Page 151 - ThePhoenix1995-96
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S P OR T S Thursday, March 14, 1996 - Page 19 Runners take place to challenge competition Freshfaces bring youth and development while experienced runners return to bring depth healthy, she could medal at confer- By TOM GILL ence and even go all the way to Staff Writer Nationals in the 1500,3000+, and With spring just around the cor- even in the 5000m dash. ner, the track & field team is ready Melanie Phipps is on her way to go outside. Coming off of a win- to surpass a school record in the ning winter indoor track season led javelin. The senior will hopefully by senior Julie Cox, the track team qualify in Nationals for the event. is looking forward to continuing Melanie also will run middle dis- their winning ways, outdoors. tance this spring. Head coach Doug Renner feels Roselove Nunoo begins her first that the team will "do well in the spring at WMC as a sprinter. conference, which is always our Quiava Polland will also be spend- goal. Were pretty excited," coach ing her senior year sprinting. Renner added. Amy Sheriff should score high The ladies have a solid team in her senior year in shot put and leader in Julie Cox. Julie is a three discuss at the conference champi- time conference most valuable onship. player and went to nationals were Jenny Spahr is ready to top her she ran in the 55m dash & 55 fine freshman season of last year. hurdles. Julie will compete in She scored well in 100, 200, and sprints, hurdles, longjump and shot sprint relays last season and if she put this spring. stays healthy, she will have another Freshman Kare Fisher is ex- fine season. pected to do well, and possibly The men's track & field team even place for medals in sprints and has added, "lots of quality freshman hurdles. to the team," coach Doug Renner Sophomore Aimee Crewalk said. The eight new freshman have will compete in middle distance in fact shown their quality this past this spring. winter competing strongly in many Amy Havener is a senior com- events, and are expected to start the ing off of her best year ever. She spring season off well. The fresh- placed 5th in the 800m dash last man seem to be spread out in all Junior Erin Murphey fresh off an outstanding basketball season will again be an integral part of the WMC Track winter.' Amy will run the middle track areas. team. Murphey currently holds the school record in the 800 meter dash. She will have a great chance in distance this spring. Freshman Mike Bogart is com- qualifying for nationals this season. Freshman Tara Kelly is ex- ing off a stress fracture, but if indoor conference in the 55m dash. the lone freshman Jim Parsons, pected to score high in all three of healthy should score high in sev- to compete-in the shot put, the-dis- Len will possible try the long jump, more shot and discus man .. If he is "in the groove, he is one of the top her events. Tara is a jumper and is erafevents at -the conference. cus, and the javelin, could score and shot pm also this spring. throwers in the conference," competing in long jump, triple Duane Campbell placed 4th in high in all three at conferences this Junior Roely Bridsall is "going Renner stated. jump, and high jump. the 55m dash and may show more spring. to be our key leg in the 4x800 and Greg Davis is hoping to have a Pauline McAlonan is a junior talents when he enters the 100,200, Robert Siek will be a high 4x400 races," coach Doug Renner better spring than winter. Greg did who is coming off a productive 400m dashes. winter. She is ajumper and sprinter Mike Cushwa in his early career The team will "do well in the conference, which is always our which is expected to score high in at WMC, has already set an indoor her events. school record in the 800m dash. goal. We're pretty excited." Currently holding the school Mike may try to run the 1500m record in the 800m dast, junior Erin dash also. Coach Renner Murphey looks ahead towards Gavin DeFreitas and Patrick spring. Erin runs sprints and has a Douglas add depth to the team jumper and a 400m man. Robert said. Roely is a tough competitor not compete this past winter due chance to qualify for Nationals in Gavin will compete in the 100, 200, is capable of scoring well in both and should score in either the to various injuries which were re- several events. and 400m. Patrick will run the 4001 events at the conference. 400m, or the 800m. lated to training problems. When If Kelly Parrish can stay 800m. Len Tucker came in sixth at the Paul Charbonnier is a sopho- Continued on page 16 Terror team starts the year 5-1, will contend for first again work behind the plate after being (.750). Backofwas also named to one of four Western Maryland the All-Centennial Conference players to be named to theAll-Cen- first team. The Western Maryland's tennial Conference first team from The loss of two seniors, Sandra women's softball team was the first a year ago. Johnson at third and Christa Mose WMC team to begin their spring Prowinski hit .439 and was sec- at shortstop opens up those posi- schedule as they opened their sea- ond on the team in hits and RBI's tions. Johnson was a four year son by going 5- J in the Methodist for the 1995 season. Prowinski starter and was named to the All- College Lady Monarch's Invita- started the season well by going Centennial Conference first team tional in Fayetteville, N.C., March lO-for-20 in the tournament add- after last season. 1 and 2. ing nine RBI's and became only the Sophomore Christine Kalobius WMC went 3-0 on Friday in fourth player in WMC history to will be the new third baseman their pool play and advanced to the break the 100 hit barrier. while freshman Jan Scott is the new championship-bracket semifinals, Kelli Bowen, another senior, and shortstop, and in the tournament winning two more times before an All-Centennial Conference hon- went 7 of 17 (.412). falling 10 Chowan College in the orable mention from a year ago, Returning to patrol the outfield title game. wilJ play first after hitting .333 and for the Terror are centerlielder Kari After finishing with a 19-6 drawing a school-record 17 walks Thompson and Laura Everhart who record last season, the Terror will last season. will play left field. again return with a strong nucleus Sophomore Julie Backof will Thompson, the lead-off hitter, of players to help them defend their play second base after leading the picked up where she left off last Centennial Conference (CC) co- team in several offensive catego- season, reaching base nine times in Sophomore second baseman Julie Backof(center) leaves the field during a game from last season. In front of her is last years starting shortstop championship with Ursinus. ries including home runs (4), RBI Continued on page 17 Christa Mose. Freshman Jan Scott looks to be the replacement at that spot Senior Jen Prowinski returns to (31), and slugging percentage in '96.
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