Page 165 - ThePhoenix1995-96
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FEATURES Thursday, April 11, 1996 - Page 13 Writing Center offers help to students The Easy Gourmet paper, or they can work through By MEGIIAN JOYCE the whole assignment with the SlaffWriler THE EASV GOURMET particular student. Although the' SraffWriler Papers, papers, papers. As the tutors are not "proofreaders," they time is coming and so Summer end of the spring semester quickly are able to assist students with is the end of the semester crunch. approaches, students find them- minor grammar difficulties in Due dates for papers and tests are selves bombarded with writing fi- their papers. Because the main lurking behind every corner. Un- nal papers. goal of the writing center is to fortunately, the stress to get every- With all their other exams, read- provide writing services for the set in. ings, sports, and school activities, students, the tutors are willing to thing completed has already things One of the most important the thoughts of writing a paper are meet with the students to remember when dealing with almost terrifying. "How am I go- away from the center, on a one- stress and anxiety is to take time ing to gel started?" is the question to-one tutorial basis. out for yourself! One of the best of most students. Once students Virginia Story, administrator ways to do so is to set up a time figure. out a creative way to begin, of the Writing Center, encourages with friends to relax and talk, they get stuck on developing their all students to use the Writing maybe watch a television show. ideas, and the conclusion to the Center's resources. Before a stu- But remember to let go of the work paper seems impossible. Hours are dent wastes three hours starting spent in dorm rooms, brainstorm- their paper, and then becoming that plagues your mind every other ing, writing, deleting, and then re- stumped as they develop their hour of the day, and just have fun. writing, revising, and after long, ideas, they should travel over to For this week, I have chosen a agonizing hours, finally producing the Writing Center. Throughout recipe that can be shared by many a final product. the semester Story plans to de- and is easy to make. You can make Writing papers does not have to velop the programs offered in the it in the morning and keep it in your be so painful. With the help of the Writing Center and to continue refrigerator all day. Now, you don't want to do this all the time; Writing Center, students can reduce intense training for the writing but it's okay to indulge once in a many of the time consuming pro- tutors. cesses of writing a paper. While it The center is more than just a while. So when the weather gets may seem like a "foreign word" to computer lab. Students are able unbearably hot and your nerves are many students, tutors are available to use internet resources to com- shot, cool down with this delicious treat\ Bon Appetite. everyday in the writing center to plete research with professors, to assist students with their papers, check their e-mail messages, and No-Bake Heath Bar Pie All the tutors are upperclassmen most importantly to gain assis- and are very good writers them- tance for writing papers from the selves. A tutor can help a student well-trained writing tutors. with an immediate problem in their Study Abroad now expands to Russia Mrs. Richardson's Caramel. Heath Bar pieces. whipped cream or cool whip. By JONATHON SHACAT Features Editor Activities highlighted by Budapest trip Procedure: Do you have plans for this sum- on the I. Follow the instructions mer? Interested in taking classes By NIKKI KASSOLIS pie box to make the crust and mix at an institute near Moscow, Rus- StaffIV,iler express a strong desire to get in- the pie batter. sia for a "very reasonable price"? volved in WMC athletics. 2. After the pie crust is in the pan, This summer, WMC will offer The month of March brings with Chambers felt that his month into the students an affiliated study abroad it the beginning of spring and fun- was highlighted by the trip, since pour half of the caramel it evenly pie crust spread and program at the Tver International abroad program look like it is filled Spring Break, a week of sun "there is nothing I would rather do around the bottom. Institute, located in Russia. made for a millionaire," she said. and relaxation for many WMC stu- than go to that place." 3. Pour in the pie mix and let that The cost is $425 for a 2 week The program is very flexible. dents. Raising funds for the school took sit according to the directions on session, $585 for a 3 week session, Not only does the student get to This past month has brought just up most of the time Chambers had the box. in March. He is currently involved and $780 for a4 week session. The choose the amount of time he or the opposite for President Robert in two important fund-raising cam- 4. Pour the rest of the caramel over cost includes tuition, residence she would like to spend abroad, Chambers. Throughout the month paigns. One is called the Maryland top of the pie and spread it evenly.ยท .... with a Russian family, most meals, the student also decides when he of March, Dr. Chambers was busy Independent College and University 5. Ice it with whipped cream and and recreational & cultural activi- or she would like to start classes. dividing his time between fund- Association, and he stands as the sprinkle with Heath Bar pieces. ties including excursions. One ad- Even though WMC does nOI raising activities and goodwill trips, chairman of this committee. Re- ditional cost is airfare (about $800 offer Russian as acourse, the col- highlighted by a visit to the new cently, the committee has been in- to $900 roundtrip). lege is still offering this program WMC campus in Budapest. volved in acquiring more funds from activities nightly. Thus, even if an The courses include intensive because it is "an incredible expe- For his week abroad, Chambers For is canceled, as the visit Russian language, and Russian his- rience," said Motard-Noar. She was accompanied by both Dr. Joan the state government. to Annapolis, this activity the Egyptian ambassador traveled Chambers from tory, politics, literature, art, etc. No hopes that political science ma- Coley, dean of academic affairs, and where it was "important to playa was, he has plenty to fall back on.{""'- prior knowledge of Russian is re- jors will take advantage of this Dr. Christianna Leahy, associate major role" and meet with various In March he hosted an 'Evening quired. Student earn 3 credits per "incredible opportunity." professor of political science. members of the House of Delegates with the President" in which gradu- 2 week session. WMC set up this affiliation Chambers felt that it was important ates from the last 10 years were in- The credits attained for these was.because chemistry professor for the Budapest students to "see the and senators. The other group of fund-raisers new to meet courses can satisfy the cross-cul- Dr. Richard Smith's son, who is faculty in action," which lead him is comprised of trustees dedicated to vited back He also attended faculty a spe- members. tural requirement and the humani- the coordinator of this program, to organize a lecture presented by raising $40 million for WMC. This cial dinner before the German cho- ties BLAR (by petition only). If told Motard-Noar about it. Leahy. . campaign requires "a lot of planning rus concert, on March 26. for the trip cen- Other reasons the student stays long enough (al- Motard-Noar would like to re- tered around the confirmation of the and a lot of luck," as well as a great As ifhe isn't busy enough, Dr ... ~ most the whole summer), he or she mind students that if you would Chambers still manages to find students Budapest could even complete the foreign just like to see the highlights of number of to journey to the WMC deal of hard work and time. A de- time to meet with interior decora- works velopment staff to discuss scheduled language requirement. Russia, then this program is prob- who to ask for money and for how tors who are remodeling his office. This program is attractive be- ably not for you. It is truly a study campus next semester. There will cause it does not involve a middle- abroad and is "fairly rigorous," be 26- 27 sophomores and 26 fresh- much. The proposals must be "care- After three years of flooding and to their in- fully written and tailored with water up to his knees, dealing man, thereby eliminating much of she said. men who are on their way to terests." Chambers feels that the time is -. the cost, explained Dr. Martine If you are interested in this America. Chambers described the President Chambers is usually right to give his office a little face Motard-Noar, study abroad direc- program or would like more in- students as an "exceptionally inter- lift. tor. The program is so inexpensive formation, contact Martine esting group of people," who rep- booked in the evening. He has an that it "makes any other study Motard-Noar at extension 467. resent II different countries and average of three invitations to attend
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