Page 113 - ThePhoenix1995-96
P. 113
cmeR Ti100r S r» >'ts Front page .. . 20 Terror Scoreboard 17 Lopez.. . 18 "Off the beaten track" with John Manard 16 Volume XIV, Number 8 Western Maryland College Ticket sales sell hot Intruders provoke instatement as concert nears of 24-hour lockdown policy Deep Blue Something's on their way Carrying keys at all times is now a must at WMC By CAMERON SI'EIR know the band." This year, how- StajfWriler ever, 300 tickets have already been On Thursday, March 7 Western sold. Bermel says "we would like Maryland College will welcome to sell about 400 tickets to students Deep Blue Something, the Texas- and another 150 off-campus. But based band whose single "Break- at this point we're very happy be- fast at Tiffany's" is receiving a loi cause the concert has already bro- of airplay across the country. ken even." The band's visit is a result of an The concert is being aggres- almost year-long effort by the Cam- sively promoted. WGRX and other pus Concert Committee (CCC), a radio stations are announcing the ~ 'CAPBoard organization. The com- concert and posters are up at area mittee originally drew up a list of colleges like Loyola and Mourn St. possible bands that could be sched- Mary's. Also WGRX is doing a uled for ten thousand dollars or less promotion from WMC and will be last November and followed up here on the night of the concert. with a student survey 10 decide 'The school also reached an agree- which band to invite. ment with Record and Tape Trad- According to Sherri Bermel, ers to sell tickets off campus. CCC chairperson, the Presidents of According to Bermel, the CCC the USA were the students' First started with a budget of $10,000. choice. Unfortunately, the band The cost of the concert, including cost more than the school was able sound, lights, stage and the band, to pay. Deep Blue Something was has already exceeded that. How- another popular choice and they ever, strong ticket sales have al- seemed eager 10 perform in a small lowed the committee to recoup the Students must now use keys to enter residence hall buildings at any time of the day. The decision to instate the college atmosphere. money. 24-hour lockdown was caused by trespassers in Blanche Ward Hall February 12, 1996. Last year's concert, Soul Bermel says the fact that a na- Coughing and Angry Salad, had a tionally known band is playing will By SARAH SNELl, turned to campus within an half Diggs allegedly was originally very"disappointing turnout. Bermel attract students and is responsible SMjfWriler hour and were on the second floor on campus to attend the Black Stu- says this is because students "didn't Continued on Page 6 A Westminster man was ar- in Blanche Ward Hall, where the dent Union party in the Pub, Webster reside, said. is a black said. Prospective RAs rested by Westminster city police Phi Delts to get the group brothers Webster to medium Diggs 6' I", with a at I a.m. on the morning male, approximately of Satur- About 30 of the fraternity day, February build, II at Western Mary- 10 leave thin attempted and short compete for job land College, according to Direc- and called Campus Safety. black hair, a memo from DoCS Safety Mike Campus of that he was read. Diggs threatened tor Webster. carrying a weapon, but none was Barnes said that Diggs said he By AMY HANNA terested were required to attend Kenneth Diggs, 27, was ar- discovered on him when he was was attempting to visit an acquain- Sro.jf Wriler one of the sessions and apply. rested and charged with trespass- arrested, Webster said. tance on the second floor of That time of year has roiled· Letters were also sentto faculty, ing and assault and battery, Webster "It took three campus safety Blanche. around again when Residence Life staff, and student organizations said. He was detained at the Carroll officers to subdue him," Webster According to a memorandum searches for residence assistants to asking for RA nominations. These County Detention Center until he said. The Campus Safety officers distributed through campus mail by fill dormitories for the upcoming nominations, due on January 22, posted his full bail of $2,000 the that responded were David Root, Dean Philip Sayre, this occurrence school year. were to be based on character and same day as his arrest, according Dominic DiMartino, Wayne Short, sped up the plans to instigate a 24 Makeba Clay, RA Selection according to Residence Life guide- to the Carroll County Detention Will Millman, and Supervisor of Continued on page 6 Committee Chairperson, advised, lines. Center. His trial is pending. Diggs Campus Safety Chris Collins. Of- "We are looking for dedicated Overall, there are about 20 ap- was believed to be under the influ- ficers did resort to pepper mace in Inside people-interested in helpi~g others plicants this year for RA positions. ence of alcohol at the time of his the attempt to control Diggs, The Soapbox 3 and to contribute in building a col- These candidates will replace this arrest, Webster said. Lieutenant Webster said. lege community in which students year's graduating and/or resigning Randy Barnes of the Westminster Westminster city police officers Model UN 5 feel a part of; this should help the RA's. Next year's RA count will city police confirmed this. who responded were Corporal Disharoon Marries 6 Diggs was first reported by an David Hooper, Sergeant Keith students feel more connected." total21. Indian Lacrosse 9 During the final part of last se- "RA selection sets the ground- unnamed residence assistant mak- Sautter, Pfc. Ronald Gamer, and Leap Year 10 rnester and the beginning of this work for the entire next year. A lot ing loud noises outside of Sergeant Steve Shatzer, who is with Josh Foster 12 one interest sessions were offered of time and effort are put into the Whiteford Hall. Campus Safety the canine unit, according to to give students the opportunit~ to selection of good RA's," explained officers asked him to leave and, Bames. Todd & Bob Show 13 gain information about the quahfi- Scot Kane, Director of Residence with the help of Westminster po- According 10 Webster, all Cam- Easy Gourmet 15 cations and responsibilities of be- Life. lice, escorted him off Campus pus Safety officers are certified in Women's B-balJ 19 ing an RA. In order to be cons~d- The next step in RA selection around 12:30 a.m., Webster said. crisis intervention, pressure point Front Page Sports 20 Diggs and about 14 others re- control tactics, and pepper mace. ered for the pOSition, students 10- Continued on page 9
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