Page 197 - ThePhoenix1995-96
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NEWS Thursday, May 9, 1996 - Page 5 WMC featured as a Sarah Chenoweth receives college that changes 1996 Goldwater Scholarship lives in new book It was good, no, make that per- fect chemistry that brought Sarah Western Maryland College is take time out to talk to them or Chenoweth to Lewis Hall, the sci- among the top 50 institutions in the show them around when they had ence building at Western Maryland nation as a producer of graduates visited was what really won them College. who go on to earn a Ph. D. in the over. Now it's chemistry again that life sciences. "As those students have testi- has earned the sophomore from And good teaching begins at the fied, Western Maryland is a New Windsor a prestigious national top at WMC with President Bob friendly, democratic place where scholarship. Chambers, who always makes time there truly is a sense of family and She is one of only five Mary- to leach one class each year. Pro- of caring. It is not for the person landers selected as a 1996 vost Joan Develin Coley, Dean of who has to live in the fast lane; he Goldwater Scholar by the Barry M. Students Phil Sayre, and Vice or she wouldn't like it and Goldwater Scholarship and Excel- President Ethan Seidel also make wouldn't add anything. But for lence in Education Foundation, an sure they get into {he classroom. anyone who's interested in learn- award honoring the nation's best in That dedication to students and ing, gaining self-confidence, and mathematics, science and engineer- teaching helped Western Maryland developing his or her abilities and ing. WMC's first Goldwater earn recognition along with 39 powers, this is a place thai will do Scholar, Sarah is eligible for a two- other schools in the latest book on that job, and do it with TLC to year award up to $14,000 and can higher education by Loren Pope, a spare." reapply for a scholarship on the former education editor of The Mr. Pope started writing books master's degree level. Only 264 col- New York Times. on higher education when he real- lege students were selected nation- "Colleges That Change Lives: ized he had not gotten good coun- wide. 40 Schools You Should Know sel on colleges for his own son. He The scholarship program, now About Even If You're Not a had gone to friends in the Office in its eighth year, honors former Straight-A Student," is his third of Education for advice and had Sen. Barry M. Goldwater and was book about higher education and come away dissatisfied. designed to foster and encourage choosing a college and his second In 1965 he started the College outstanding students to pursue ca- on colleges outside the Ivy League. ' Placement Bureau in Washin~ton, reers in math, the natural sciences Like the other schools noted, D.C. as a place where families and engineering. It is the premier Mr. Pope said WMC takes the A-, could come for advice on colleges undergraduate award of its type in Regarding theoretical computational chemistry, Sarah Chenowith explains, B- or even C- student who has the and universities. those fields. "it's a lot like putting a puzzle together. You don 'I always know where all desire to learn and makes them re- His other books include ''The Sarah is, of course, a chemistry the pieces fit. II's a game to figure il out." alize their potential. Right College: How to Get In, major and working toward a career small problem there could be big make the best possible triazene- "Several students," Mr. Pope Stay In, Get Back In," and "Look- trouble in the main body of water. based anti-cancer drug. She hopes in that field. But it was that other And, she said, that the clean up to continue the research this sum- wrote about WMC, "made a par- ing Beyond the Ivy League: Find- chemistry that she points to as a needed to start in the water that mer which would include work at ticular point of saying that the ing the College That's Right for pos~i.ble reason for her scientific was still flowing to the Bay. WMC and in the labs at Fort readiness Of faculty members to 'You." success. Courtesy of Public Information It was that kind of puzzle, tack- Detrick's Frederick Cancer Re- Her parents, both WMC gradu- ling small pieces to ultimately fix search and Development Center in ates, met in front of Lewis Hall in the overall problem that was in- Frederick. the late 196Os. triguing and pointed her to sci- Someday she would like to have "So I always knew that science ence, she said. her own research lab, even though was where I wanted to be," she said. But she wasn't always a chem- she admitted it might mean "spend- "It was kind of an omen. Iguess you ist. The Westminster High School ing the rest of my life begging for could say that it was meant for me grad, and now an honors program money to fund my projects." to be a scientist." student at WMC, first wanted to Again, the research provides her She discovered her knack and be a biologist. with the kind of puzzle she loves to desire for science on a pre-high Sarah took freshman chemis- solve. school summer field trip on the try and loved it. She followed up "I am taking a big problem, like Potomac River that included taking Richard H. Smith, professor of cancer, and breaking it down into and testing samples to determine the chemistry and Maryland's Chem- little bits," she said. "I like the ana- water quality. The goal of the ist of the Year in 1995. The re- lytical attack. Ican play with it and project was to find ways to clean up search on triazenes and their de- that's what makes it so challenging the heavy pollution in the Chesa- rivatives, she said, focuses on the and fun." peake Bay. Taking samples in the decomposition rates of the com- Courtesy of Public Information river showed the students how a pounds which will then be used to College band in concert May 10 The Western Maryland College gram. the band for one selection during Concert Band will take to the stage Student conductor Vince this pops-style concert. to present music from the silver Buscemi, a sophomore from The concert is free and open to screen and other selections on Fri- Sykesville who is studying under thepub\ic. day, May 10, at 8 p.m. in Alumni Ms Kirkpatrick, also will direct Courtesy of Public Information Hall. The Band's spring concert, un- Up coming events in May der the direction of faculty member •.........••........... Linda Kirkpatrick, will feature the movie favorites of John Williams, Thurs., May 9 8 p.m., Jazz Night, Forum, as well as "La Fiesta Mexicana," Decker College Center P.D.Q. Bach's "The Grand Serenade For An Awful J..ot of Winds and Per- Fri'., May 10 8 p.m., College Concert Band, cussion," and "The Battle Hymn of Hall the Republic," with accompaniment Mainstage, Alumni by the WMC Choir. The College Choir, like the Concert Band, is Pri., May 24 7 p.m., Baccalaureate Service, Baker open to faculty, staff, student, and Memorial Chapel community musicians. The choir is Mandy Hofstetler sweeps the stairs in front of Forlin~s in conjunction directed by Margaret Boudreaux, Sat., May 25 2 p.m., Commencement, 'th SGA on April 28. With the cooperation of Physical Plant, they associate professor of music and PELC ;;inted speed bumps, cleaned up liter in conjunction with Earlh Day. head of the College's choral pro-
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