Page 192 - ThePhoenix1995-96
P. 192
cmBR Ti100r Front page .. creeR S~CJ'b Spc>'ts Runners ... 20 19 TCoor Tennis.. . . 18 r Lacrosse .. . . 17 Lacrosse .. . 17 Western Maryland College Thursday, Apnl16, 1996 Softball ranked 2nd in CC Loss to Ursinus pulls the Green Terror out of 1st place tie o mark in the Cc. Thompson singled with 2 outs, and By JOSHUA FOSTER Freshman Kim Ruprecht started StaffWriler an error by the third baseman al- on the mound in the first game for lowed shortstop January Scott to It seems as though it comes the Terror and held the Bears score- reach safely, bringing the tying run down to these games every year, less in the first four innings by to the plate in Julie Backof. Backof the WMC softball team playing pitching out of numerous jams. singled to drive in a run, but Jen Ursinus for the championship of The game was a pitching duel, but Prowinski flied out to right field to the Centennial Conference (eq. in the bottom of the 4th, the Terror end the game. This year was no different as finally broke through for a run. Amy Allen started the second Ursinus came to WMC last Satur- Julie Backof doubled to lead off the game for WMC with the Terror day for what was in effect, a inning and advanced on a wild looking for a split of the double- doubleheader to decide the cham- pitch before scoring on a throwing header. Ursinus scored first in the pion of the Conference. error by the Ursinus shortstop. top of the second inning on a walk, "They were maybe a little better than we were. You have got to attack in a championship game and we didn't attack. " Head Coach George [)ix Unfortunately, the Terror were In the top of the fifth Ursinus double and sacrifice fly. Little did swept in both games, 4-2, and 3-0, was able 10 scratch out a run on a they know that the one run would effectively ending any real chances single, wild pitch, another hit and be all that they would need for the of WMC finishing in first. in the a sacrifice fly, tying the game at 1- game. Janetta Trecroce of Ursinus Conference. I. Ursinus scored two more runs was dominating in the game, over- Ursinus entered the game with in the top of the sixth, both un- powering the strong WMC bats all a 30-2 record overall and a 10-0 earned, and they added another run day, striking out six Terrors. mark in the CC with a NCAA Di- in the topof the seventh to make The Terror's best chance to vision Ill-best winning streakof22 the score 4-1. score came in the bottom of the Senior len Prowinski steps lip to the plate against Messiah College. games, while WMC entered the WMC tried to make a come- sixth, with the Terror down 2-0. Prowinski is currently batting .430 on the year with 27 RBI's. game with a 20-3 record, and a 10- back in the top of the 7th, as Kari Continued 011 page 16 Women's lacrosse show much talent and promise By CAROLYN BARN}:S season, the lady lacrosse team has Sporl,Edilor pushed to be considered a strong Winning their fourth straight team in the conference. Their two game, WMC's lady lacrosse team losses, to Goucher (15-18) and to upped their record to 7-2 overall Ursinus (7-16) earlier in the sea- _~and 6-1 in the Centennial Confer- son, were both hard fought games. ence as they crushed Bryn Mayr The 15 points scored against on Saturday, April 20 in Pennsyl- Goucher were scored without vania. Sarver playing. Junior Jodi Wagner Senior attackman Denise and freshmen Zimmerly and Amy Sarver led the Green Terror with North picked up the attack for the six goals and three assists in their Terror. Wagner had six goals and 16-5 win over the Mawrters. Five Zimmerly and North had four and three respectively. of her six goals were scored in the 'lrst half as WMC made nine con- Also scoring for the Terror was Francis with ODC goal and one as- secutive goals to jump on their lead sist, Hannibal with ODC goal, early in the game. sophomore Stacey O'Brien with Freshman attackman Robin Zimmerly added three goals and two assists, and Pardew with one. two assists and junior Jodi Wagner Sophomore goalie Amanda also had three goals. Junior Rose also had an outstanding game Chrissy Pardew followed Wagner with 22 saves. ~ith two goals, junior Mary Beth On Saturday, April 13, the Francis and freshman Stephanie women hosted Muhlenberg and Van Deusen each had one, while celebrated a 23-8 victory. Sarver freshman Natalie Hannibal con- again led the team with four goals tributed with one assist. and seven assists, totaling II points Sarver currently leads the team for the game. .in points with 28 goals and 14 as- Wagner followed with five sists totaling 42 points. were scored goals and one assist, while Chrissy Thirty- - in Centennial back recently games. sist. Francis had three goals and had four goals and one as- Pardew points nine of those Conference Looking in their on page 19 Continured
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