Page 198 - ThePhoenix1995-96
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NEWS Thursday, May 9, 1996 - Page 6 New computer lab to open in Hoover Jazz Night Celebration to Continued from page 1 Hoover Library on Wednesday, April 24. West said, "Actually the real 'heroes' are heat up end of semester The Suite is located on the library's sec- my students. Their encouragement and their ond floor convenient to the Curriculum Ma- enthusiasm for learning provided me with It's gonna be hot on Thursday, May 9. for all of the jazz groups. terials Center where teachers and students the fuel to try new technologies and to listen Even if Mother Nature doesn't cooperate, "It's the flaming pu-pu platter of jazz," find classroom instructional resources in- to their suggestions for incorporating new Bo Eckard's Jazz Night celebration at 8 p.m. Mr. Eckard said. "Because there are so many cluding lesson plans, textbooks and the approaches to information They 'opened the at Western Maryland College is sure to set styles, from big band to fusion, it's a children's literature collection. doors', Ijust entered them." things on fire. director's nightmare, but a real treat for the In the early '70s WMC first offered the During her 14-year tenure Dr. Denman- The end-of-semester jam session has audience." master's degree program in school library West held memberships on a wide range of become a popular tradition with faculty, The two big ensembles about 18 pieces media to train elementary and secondary committees, including the Library Advisory staff, students, and the community, and this each will play from sheet arrangements. But school media specialists. Committee for the $10 million renovation year's program won't disappoint its fans ei- the workshop ensemble, the best seven play- As the program's first full-time coordi- and expansion of Hoover Library and as the ther, according to Mr. Eckard, who teaches ers in either group, will play the gig just like nator, Dr. Denman-West led the program Library's co-director from 1984-87. at the College and runs the WMC jazz pro- a house band with no more than a melody from 1977 during which time it tripled in She retired from the college in 1991 and gram. and chord changes in front of them, he added. size and earned a statewide reputation for was named to the honored faculty rank. of "It's the chance for our students to show "The rest is up to the soloists and the graduating outstanding media specialists. associate professor of education emerita. off and shine," Mr. Eckard said of the pro- vocalists," said Mr. Eckard. "It's all spur of Graduates of this program are state cer- That same year she also received the Mary- gram that features three WMC jazz en- the moment just like at the local club and all tified at Level II, receiving both Generalist land Educational Media Organization Dis- sembles and a lot of improvisation. of the members will get a chance at improvi- and Specialist classifications, and are em- tinguished Service Award. Dr. Denman-West The program also highlights four vocal- sation." ployed in school libraries throughout Mary- holds degrees from both the University of ists: seniors Candy Craig and James Felton, The program, held at the Forum in Decker land and southern Pennsylvania. Oklahoma and Central Missouri State Uni- junior Amy Dreibelbis and freshman Corie College Center, is free and open to the pub- Currently, more than 100 students are en- versity and earned her Ph.D. from Texas McFaul. Faculty member Jon Seligman's lic. For more information call 410/857-2599. rolled and this program is the only one in Woman's University. percussion ensemble will provide percussion Courtesy of Public Information • the state to focus entirely on training school She resides in Cleveland since retiring library media specialists in the K-12 envi- and enjoys being close to her son, his wife Many students cannot ronment. and three grandchildren. Upon learning of this tribute Dr. Denman- Courtesy of Public Information describe the job of the Candlelight vigil brings students and community together to discuss rape CAO on WMC's campus Continued from page J couraged men to reach out to women, "the vic- She explained that only 60% of all rapes in tims and survivors of rape." By NICKI KASSOLIS Alexander is aware that many students America are reported since most victims feel Caldwell is one of the seven male mem- SlaffWriler do not know what he does. He says that embarrassed or ashamed. According to bers of the Board of Trustees to the Rape Cri- What do the initials CAD mean to you? "people aren't as aware as they should be," Gilmore, dale or acquaintance rape is less sis Intervention Service of Carroll County. Nothing? Well then you fit in with a large since they "see what they want to see." likely to be reported than rapes committed Some speakers voiced their opposition number of WMC students. Another of Alexander's jobs is to produce by strangers. against the societal assumptions about rape and CAO stands for the Office of College the biweekly pamphlet, titled WMC in Brief , which describes all of the activities planned In her opening remarks Hare affirmed its victims. - Activities, a branch of this campus whose that the candles were a "symbolic statement Dr. Sherri Hughes, WMC ProfessorofPsy- responsibilities remain relatively unknown for the college within a two week period: his job is to either to Alexander, According to bring rape awareness out of the dark." chology, stated that society too often "ques- to most students. directly or indirectly help the 96 clubs and Rev. Gayle Watson concurred with Hare. tions the victim, not the accused." Hughes One first-year students, who prefers