Page 119 - ThePhoenix1995-96
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NEWS I) Thursday, February 29, 1.996 - Page 7 Free ,tax help offered Peabody pianist to perform at ,~t" " .. to ~area residents Western Maryland College Western Maryland College stu- eral and state lax offices. The Yale Gordon Sundays of the Washington Chamber Sym- the Marlboro Music Festival in dents and others trained by IRS The VITA office at WMC will Note series at Western Maryland phony at the Kennedy Center, the Vermont, the Grand Teton Music agents will offer free tax help from be open to the public Tuesday, College will feature pianist Marian Cleveland Orchestra, the Jackson- Festival in Wyoming, the Grand February to early April through the Thursday and Saturday beginning Hahn on Sunday, March 10, at 2 ville Symphony, the North Carolina Canyon Chamber Music Festival, federal Volunteer Income Tax As- Thursday, February. 15 through p.m., in McDaniel Lounge. Symphony, the Orchestra of New the Castle Hill Festival and the sistance (VITA) program. Saturday, April 13, in Gold Room The recital, made possible by a York, the Westchester Philhar- Mohawk Trail Concerts in Massa- The program, open to students B in Decker College Center. The grant from the Peggy and Yale Gor- monic, the Worcester Symphony, chusetts, and the Music Mountain and others who cannot afford pro- office hours are: Tuesday and don Trust, includes selections by and numerous regional and com- Chamber Music Festival in Con- fessional preparation services, es- Thursday, 7-9 p.m., and Saturday, Mozart, Chopin and Schubert. Ad- munity orchestras. She is a frequent necticut. pecially older, handicapped and II a.m.-2 p.m. However, the VITA mission is $5 for adults, $4 for se- performer at the Phillips Collection A graduate of Oberlin College non-English speaking taxpayers, program will nOI operate during niors over 65 and free for members in Washington, D.C., and the and the Juilliard School, her teach- emphasizes self-help assistance to WMC's spring break from March of the WMC community. Gardner Museum in Boston. ers have included John Perry, Ilona those who can help with the prepa- 15-25. Ms. Hahn, a faculty member at She has won top prizes in the Kabos, Leon Fleisher, and Ben- ration of their own taxes. But the Walk-in service is available the Peabody Conservatory of Mu- Kosciuszko Foundation Chopin jamin Kaplan. Ms. Hahn, who now students will provide complete tax from Feb. 15-29, but appointments sic, has performed worldwide, in- Competition, the North Carolina lives in Baltimore, joined the fac- preparation if needed, according to are required after Thursday, Feb- cluding the Metropolitan Museum Symphony Competition, and the ulty at Peabody in 1987. Susan Milstein, associate professor ruary 29. Those seeking help of Art, Carnegie Recital Hall and Simone Belsky Music Award Com- Sundays of Note is an afternoon of economics and business and co- should bring last year's federal and Merkin Concert Hall, all in New petition, and major awards in the series that brings outstanding ordinator of the WMC program. state tax returns and all of the nec- York, and three tours of Europe Leventritt, Busoni International, young instrumentalists and vocal- The student volunteers earn essary 1995 income verification with recitals in Frankfurt, London, University of Maryland and Louise ists to the college three times a year. academic credit for their work in forms. For more information call Milan, Paris, and The Hague. She D. McMahon International compe- The 1996 series concludes April 21 VITA. All returns are checked by Karen Beamer at 751-8261 or Su- has performed on series in Chi- titions. with a recital featuring violin Ms. Milstein, also a certified pub- san Milstein at 857-2456. cago, Washington, D.C., and other She is a founding member of the prodigy Hilary Hahn. lic accountant, and other volunteer Courtesy of Public Information major cities, and made concert ap- Wave Hill Trio and the Amabile Pi- Courtesy of Public Information CPAs before being sent to the fed- pearances with the Boston Pops, ano Quartet and has participated in Smithsonian exhibit to visit campus LOSE 20 POUNDS IN TWO WEEKS A popular, traveling photogra- him arguing before Congress ap- Famous U.S. Women's Alpine Ski Team Diet phy exhibit on the history of Afri- pears in the exhibit, his election 1-------- '-, can Americans in Congress will be was contested and he was never During the non-snow off season the U.S. Women's Alpine Ski Team on display in Western Maryland allowed to take his seat. White members used the "Ski Team"diet to lose 20 pounds in IWO weeks. That's ! I.I/T~: College's Decker College Center Louisianians also contested the ~~~~~ ~d~~~~~~~ gi:iam~~sb~II~~~~~h~:i~;!nC~::~~~I~~ election of. Pinckney Benton the U.S. Ski Team. Normal energy is maintained (ve!), important!) while -::\' ~!;?P.?T~eart·~!