lead paint] and we did and it the anonymous professor. [to close turned out that it had lead, but that point we have no reason how get the funds to do some kind According to Seidel, the college about it." hired an in- wasn't too surprising," said Dr. the gym], if we thought anybody The administration of major renovation, then we'd do made intermittent improvements in dependent group to test the walls Ethan Seidel, vice president of ad- was in danger we would rclose] it it. But that's at some point in the the dorms such as ANW and Daniel last fall for lead paint after a con- ministration and finance. right away," said Seidel. future." Mac Lea in the mtd-Su's and cern about the walls was voiced by "[Gill Gym] was built in 1938, But according to Dr. Ezatollah There was some work done on Blanche and McDaniel a few years McDaniel Hall in 1990 that was later. He hopes that 1996 will be- Dr. Carol Fritz, associate director so it's almost guaranteed that [it Keyvan, a DRPH at the Maryland never fully completed. This gin a phase were work is much of athletics. The test results came had lead paint]," Seidel added. Department of Health lead paint summer's plans include renova- more frequent. back positive. "She [Fritz} said No actions to limit student or has a possibility of being harmful tions in McDaniel which will fin- Continued on page 6 there had been flaking so she faculty activities in the gym have Continued on page 5 Candle-light vigil sheds light New computer lab on rape and sexual crimes to open in Hoover By CHRISTIAN WILWOHL Western Maryland College has mation technology. Assistant News Editor received a $50,000 gift to launch a This new center is one of sev- On a stormy April evening, multi-phase program 10 enhance eral program initiatives undertaken members of the WMC faculty and library media and technology re- by the liberal arts college to pro- student body as well as the West- sources available to area teachers, vide experienced and prospective minster community gathered in SL library media specialists and stu- teachers in the use and applications Paul's Methodist Church to shed dents. of technology for enhanced instruc- light on rape awareness. The creation of a media/library tion. This occasion marked the first science computer laboratory in Dedication of the specially des- candlelight vigil ever held in WMC's Hoover Library will honor ignated room, to be named The Carroll County to heighten con- Dr. Margaret Denman-west of Margaret Woods Denman-West sciousness for the crime of rape, Cleveland, Ohio, who is credited Technology Suite, was held in the which victimizes 1.3 women every with. the development of the minute in the United States, accord- college's graduate program in me- ing to a speaker at the vigil. diaflibrary science and served as Inside In order to emphasize the fre- the program's first full-time coor- Letters to the Editor 2 quency of sexual crimes, Joanne dinator until her retirement in The Soapbox 3 Hare asserted that it would "be a 1991. Sarah Chenoweth 5 miracle if you did not know some- New multi-media computers one affected by sexual violence." will link to the Internet and pro- Jazz Night 6 Hare is the Executive Director of vide an on-line communication Distance Education 7 the Rape Crisis Intervention Ser- between Western Maryland Col- MSL 8 vice of Carroll County. lege and its educational partners in Spring Piing 10,11 Traci Gilmore, an employee of Carroll County including area pub- the State's Attorney for Carroll lic schools and the county library Students 12 County, affirmed Hare's statement. system, and enhance WMC's Linda Dudley 13 Sitting in the sanctuary of St. Pauls Methodist Church, Sue Oxelyand Continued on page 6 graduate-level instruction in infor- Easy Gourmet 14 Amy Ric~, Phi Alpha Mu =: ~isten t~ speakers on rape awareness.
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