Page 191 - ThePhoenix1995-96
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SPORTS Thursday, April 16, 1996-Page ~ OFF THE BEATEN TRACK lohnManard • Every once in a while someone thrill was like a drug, addicting to ROTO BASEBALL see a counselor. their bad choice being the choos- will come up to me and ask why I the point that I played injured 45% I have recently become ad- NFL DRAFT ing of the Ravens as their name and am a sportswriter? of the time. Now that I am a writer dicted to rotesirie baseball. It is All right, I have now had it up mascot. Drafting Jonathan Ogden Jokingly, I usually respond, it's it does make things a little bit easier. more commonly refered to as Fan- to here with the NFL and especially of UCLA and formerly St.Albans easy! BUI that is only partially the I love sports, plain and simple. tasy Baseball. Me and fellow Phoe- with my favorite team, the Dallas High in Washington,D.C. gives the truth. While I began sports writing for nix sportswriter Joshua Foster each Cowboys. How they can rational- Ravens a hometown hero (sort 00. On any given day I can spend the fun, it is always nice to be given have teams in the ESPN run fan- ize, they being the Cowboys, in Last but not least. You read this up to twelve hours watching, read- credit. Irecently received a 'Thank tasy baseball leagues. We con- trading their # I draft pick to the here first. Lawrence Phillips will ing or writing about sports. Many You" card from a winter sports stantly talk about our teams and hated Washington Redskins? I can be a 1,000 yard rusher and a Pro a weekend I have spent eight to ten team. It was the first time any team how bad our players are doing. not understand this. But on with my Bowl player this year. He is that hours putting together the sports I had covered thanked me for the Let me just say that this is not quick interpretations of the draft. kind of player and the St.Louis section of the Phoenix. coverage. good. Especially for someone who First, the New York Jets mad a Rams are in for some prime time Again why do I do this? I just It was an incredible gesture and is suppose to be working on his se- solid move in drafting Keyshawn highlights. love the thrill of sports. There is I was, and still am, thrilled about nior seminar. Ihave recently found Johnson, a wide reciever from Enough already nothing like the excitement of a 3- this team's thoughtfulness. To this myself writing my paper with a USC, as the number one draft pick Well another column to line 2 count in the bottom of the ninth team I say thank you, for giving me Netscape scoreboard opened un- overall. Johnson adds an excellent somebodys trash can is finally over! with a runner in scoring position an exciting year of sports to watch, derneath. Once again, not a good target for free-agent quarterback As usuall Irambled about nothing. and the score tied. Sports are one photograph and report on. This thing. NeiIO'Donne!. Next issue I am planning some- of the most exhilarating things I team is definitely the Real Green At least I know my team is do- Second, the Baltimore Ravens thing special so tune in for some can think of. When I played, the Terror. ing well. Right? Maybe I should made a choice I finally agree with, more ramblings. Track teams place in top ten Lady lax led by attackers Sarver, Wagner in Mason-Dixon Invitational Continued from page 20 and Shippensburg Invitational two assists, O'Brien had three two goals and one assist, with Pardew and two Wagner followed goals, North with two goals and goals, Hannibal and Zimmerly with Murphey and Parrish lead women; Von Tobelleads men one assist, Hannibal with one each, one, and Francis having one assist. and Van Deusen with one goal. In overall scoring for WMC, By CAROIXN BARNJ<;S Both teams also placed in the with a time of 2:27.05. WMC won their tightest victory freshman Robin Zimmerly follows Sporl!i.Ediw,-« of the season against Gettysburg by Sarver with 22 goals and three as- top ten spots in the Shippensburg Erin Murphey posted a new a score of 11-9 on April 16, as Placing fourth and fifth respec- University Invitational held in school record in (he 400-meter goalie Rose had her best game yet sists to total 25 points overall. .... Junior Wagner tively, the WMC men and women's Shippensburg, PA, the previous dash with a time of 1:00.61 to fin- with 2A saves. to the Centennial also was named Conference track teams returned victorious Saturday, April 13.' ish fifth: in the-event. She also Commenting on the team's de- women's lacrosse honor roll for the ~theMason-Dix.on Invitational The men finished in a three-way placed eighth in the 100-meter fense, Rose said, "Compared to last week of April 15. Wagner went 1I- Saturday, April 20 m Gettysburg, tie for ninth place out of 17 schools, dash with a time of 13.78 seconds. year, our defense is really strong I on the week, with six goals ver- PA. Nine teams competed in the and the women finished 10th out of The track teams still have a this year. We have gelled not only sus Goucher and five goals and one tournament overall. 