to emphasized that society ought to "blame the remain anonymous, has attended only one organizations on campus. He stresses that school-sponsored event this year. He this office does not plan events for organi- perpetrator, not the victim." Rape victimizes 1.3 Gilmore offered similar remarks saying, doesn't go to other events because "they zations, it helps them in the planning by act- women every minute in "[There are ] no rules for how [rape] victims don't interest me." Asked if he is familiar ing as a "resource for student groups." act" she commented. She further explained with the office of College Activities, he said In July, Anita Kaltenbaugh will celebrate the United States that most rapes do not involve injury, as most he "never heard of it." her first year as assistant director of College people assume. This student is not alone. While other Activities. She describes the goal of her of- ~ "Evil lives and grows in the dark. To get rid Several victims of rape voiced their opin- students knew of the office, few were able fice as "providing, developing, and encour- that their to describe what it does. Preferring of it, shine light on it," Watson commented. ions about the crime and spoke about their or- name not be used, one third-year student The vigil, which took place on April 24, deals. Anita Kaltenbaugh thing was sponsored by the WMC Social Work One victim of rape described the healing thought the office was the same what the stu- as and that it "decides CAPBoard Club and the Honors Program. she discovered through Rape Crisis and how dents should do." And when asked what the describes the goal of her Dr. Colleen Galambos, WMC Professor this-healing saved her from a pattern of self- office as "providing, of Social Work, explained that the prepara- destructive behavior. Now a volunteer at Rape CAD does, a second-year student said, "they do something?" tions for the vigil were "a process of differ- Crisis, she affirmed !.he "importance of imme- Yes, the CAO does do something. In developing, and ent people with different interests coming fact, they do a lot of things. The office is together." "Life is tough enough staffed by five people, including a director, encouraging leadership In her statements, Galambos compared activities and social director, these people and interests to a house. She without enduring the pain and assistant supervisor, an office manager, an and a switchboard operations commented on the "almost endless contri- of rape. " receptionist. events. " butions" of the Social Work Club. In addi- For seven years, Mitch Alexander has tion, she offered words of praise to the Honors Ed Caldwell, Westminster City served as the director of college activities. aging leadership activities and social events." students "who were instrumental in the pub- Council His job consists of a myriad of responsibili- In addition to being adviser to the Inter- licity and ribbon campaign." ties, ranging from providing guidance to Greek Council and Panhellenic Council, Gilmore also 'spoke of rape and law en- diate response to the crime of sexual violence." programs planning to managing forcement. She explained that techniques in Donielle Long, a WMC social work ma- groups College Center. Alexander spends Kaltenbaugh is responsible for coordinating student leadership conferences. This respon- Decker collecting medical evidence have improved and jor, offered a college student's view of rape. his days coordinating school social activi- sibility was added to the job when she came that some hospitals have set aside special She spoke about the importance of the "cour- ties, helping to reserve rooms, advertising, to WMC and she considers it important. rooms, insteadof!.he emergency room, for vic- age to stand up and acknowledge the necessity and acting as a liaison for negotiations be- Kaltenbaugh knows that this school is home rims of sexual violence. of rape awareness." tween businesses and school groups, among to good leaders, many of whom attended a Rape Shield Laws prevent investigators In addition to the numerous speakers and directly from questioning a rape victim's past sexual the candlelight vigil, an improvisational group other tasks. 'He works the Commuter with the successful leadership conference at WMC for the first time last semester. Student Greek organizations, history. Some states have enacted legislation of teenagers known as "Foolproof' performed Association, and the WMC' yearbook. Kaltenbaugh wants students to know that requiring the Hlv testing of those who com- focusing on the issues of alcohol use and date Alexander also serves as the co-adviser to the CAO is available to "give students the mit crimes of sexual violence before and after rape. CAPBoard. He oversees their budget while resources they need to do what they want to prosecution, according to Gilmore. Crystal Muia, a WMC student who at- the SGA oversees their budget and the bud- do." She sees students as having the power Ed Caldwell, of the Westminster City Coun- tended the vigil, commented, "1 think it was cil, offered a man's perspective on this "hid- great that we had this ga!.hering. because I gets of most other organizations. Through- the to determine what goes on at WMC if they Alexander has watched out the years, take the initiative. eous crime committed against women." started thinking. And I think this IS what we money allocated to CAPBoard increase One organization that often takes the ini- Caldwell stressed that "life is tough enough need to do. We need to bring it p [rape aware- slowly. without enduring the pain of rape." He en- ness] out of the dark." Continued on page 8
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