Page 118 - ThePhoenix1995-96
P. 118
Thursday, February 29, 1996 - Page 6 NEWS Barb Disharoon weds faculty member Don Hornhoff A Valentine's Day to remember: Dean marries in home with Ira Zepp performing ceremonies By NIKKI KASSOLIS feeling" came over Disharoon, it was like Staff Writer there was "no one else in this whole place Once upon a time in a place called West- just him and [her]." Disharoon was attracted minster there lived a beautiful princess. She by "the way the light hit that beautiful gray worked on a college campus and served as a hair and that beautiful profile," as if it was mother for all of the students. "like magic." One day her knight in shining armor came In this love story the part of cupid was along to sweep her off her feet and make her played by student Michelle Zepp. Zepp smile last forever. The princess' name was spoke with Disharoon following the concert Barbara Disharoon and her prince was Don and happened to mention Homeff=s name. Homeff. Their love story involves lots of Disharoon told Zepp that she thought romance and lots of love to touch the hearts Homeff was "so cute." of everyone. Zepp took this knowledge to brass quin- Typical gifts for Valentine's Day include tet, where Horneff asked his students what flowers, cards, and candy, but Associate their plans were for the summer. Zepp dis- Dean of the First Year Program, Barbara closed her intent to work in a jewelry store, Disharoon wanted something a little differ- and Homeff asked the student to find him ent for Valentine's Day. The campus mom someone for whom to buy jewelry. That "wanted to get married" on February 14th, someone was Barbara Disharoon, and after and so in a private ceremony at her home securing the dean's permission, Zepp gave she wed Don Homeff. Don is also on the Homeff Disharoon's number. faculty at WMC, he instructs the brass quin- II took five days for Horneff to call, but tet and serves as a musician who accompa- when he did, the couple finally decided to 1 nies the choir playing the piano and the trum- go out on a date. They went to the Dobbin Standing with new husband Don Hornhof!. Barb Disnaronn smiles. Married in her home on pet. House, a restaurant in Gettysburg and have Valentine's Day, Disharoon received the perfect gift for the day of love. The pair first met in December of 1994 seen each other every day since. on a jazz night at WMC. Disharoon was Homeff and Disharoon lived about a connection to her students. "I think it's great. The wedding guests were allowed to walking with her mother and Homeff was block from each other, thus it surprised I like the kids. I enjoy having them over wear what ever they chose, for Disharoon walking with Bo Eckard. Homeff recalls that Disharoon that their "paths never crossed and doing things with them." knew that "it was the moment, no what he "didn't really know who she was, she gave before." Horneffhad seen Disharoon work- On Thanksgiving Day, 1995, Horneff {they] wore or where' [they] were." The Bo a hug and didn't give [him] one." ing in the garden before and thought that he proposed 10 Disharoon. This was the per- couple plans to lake their honeymoon this Yet it wasn't until the spring of 1995 that would have eventually talked to her. feet day in Homeff's eyes since their fami- summer, when they go to Stockholm to Disharoon knew there was something spe- "After the first couple of days," Homeff lies were around during the holiday season. visit Grant. cial about this musician. She recalls sitting knew that he was in love. The two are both Disharoon responded with the words "Oh my Disharoon will change her last name af- in the audience at the spring concert at Big easy-going and share similar interests. god, yes," and the rest is history. ter this semester and the couple is in the Baker Chapel and hearing Homeff play Homeff also works as a piano tuner and tech- Disharoon wanted the wedding to be "as process of moving everything into Cannena Barana. Suddenly the "weirdest nician and has no qualms about Disharoon's small as [they] could keep it," which became Disharoon's home. Disharoon loves her difficult because of the couple's involvement ~ome being full of people again? both of in the school. The wedding was planned in her sons have moved away, and t'he',lho'use less than a week room. was held in was empty." Horneff's children also al- and I ...$estmilJst. Homeff's Disharoon's performed son Eire and his fian- eration the dean "a new generation each of kids to a new gen- low Disharoon Disharoon's to connect living in their Ira Zepp the ceremony. to late of students, early teens, children three Jaime, since is a plus year and which Jon, Vince, brings CO=O]F0 r cee Shannon to witness and was unable is currently to work with." an "accomplished discuss- indi- the only O'Neil were special the Dean event. beams Disharoon when viduals other Disharoon's son, Grant ing her new husband. She feels he is "just musi- to make man," away in Sweden a gentle it home great of work call and his presence quality conference for the wedding. Yet, he was on cian," and she holds he does." "respect for the is was ad- Disharoon ditionally felt in the form of a painting that also elated to have found a person who Located at the Westminster Shopping Center his fiancee had done. "knows [herj college are." life and how impor- tant the students think 848-3200 24-hour lock down found Horneff "doesn't wonderful [he] could in the have person a more Continued from page J world." Neither does Disharoon who "can't wipe the smile off of her face, be- hour locking of residence hall doors. As of cause [she is] so happy." Sign up.for a February 12, residence hall doors have been The beautiful princess and her hand- locked around the clock. Checl: Cashing Card Sophomore political science and history some prince they proved that fairy tales do In lived ever after. happily the process, withWMCID major Sara Beth Reyburn said of the lock come true. Congratulations and best =Call ahead to order down, "I don't know if I feel safer or not wishes to Don and Barbara Horneff. but, its a little more reassuring." we also accept The issue of the lock down was taken into ATM (Mac 6- Most) consideration during the Fall 1995 semes- Concert nears sentiment" and credit cards! ter, but because of "strong Forum against ex- for the numerous tickets sold. Freshman Rob page Continued/rom I in the SGA pressed Open locking of the doors, the memo read, the Newman agrees. "I just bought their album implementation was delayed until the Fall and it's very good. I'm definitely going to semester 1997. Of students who voted last go." semester, 217 were against the lock down Sophomore Rebecca Sommer didn't Celeste Pizza-For-One while 44 were in favor of it. know much about last year's act, Soul Microwavable Pizza: Both, the memo from Sayre and DoCS, Coughing, and did not attend the concert. 50 cents off with coupon asked students not to prop open the residence But this year she is planning to go because hall doors. of them "I've actually heard and they're andWMCID. Other precautions taken arc increased pretty good." patrols by DoCS and the Westminster po- Tickets are being sold outside of Glar Expires May 18,1996 lice. during lunches. They are $8 for students and Anyone with information about the inci- $12 for nonstudents. Four tickets may be The closest stqre to ca1npus! dent is encouraged to call Officer John Quinn purchased with one college ID. Tickets are (evenings) Chris Collins (days) and Sergeant and Tape Trad- at all Record also available at extension 202. ers locations for $13.
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