16. "vbusy season ahead of them with a as a unit on the defensive side of assist versus Muhlenberg. She en- The Green Terror men totalled The highest place winner for the possibility of five remaining meets. the fieJld, but on the entire field as tered the week with just two goals 62 points in the meet with fresh- men was Carl Von Tobel finishing The next meet, the Penn Re- a whole. Overall, the entire learn's and two assists this season. man sprinter Mike Bogart placing in the runner-up position in the jav- lays, will be held on April 25-26. defense has stepped up a notch The Green Terror have several second in the 400-meter hurdles elin. Von Tobel, a three-time All A start time for the relays has not from last year." tough upcoming games ahead of and fourth in the IIO-meter American in the event, threw for been decided yet. Immediately hurdles. 209 feet, five inches. Von Tobel led following the relays, on April 27, "We definitely have the talent to go to Senior Steve Eckstrom placed the men, scoring eight of the team's the team will compete in the fourth in both the long and triple 20 overall points in the invita- Millersville Metrics beginning at National's this season. " jumps, and senior Ron Miller tional. !0:00AM. placed sixth in the 400-meter dash Ron Miller placed fifth in the In May, the team will partici- Freshman Robin Zimmerly and eighth in the 100-meter dash IOO-meter dash with a time of 11.73 pate in the Centennial Conference The women's team racked up a seconds. Championship meet on the 4th and Currently, Rose is ranked na- them meeting Johns Hopkins in i total of78.5 points, with junior tri- For the women, Kelly Parrish 5th. On May, 11, the team could tionally as second in goaltending key Centennial Conference game athlete Erin Murphey placing sec- and Erin Murphey both placed in possibly go to the Mid-Atlantic with 58 saves, 42 goals against, and on April 23 and Swarthmore on ond in the 400-meter dash and third two events each. Parrish placed Regionals or the Mizuno Invita- a save percentage of 58.0%. April 27 at 1:00. in the 200-meter dash. second in the 1500-meter run post- tional. The times for the events in Zimmerly, Wagner and Sarver Hopkins has just had a nine- Pauline McAlonan also placed ing a time of 5:00.76, and also May will be announced at a 'later all had four points in the game game home winning streak and 24- third in the triple jump. placed fifth in the 800-meter run date. against the Bullets, with Zimmerly game Conference streak broken scoring her third goal with only one with a 12-11 loss to Ursinus on Sat- Nationally ranked men s lacrosse team hopes to win second left in the game. Wagner urday, April 20. Senior attacker had four goals, whille Sarver had Carlen Barents is their key player, Centennial Conference honors two goals and two assists. scoring seven goals and an assist Mary Beth Francis and Amy last week. She now has 75 career Terror. He has notched 17 goals and The Red Devils came into the North each contributed by scoring goals and 95 career points. Continued from pate /8 10 assists on his stick. game struggling but fresh off a one goal a piece. Swarthmore has recently lost .Brown has 12 goals. Jeremy strong game from senior goal- Robin Zimmerly recently spoke Kober and Scott Schenzer each keeper Adam Norton and win over about the importance of the Get- four in a row, but only after open- The Green Terror offense is have II goals to round out the Swarthmore. tysburg game. "So far our best ing their season with four consecu- lead by Coccia's 73 points. The double-digit goal scorers. Saturday the Green Terror game yeat was against Gettysburg. tive wins. Their key player is Lara Ewens who has moved up to No. :4 senior from Pasadena, MD. has Hallowell's 12 assists is the make their way to the Eastern It had been three years since we last on Swarthmore's all-time career wracked up an impressive 38 goals team's fourth best this year. Shore where they will meet the # I beat them. It showed that we could goals list. and 35 assists. Hoppe is second on In goal, John Torpy has been team in Division m lacrosse, Sal- pull together and work as a team, We are hoping to pull it all to- the team in scoring with 35 goals playing well with a 55.9 save per- isbury State. Last year WMC fell especially defensivelly, against one gether against Hopkins and Swar- and 24 assists for 59 points. centage. Torpy has played the most 29-6 at Bair Stadium. of our biggest adversaries," thmore. We definitely have the tal- Schrott is the teams leading with 377 minutes of time. On April 30 the Terror wi11 host Zimmerly said. goal scorer with 41. He also has Freshman Matt Enoch has seen St.Mary's College of Maryland at The Green Terror also returned ent to go to Nationals this season.v said Zimmerly. 15 assists for 56 total points, good plenty of action, 244 minutes, in 3:30. WMC will wrap up the sea- victorious against the College of The team also hosts Franklin for third on the team. registering a 51.5 save percentage. son on May 4 with their confer- Notre Dame on Thursday, April 18. and Marshall on April 25 at 4:30 Sargent, a sophomore, has had Wednesday the Green Terror ence finale against Washington Sarver again led the Terror with PM. '- an excellent first season for the hosted the Dickinson Red Devils. College.
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