~~o~~Zup th~ Hill: Stewart Pinchbeck 10 the House of reducing. You keep "fulr - no stervauoe • because the diet is designed that way. It's a diet that is easy to follow whether you wOrk. travel or stay African Americans in Congress," Representatives in 1872 and his ap- at home. part of the Smithsonian Institution pointment to the U.S. Senate later This is. honestly. a fantastically successful diet. If it weren't. the U.S. ~~# Traveling Exhibition Service in 1872. He was never allowed to Women's Alpine Ski Team wouldn't be permitted to use it! Right? So, 'r "V- give yourself the same break the U.S. Ski Team gets -. Lose weight.the (SITES), follows the twists and hold either office. Louisiana scientific, proven way. Even if you've tried all the other cnets. you ow.e11to J turns, detours and roadblocks en- elected its first African American, yourself to try the U.S. Women's Alpine Ski Team Diet. ThaI is, If you ~ _l __ ~_ _J_ countered and overcome by Afri- Charles E. Nash, in 1875. really do want 10lose 20 pounds in two weeks. Order today! Tear this out ~o~ino/fi~l bftAijl',ci'~ as a reminder. can Americans in their struggle to Other interesting firsts noted in American Institute, 721 E. Main Street, Dept. 254, Santa Maria, CA ~-------, Send only $6.95 ($9.60 in Calif.}-add .50 cents RUSH service to: be part of representative govern- the exhibit, include Shirley I~~;~~~~~AII: ment. Chisholm, who became the firstAf- 93454-4507. Don't order unless you expect to lose 20 pounds In two II took nearly 80 years after it rican American woman elected weeks! Because thars whalthe Ski Team Diet wit! do C1995 was first convened for an African when she won in New York in 1969 I $7.99 :., American to win and take a seat in and Carol Moseley-Braun of Illi- : A 12" medium pizza wi~h your~ • the U.S. Congress and even after nois who in 1992 became the first that barrier was broken it was a de- African American woman and only Experience Seville, a crossroads of cultures, a crucible of history I~~~~~~~~~a;~~:~gi:~:t~f • manding struggle for African the fourth African American to sit ICoc~-Cola Classic or Diet Coke .• American candidates and their sup- as a U.S. Senator. Study in Spain Additional toppings $1.00 each • porters, according to officials who The exhibit, photos and repro- I Valid) IAM-3PM & lOPM-IAM. put together the exhibit. ductions of documents taken from The Uppn Division SP'lnjsh StuJilJ Program Since that 1870 appointment of holdings of the National Archives (Fall, SprirlR, ami A,aokmie y~...,) :i~fg;':¥11~~:§;~2: Hiram Revels of Mississippi to fill and Record Administration, the Centerjor Explore language, literature, history, an, 1-=" •••• ,_." "m'm," ~ the unexpired U.S. Senate term of Library of Congress, the Moorland- Cross-Cultural sociology, business, and politics, taught ,C;;;';:;:G-; - -1-1- 1 Confederate president Jefferson Spingarn Research Center of in Spanish, and TEFL Davis, about 95 African Americans Howard University and private Study IlItmsiPf Illtermeillate Pl'ogram ill ,SPECIAL I have been elected to national of- sources, was first organized in Splmirn unglUlge ami C.ltvrc $7.99 ..• I fice, including the record-setting 1983, ending a successful national Seville, Spain Progress to the advanced level. Fill or freshman class of 17 in 1992. tour in 1985. Spring Semester program integrates : Any Large Pizza with you' According to the exhibit, there The project has been updated to language, literature.civilization, I were no African Americans elected include the historical emphasis of Your school's propam in and current events • choice of one topping. I from 1901 to 1929 when African the original exhibition and Spain. for • Additional toppings janlUlryTcmt Americans, still concentrated in chronicle the current involvement infonna.tion contact: Challenge younelf! Intensive language , $1.46 extra. I southern states, were subjected to of African Americans in the U.S. Dr. Thomas Deveny courses and Splwish Portry or Theater. poll taxes, literacy tests and other Congress into the 1990s. Depamnent of Foreign t~~§~!~~~J absurd measures designed to keep After leaving Western Mary- Languages S.mmer Progranu them from voting. land, the updated exhibit makes its Western Maryland College Focus on Spain. Two three-and-one- QI992r:o~""~.llI.lnt. Renewed violence took its toll, final stop in April at Alabama hili week sessionsoffer Spanish CCl!lilil language course'; at alllevels, plus too, according to a Smithsonian cu- A&M University. SITES officials 1-800-ESPANA-l literature, theater, history, and jewish, Vilit our web site rator, who noted there was a sharp said the exhibit could be updated Muslim, and Spanish Ciriliution. ~Si'!lQSiSiSi~ increase in the number of lynch- again in a few years or put on per- 330·140 Village Road ings, especially in Georgia and the manent display somewhere in the Mississippi Valley at that time. U.S. SITES is a bureau of the &,ellrnu sinu 1969 in a,J/~ge-1Lve1Spanish SIOIdits,in Mon·Thurs. !IAM·IAM Coo~ratwl1 with U.S. CQl/tgtS arid Urrivmilifj Actually, the first African- Smithsonian Institution that devel- Fri·Sat l1AM·2AM American elected to office was ops, organizes and circulates exhi- Sun l1AM·12AM John Willis Menard of Louisiana bitions on art, history and science. in 1868 and although a drawing of Courtesy of Public Information
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