Page 111 - ThePhoenix1995-96
P. 111
SPORTS Swimmers By JOHN MANARD Assistant SpO/"lSEditor The Western Maryland Men's and Women's swimming teams finished off their dual-meet season against Wash- ingtonCollegelastSaturday. Themain goal for the teams was to qualify their remaining swimmers for the Centen- nial Conference Championships. The Championships will be held at Franklin and Marshall College the weekend of Feb. 23-25. Senior Paul Markovic highlighted Saturday's meet as he crushed the pool & school record in the 1000 Freestyle with a lime of 10: 12.81. The old school record was 10:30.31. It was his time he set in 1994. The senior also broke the four year-old pool mark of Ursmus's Steve Grubb, whohadswana 10:16.57. The senior from Rockville, Maryland JOHN MANARD led the men's team with nine first place Sophomore Heather Jacoby from Towson. MD comperes in the 100 Bunerfty against washington. Jacoby is one of several first year swimmers for WMC Jacoby had not swam for Championships. years before year will be heading 10 the Conference finishes this year. !i.e was third in total that almost five returning 10 the pool this points with 69. stroke with a time of2: 16.90, it was her Alexander, sophomores Tasha Berry notched three first place finishes. him with 86. Fuller had eight first place Freshman Jameson Pain didn't set fastest 200 time of the year, Alexander and Heather Jacoby, freshman Meghan Garvey rolled up 54 points includ- finishes while Welter had seven. any records but he did wait awhile be- led all swimmers with lZfirstplacefin- Joyce and Michelle Garvey. ing two first place finishes. West, a freshman from New Mar- fore he decided to qualify forthecham- ishes. She was also the only swimmer Joyce, Jacoby, and Garvey were all The men's team qualified II swim- ket, MD, led all the first year male pionships. The freshman from Wash- to rack up 100 individual points. first-yearswimmersatWMC. Alithree mers. Markovic, senior David Mirra, swimmers with four first place finishes ington, NJ. waited till the final event Sophomore Melina Asencio of proved to be strong additions to the juniors Kevin Lundell, Peter Fuller, and and 56 total points. Corben also had a of the season to qualify. Swimming in Newark, N.J. was the last member of team. Joyce totaled 81 individual points Mike Welter, sophomore's Chris fine rookie season. He finished with a the 200 Free Relay, his leg time was the women's team to qualify for cham- with five first place finishes. It was the Drawbaugh, and Steve Ferrara, and total of 47 points. good enough to quality him. pionships. She qualified on her back- highest total by any first-year swim- freshman Pain, Scot Hoover, andAaron Qualifiedswimmerscan swim in 3 Karen Alexander was the only in- stroke leg of the Medley Relay. The mer. Corbett all qualified. events plus relays at the conference dividual winner against Washington for other swirruners already qualified for Jacoby was the women's third Fuller led all male swimmers with championships. The Championships the women. She won the 200 Back- nationals on the women's side were, highest point getter with 56. She 87 total points. Welter was right behind will start at noon on Friday the 23. Speers wins heavyweight title Senior wrestler pins way to Conference Championship STUDY ABROAD By JOHN MANARD Speers opened up with a pin ot._..£lemming al190 also.finished sec: Assiuant Spons Editor Johns Hopkins' Phil Kim in the ond. IN GERMANY Ted Speers had not wrestled in quarterfinals. Freshman John Wert at 126, a match all year due to an injury. In the semifinals Speers upset Josh Ellin at 134 and sophomore Last Saturday, the senior wrestler defending champion Brandon Steve Smiddy at 142 won their at the newest U,\;lS WIIIIII[\ not only competed he won, and Reeme of Gettysburg. consolation matches to finish third. won big. He then pinned Phil Kim of The wrestlers will now get Speers pinned all three wres- Muhlenberg in I :05 for the title. ready for the NCAA Division III UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND tlers he faced in the Centennial The Green Terror finished third East Regionals to be held at Conference Championships at in team scoring with 71 points. Gettysburg College. The ten UNIVERSITY COLLEGE Ursinus on the way to being named Ursinus won the team title. weight class winners and seven Outstanding Wrestler of the Tour- Rick Estes finished second at wild card wrestlers will advance to at Sehwabisch Gmiind nament. It was his second heavy- 177 pounds for the Green Terror. the Division III championship tour- ------~,~~=~----- weight title in wrestling. Phil Simmerer at 167 and Joe nament in March. Student earns Division honors UMUC/SG is the only full residential college Green Terror qudrterbackfinishes tenth in total offense campus of a major American university located in the heart. of Europe! Western Maryla~d C~ilege Ference XCC) . first-team honors in III. With sophomore Wyatt Lowe quarterback Brian Van ~eusen~of 1995~, and fini~~e4.5e~pri~ in the of Seaford, Delaware throwing for •Semester. and year abroad opportunities Columbia, Maryland finished tenth balloting for CC Offensive Player, 62 'yards during the season, the in total offense t~is.;seasq.n·i.~ ·oUheYear. ~ '. '"'~ Green Terror compiled 2,450 ·Qasses-taught'ih English at our spacious NCAA Division III, according too" Based largely on Van Deusen's yards through the air for an aver- campus'near ,Stuttgart' . '.,', final statistics releasea-:recently by- "I' efforts, the Western Maryland ~~s's- age of 245.0 per game. •In-state ;tuitim:rfpr'~ry'an~ res}~ents the NCAA. ,.:..!:~ ing offense ranked 16th in Diyision Contributed by Sports lnfotmation •Scholarships awarded based on • academic merit and financial need -Oncampus housing guaranteed for , 'allstudents'. .... , 'c., .•'•. .~~--~.~~=~..~.~~- al •Integllltion · internship ?p~~unit!es Fot:.",oreJnfonnq~o" f1nd'ajree ,f. .?; videotape, ,coiltact.,w;ot0dtw/", .. " . a. j :1 ~.-" .'", :'1, .~ :.r!.>:> cr 1 " •... ,'{ ll/';f'~- .' ,'() ., attempts . UriiversityorMatyland·Univ~l.'SityCollege~'Y"iJ _ ... , "'i>" -::1:., j, cernag'e' tlntemari~IP.rograms(AP);:~·~~, :~1.!r,.):,:t.. (7,239), touchdown passes (51), • University Blvd. at Adelphi Rd. \;~":I';):;C~) ~ . '. : ,.,'" , 1·CoI1e&eP.ark.-MD20742-.1§44' , ...~. total pla~s (~:.~~5):,~?tal ya~d~ :1' , \." .\> • ,..'\c, -I" t·· . ' •. i ~b30l..9s,s..7442 ·~~':",,,,n .1':>l>~1~. 'i~.":\ ,9 r, . ,-:"", iFax:301-98S-79S9·..-::'~; I.Jt;'~'.1" .. ,' ;~i)'''';.'~:H _ . __:(' f ! ~Jh~:;~~~;).toufh~owns re~pon- ,I' Se~rdr 'ql;JI't;rb~ck B~{an fan ~f~~~.n di:bAf back in a game,fron;/~;;f1!.IJ:;' r .&~I:.aroac:b@noYa.umuc.edU·\~UT ;...,~ ~rI:JU,..;: t·" . !'''.JI;·I~~~~<:!.''~·U He earned AU-Centennial Con- Van Deusenfinished tenth in the nat/on 1n1otal yardage.
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